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The Issue of Misandry – 21st Century Social Conspiracy

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posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Expat888

Quite interestng and accurate observations -
divorce laws in western countries are definetly biased in womens favor ( from experience 3 of my 13 ex wives were american and in two of the divorces got royally ****** by the system there .. )

Whoa! Back up! THIRTEEN EX-WIVES??? What the hell man?

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok

90% of all male sexual assault goes unreported, partially because society has pressured men in certain ways to be ashamed of such things. There are virtually NO help groups or anything for men who suffer sexual abuse.

Other than by another guy....can a guy really BE sexually assaulted?

I mean, even if a monstrous gal were able to have her way with me, I'd likely chalk it up as eh?

I'd likely change the details of the story though....

It can be truly monstrous what some people will do to those of diminished mental capacity. Taking advantage of vulnerable adults is something that happens in direct care facilities. Some disgusting humans do quite a lot of horrible things to others when they do not believe they will be caught. Men and women are both culpable in this regard.

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird
reply to post by FyreByrd

I would say that 85% of pregnancies are not planned and/or not wanted. The example you give is specific and donesn't apply. The facts (facts) are that women carry the child and are RESPONSIBLE for it for twenty years into the future. Not that men shouldn't have the same level of responsiblitity - the fact is they don't.

Throughout history - men have 'sown their seed' and then just left the woman to fend for herself and her child on her own and our modern society is no different. Marriage (for the upper classes) was supposed to address this issue through complex kinship resonsiblity rules and more but it never was meant for everyday people.

When it comes to day-to-day life - women always have to make the decisions about having and caring for a child. It an ideal world both parents would be involved throughout the life of a child but it is not the case for the majority and thinking it is does a huge disservice to children everywhere.

I think females have learned not to sleep willy nilly with every guy that passes buy. The courtship or matting rituals which they all go thorough were not invented by the upper classes a few years ago, this whole thing goes back to cavemen times, for females its pretty much ingrained in there genes. In fact emulating a subdivision in a social network ie (the upper classes) is what may have lead to the problems to begin with. People seemed to have been doing just fine for the thousands of years before marriage was invented, so why does it all fail so much now? Let me give you a clue. Your trying to fit the square piece into the triangle hole here. Devolution indeed.

I was speaking of formal Marriage contracts - not informal courtship and, so called, common law marriage - in which there are no protecttions for children whatsoever and no 'Mores' nor 'Norns' to protect families either.

Please read what I wrote not what you believe I wrote.

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by Expat888

Quite interestng and accurate observations -
divorce laws in western countries are definetly biased in womens favor ( from experience 3 of my 13 ex wives were american and in two of the divorces got royally ****** by the system there .. )

Whoa! Back up! THIRTEEN EX-WIVES??? What the hell man?
thats how many had over the last 42 years .. am glutton for punishment ... some things just not meant to be Ive had terrible luck with wives .. one day will get lucky and find a keeper .. just turned 70 this year ..
edit on 28/6/13 by Expat888 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by Expat888

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by Expat888

Quite interestng and accurate observations -
divorce laws in western countries are definetly biased in womens favor ( from experience 3 of my 13 ex wives were american and in two of the divorces got royally ****** by the system there .. )

Whoa! Back up! THIRTEEN EX-WIVES??? What the hell man?
thats how many had over the last 42 years .. am glutton for punishment ... some things just not meant to be Ive had terrible luck with wives .. one day will get lucky and find a keeper

There is one thing each of your thirteen failed marriages had in common. Something to think about.

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Expat888
Quite interestng and accurate observations -
divorce laws in western countries are definetly biased in womens favor ( from experience 3 of my 13 ex wives were american and in two of the divorces got royally ****** by the system there .. )

cant say on television and movies or advertising as havent watched television since 80 .. nearly as long since watched a movie ..

not surprised in the least with how the feminest movement has been over there that things are now stacked greatly in womens favour ...

maybe - ( extremely long shot ) people will realise all are equal and end the idiocy that leads only to further disparity and discrimination between genders .. ( among other problems created by political correctness over there .. )

You are taking marriage & divorce completely out of context - the laws are written to the advanage of children. An example - during world war two many GIs, overseas & fighting, chose (CHOSE) not to send any money home to their families. This was a time when generaly women stayed home and took care of the household. True many - mostly young and without familes - worked, but the majority were homemakers. The military had to step in and force these soldiers to send home part of their meager pay home to their families.

