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The Issue of Misandry – 21st Century Social Conspiracy

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posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by LightOrange
Well, in my experience -- and I have a pretty massive group of aquaintances -- women rarely get engaged in political discussions and will physically leave the area when it starts going on.

In the given scenario with 10 and 10 even split, I would typically find myself and 2 or 3 other men at the end of it talking politics.

Im not knocking your experience but i dont think you can apply it to the rest of america/western society.

Hence why I offered it up as an experiment

so, you're seriously suggesting that depending on what genitals you were born with, your interest in politics can be determined?

Are you seriously suggesting that it's impossible to notice interest tendencies between genders?

You think there are equal amounts of women that like car parts, violent sports, and online video games as there are men?

You think there are equal amounts of men who like shoes, cosmetics, and scented candles as there are women?

I'm sorry, but trying to say that women are as interested in politics as men are, generally, is like trying to tell me that just as many women play World of Warcraft as men.
edit on 10-8-2013 by LightOrange because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by LightOrange

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by LightOrange
Well, in my experience -- and I have a pretty massive group of aquaintances -- women rarely get engaged in political discussions and will physically leave the area when it starts going on.

In the given scenario with 10 and 10 even split, I would typically find myself and 2 or 3 other men at the end of it talking politics.

Im not knocking your experience but i dont think you can apply it to the rest of america/western society.

Hence why I offered it up as an experiment

so, you're seriously suggesting that depending on what genitals you were born with, your interest in politics can be determined?

Are you seriously suggesting that it's impossible to notice interest tendencies between genders?

You think there are equal amounts of women that like car parts, violent sports, and online video games as there are men?

You think there are equal amounts of men who like shoes, cosmetics, and scented candles as there are women?

I'm sorry, but trying to say that women are as interested in politics as men are, generally, is like trying to tell me that just as many women play World of Warcraft as men.
edit on 10-8-2013 by LightOrange because: (no reason given)

Politics is a governing body of each society, sideline interests such as car parts and cosmetics are not. There is a fundamental difference here.

And im a lass, i play wow. Until i can afford a new custom built gaming computer... Then im off to play Star Wars

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

Oh great; you play WoW?

Tell me, how many girls have you met on WoW? How many boys?

I sure hope it's 50/50 or you're sexist for noticing the tendencies.

It doesn't matter if politics is the governance of everything in your day to day life; if you look around you'll see that the vast majority of people aren't involved/interested in politics at all, and women tend to be less interested than men.
edit on 12-8-2013 by LightOrange because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 06:35 AM
Interesting article in Macleans a few weeks ago that I just got around to reading:

A soft-spoken man in his late 50s, Silverman was inspired to start his shelter after leaving his own wife, who he claimed abused him physically and emotionally during their 20-year marriage, but he was unable to find a shelter that would admit him. In March, Silverman had closed his shelter, sold his home and filed for bankruptcy. On April 27 his body was found, along with a four-page suicide note—in which he allegedly blamed the federal and provincial governments for indifference toward the suffering of men.

“That note was his final attempt to get his story on the record,” says Karen Straughan, an Edmonton-based writer, activist and friend of Silverman’s. “During his life, he was always silenced, so I think this was one last, desperate attempt to be heard.”

It's entitled Angry Young Men. Much more in depth in the article. It is well worth the read to understand men's point of view today.

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 05:09 PM
There is a huge piece of the puzzle missing here, and I notice it in all these types of threads.

No one seems to understand why stereotypical male and female roles are created and propagandized, nor why "the family" is so important.

I will tell you why - it is so the Fascist Capitalist Overlords can make money off of your back.

Man is the big strong macho bread winner? What this means is - men are forced to work so that the overlords can exploit their labor and make money off of their backs.

Women are caring nurturers who love babies and home making? What this means is - breed more Serfs. Which shall be consumers, labor, and cannon fodder for The Overlords to exploit.

Women who are 'home makers' indeed do work - for The State. Unpaid labor for The Overlords, minding their next round of exploitable Serfs.

DO NOT FALL FOR THE PROPAGANDA. Which includes religion which is the original template for exploitative Capitalism. ALL religion is FALSE. And "they" know it too.

Consider this - if gender roles and 'family values' were true - WHY do they have to be preached all the time? Because this is actually false and must be Propagandized to brain wash people.

The idea of incompetent men on TV shows? This is Anti Feminist rhetoric designed to make women believe they have "power" in their own house, that that's where their true power lies, it is designed to lure women into domesticity and breeding.

In the same way - men who are told that they are Macho, the King of the Castle, big strong hard working man - this is designed to get the man to work for the Overlords, it is an appeal to ego, the same as the aforementioned.

Another way this is done is to give a worker an over blown "title". Appeal to ego. Oh, you're the gas station Manager? You ain't nothing but a peon to be exploited but if you are stupid - you'll fall for the flattery and they can keep exploiting you.

All of these things boil down to MONEY. It's ALL social engineering to get you to breed and consume which enriches the Overlords.

It's pretty blatantly obvious if you think about it.

The smartest thing you can do is to not fall for any of it. And if you are able - DO NOT BREED. That is what the Overlords want - more Serfs to exploit. That's what ALL of their Propaganda comes down to. This is the desired result.

Why do you think they're against abortion? Surely you don't think they care, do you? Don't be silly. They simply want MORE BODIES. Notice how they're now against birth control too. That's the dead giveaway. And this is also why they're against Gays - because gays do not reproduce. They couldn't care less what you're doing in the bedroom - it's the BODIES they want, period.

More and more people are going Child Free. And this terrifies them. This is the best way to starve these exploitative fat cats out - do not give them what they want.

Misandry isn't the problem. That's a red herring. What they're really telling you is - men need to go back to being Bread Winners so we can exploit their labor and the consumers they will provide if they conform to the family model.


Male and Female alike need Feminism, because the Feminists figured it out sooner than the rest of us. Even more interesting is Marxist Feminism which goes into more detail along the lines of what I said here - about how people are shunted into roles and forced to breed for the Capitalist Overlords.

The best thing you can do is - first of all - do NOT believe ANY religion. It's all a lie meant to control you. Do not listen to all this Happy Family crap - it is a LIE and is designed to put you into a breeding pen.

If the "family lifestyle" were so great - WHY do they have to constantly promote it? Because the reality is that it sucks. If it were truly great - it would be self evident and need no promotion - at all.

Anything that's constantly promoted and harped on - including dragging religion into it - from that angle alone - you know it's for someone else's benefit, not yours.

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