The laws are written in such a way and to avoid this common (not universal) attitude of men towards the well-being of the people they supposedly chose to take care of without regard to their own selfish (and often childish) wants.

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by MichaelPMaccabee
8 of the 13 cheated on me .. 3 was due to work keeping me away from home 11 - 18 months at a time .. the other 2 thought I was a walking atm ..

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 10:07 AM
While I've been noticing a trend in misandry as a whole (so I agree with your post); I disagree with some of your examples. 'King of Queens' doesn't show a weak man, it just shows a certain type of relationship. There are as many roles as there are people. It doesn't have to be like 'Leave it to Beaver' ... just like the 2 1/2 men show, shows a wimpy father who has custody, his brother who is classical 'bad boy', and a strong matriarch. 'Arrested Development' also has a mix of weak and strong of both sexes. 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' could be seen as a man's show or show him as a weak man, depending on how you view it.

Also remember, shows are caricatures of society ... if it is too realistic, it would be too bland for entertainment purposes.

While on other forums; I've seen some very aggressive misandry, some who call anyone who disagrees with them a misogynist. They perpetrate that all men are bad; every man shouldn't be trusted, they'll probably rape you; and some quite side-topic things that basically say men should have no rights or say, if it involves a woman at all.

Look at how they've changed the societal view of male attractiveness ... in the 80s, men with chest hair was sexy. Move to the 90s and you have mostly jokes and 'ewws' and face cringes that mention anything about body hair. Men are now 'supposed' to be hairless. They need to always be clean shaven and body waxed to be 'sexy'. Beards and chest hair used to be 'the' thing with respect to masculinity in the past. I'm surprised 'muscle' bound men are still not shunned. Skinny, hairless, submissive, tidy, good little boys are becoming the media norm slowly.

You could argue that there has been an unrealistic ideal for women, but that itself is a recent media invention around the 'twiggy' era, and a lot of men don't prefer that (men, not boys). If you look back prior to that, we have Monroe, who was soft and very famous for it, and I agree, the super skinny crap needs to go.

I've always been for women's rights ... and if I were to be honest with myself, I probably have slight misandry tendancies (who knows, a suppressed incident? :p); but when I'm faced with intense misandry, it makes me step back and push back against it.

As I type this, a great example of how misandry is ignored in our society is the word isn't even recognized by spell check!!! Of course misogyny is >

The twilight 'meme' is a great example of the double standard. It is real and is in our courts. Look at the sentences women who 'interact' with underage boys vs men with girls. The fact that women get custody most of the time + a huge child support with limited visitation rights. How about no child support and you split custody (6mos 6 mos? 1 mo alternating?)? Seems spending time with both parents, more than a few hours on the weekend is healthier than what we have in place.

I was warned by my parents when I was young, because they could see the way things were going, to be extremely careful around women. I'm very passive because I don't want to risk being misinterpreted. I never made moves because women have all the power, and with lies can ruin your life ... and it just isn't worth it. That said, most of my friends in life have been women, but platonic. My wife initiated with me, or it probably never would've happened.

It isn't 'equal' rights ... it is skewed towards women's superiority, more and more each decade. Are there still areas women's rights need champions? Yes. But there are areas where men are treated as scum ... with a generalized all encompassing brush. We can't do anything about it either, without being labeled as misogynists.

I'm all for women being strong, confident, and equal. I'm not for women being superior.

Men and women should be equal but different. Recognizing the strengths and weakness that are biological/natural of the sexes and using them to the advantage of our cooperation and betterment of our species.

It is a shame our society can't do anything in moderation and has a lustful desire to compete on things we should work together with. The world may be a stage, but we don't need to battle like the team we are on has to win a game. That goes for gender, politics, nationalism, race, religion, sexual preference, etc. You can support your 'team' without demeaning the others ... because we are essentially all working together in the big picture. If you want to 'fight' for anything, fight for who can contribute more to a peaceful, happy society; who gives the most back to their neighbors and the world.

No, I'm not that optimistic. But in reality, once we change our paradigm from competition to cooperation; the world as a while gets better; and it starts with each one of us every day. This misandry and the leftover misogyny is toxic to humanity; just as racism, religious hate, and hate against who people want to marry.

Basically, all we really need is respect for each other.

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

The statistics there are all quoted from the link I gave with it.

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 03:21 PM
Was going to paste a list but due to permissions, it would be better to leave the link...Then in the process of doing that, lost majority of info, so...

Never mind.
edit on 28-6-2013 by ThreeBears because: Edit then deleted

better yet, She says it better than I could,

read if YOU DARE

That piece says it all, Right there.

[the Male Privilege List is included in the piece, link that is]

edit on 28-6-2013 by ThreeBears because: Addition

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by ThreeBears


Women's Privilege List

That crap works both ways my friend.

edit on 6/28/2013 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
reply to post by ThreeBears


Women's Privilege List

That crap works both ways my friend.

edit on 6/28/2013 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

exactly why I didn't bother with the re-edit,

This post Right here says it all. I don't need to say anything. Whatsoever,

Waste of time.

instead, I'll leave This article, about sums it up.

Link to make Privelge list IN the article if anyone interested
edit on 28-6-2013 by ThreeBears because: Edit addition

Another, Written by a MAN
edit on 28-6-2013 by ThreeBears because: Addition

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
reply to post by ThreeBears


Women's Privilege List

That crap works both ways my friend.

edit on 6/28/2013 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

Hey Tenth,
Your link is not working...


posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by AboveBoard

The censors caught the link.


Replace the star with an i.

edit on 6/28/2013 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

edit on 6/28/2013 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

edit on 6/28/2013 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 05:02 PM
Some of the men here need to chill and stop crying. I am probably a nightmare figure to many of you here because I am one of those physical blak man....

My point is that for generations maen and women have been grumbling and fussin with each other. All the media is trying to do is to boost rating by being HIP. Iti s not the end of the world. When ever anyone starts talking rubbish I let then run their mouth for a bit and then start to dismantle their arguments. I have heard rubbish spouted about women and also about men. I do not live in fear because it simply does not relate to my reality.

Some guys need to quite whinning and just man up.

I will remain a MAN. And guess what?? There are still many women that like manly men. And guess what else? Those that do not like men or need girly men well they can leave me the hell alone. I never wanted to make it with ever single woman on the planet anyway!

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by ThreeBears

reply to post by tothetenthpower

Oh, good! A pissing match! Just what a good discussion needs.

Truth is, both genders have advantages and disadvantages in our society. Are you really arguing about who has more and whose fault it is??? I'm sorry, that's just silly. We should all work toward equality and stop trying to make the opposite gender the "enemy".

If men are maligned in this society, keep in mind that overwhelmingly, men are in positions of power, in the government, in Hollywood and in Corporate America. So, if you want to complain to someone, talk to them.

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

No no, I was simply pointing out his list is as trivial as the one I posted in return. We can trade smacks on the head back and forth as much as we like. The disparity is on both sides that's true.

The problem, like I said in my OP, is that we treat Misogyny like it's one of the worst social evils of our time, discuss it constantly in our media and other places, yet Misandry gets swept under the rug, and any attempt to discuss it seriously ends in this kind of 'pissing match' as you so aptly put it.

I got the point across I think and I'll probably write another thread with the details and breakdown you mentioned, I think it would be good to see it in action in that sense. Thanks for giving that idea actually.


posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
reply to post by AboveBoard

The censors caught the link.


Replace the star with an i.

edit on 6/28/2013 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

edit on 6/28/2013 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

edit on 6/28/2013 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

LOL. Yea let's take a Good look at that list,

Here, just a couple...
Women are requested to consider whether they can answer "yes" to these questions:

1) People are likely to assume I am a warm and empathetic person. Truth, Wrong, more than likely you'll be judged Number one on you T & A, second your Age, third your face, etc., then Depending on THOSE traits, if old you immediately fall into the old Bitch hag, if not thin the fat lazy cow, if thin and pretty the Slut, and then Only if you Agree with whomever are you deemed warm, empathetic, Key word is AGREEABLE NO MIND OF YOUR OWN.

2) People are likely to assist me when I must perform a physically arduous task. Truth, Depends on the task and Again, what you Look like. And let's not forget, Usually there is an expected "gratitude payment" of some kind, and Some will Insist you implied, regardless. people are also likely to assist many Males in arduous tasks, etc but beer usually an acceptable thank's a mans thing, beer or food or cigars.

3) If my car breaks down or I am otherwise in distress, people will be more likely to stop and help me. Truth, maybe back in 1930, but now days, NO. What people are likely to do is honk and tell you to get off the road, or if you walk for help, call the insurance or one of those pre paid garage contract businesses, etc. or car tow company.

4) If I am being physically assaulted, no matter the gender of my assailant, it is more likely that passersby will intervene. Truth, Really, uh guess the Rape of the young woman in Canada I beleive just here last week or so while Everyone WATCHED must have escaped this list. if domestic, usually it's deemed "the bitch must have spdeserved it" and Maybe, someone will call the police...Very Rare that Anyone intervenes. In all fairness however, the same can be said if its a man being assaulted. if its female on female, usually not just is there no I terse tin, there is usually a mob group calling out, Cat Fight.

5) People are likely to assume I am a competent parent, unless and until I prove otherwise. Truth, wrong. People, WOMEN ESPECIALLY, will judge every little thing to show their Superiority over other women, after all, THAT'S the ONLY power the Inferior ones are allowed, the ole shrews in the hen house. Men by far only will commit IF something they see triggers something in their own life, etc., IF they are I serving or need to unleash their hate to all females based on their own ex, etc. On this I would say Women are the worst, policing other women, etc.

6) People are more likely to respect my right to be offended by inappropriate or impolite behavior. Truth, Really? So the terms Hysteria and Sensitive, uh Uptight, needs to get laid, etc etc etc., Don't sound like Respecting to me, does it to you?

7) If I yell, people are not likely to believe I am going to hurt them. Truth, This one is actually true, But, Why IS THAT? Do males who yell also use physical violence?

8) Dress codes in the workplace and in leisure contexts are more likely to allow me to choose clothing that emphasize my most attractive features and minimize those I am unhappy with. Truth, Really? That depends, where one works. service sector, standard uniform, office, most dont allow too sexy and in fact a womans "features" is used against her, or an excuse for that "implied sexual contact" etc

9) I am allowed by society to wear make-up to make myself more attractive without anyone questioning my sexual orientation. I am given a large social leeway in the kinds of hairstyles I can choose that will flatter my facial features. Truth, try NOT wearing make up, etc and being attractive and see how far that Gets a woman. It's not about being allowed, it's EXPECTED.

10) If I work in a profession that is dominated by the opposite gender, people are likely to see it as "heroic", or a sign of social progress, rather than that I am deficient in some way. Truth, to some degree, Except, YES she WILL be seen as not only Deficient BUT DEFECTIVE, what? You work as an Engineer, shouldn't you be at home making Babies? think this is outdated, Wrong, just couple of months one of the Top SCIENCE forums on FB when it was found the Owner was a FEMALE, a Young attractive female at that, SHOCK WAVES. Then CRITICISM, immediately.

I could go on, debunk every One of these and to be frank, they are GENDER "ROLE STEREOTYPES" Typical of yes, Misogynists and Patriarchal thinking.
edit on 28-6-2013 by ThreeBears because: Typos

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edit on Fri Jun 28 2013 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by ThreeBears

And there it is.

Call those who want to discuss the topic Misogynists. I'm not saying you called me that specifically, but that is the common practice. Hell I don't even consider myself an MRA and I get this stuff.


posted on Jun, 28 2013 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

Could you give me an example of differing opinions of sexism in the world? Because as far as i know its definition is "Prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination against someone based on their sex" Is there different definitions globally?

From you earlier conversation with another.

Why would i be scared of any thing feminine?

Good question, why are you scared of anything feminine? Maybe you just dont understand women and the basic fact that they are not second rate citizens who need to have a man's permission to live.

Refer to the japanese story again. Again my friends cousin had nothing making her go there with that guy all the way across the ocean, nobody was making her. And nobody stomped her when she left because she was not satisfied. And nobody will be stopping her when and if she changes her mind and go back, or decides to do any other thing she gets into her head. Literally she is just making a choice.

If all that happened here it would be probably termed in some sort of feminist lingo and spined in any number of ways, one of which that she was taken advantage of. But in another place its just normal behavior and nobody would think twice about it or care, in fact it happens in the states a lot also only its under a different model and pretext. Like I said the definition of sexism changes depending on were you are and who you ask. All of that is merely just a way certain people operate, the majority of which it just seems to be directly and completely about control. Yet they are all just choosing there own fate.

You have a definition that suits your ends, another female in another place and country would have a different definition that suits her ends. The Japanese would have a definitions that suits there ends, so would the Americans and the Germans and anybody else. It just seems to be semantics, because really nobody in a majority of cases is forcing anyone, they are all consciously and unconsciously making decisions and following through with that, ie the point of my story earlier. Now actual forced or even deceiving coercion is another thing altogether, however from what I seen the majority merely rationalist and act upon what there ends are, sometimes in some cases and yes you would be one, they have a sort of reverse psychology effect to reach there ends.

Its merely something that is prudent, and for some necessary both because of conditioning and because of nature.

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