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President Obama's Plan to Fix Climate Change is Fatally Flawed, Experts Say

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posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 09:32 AM
In a thread posted yesterday, regarding Obama's Climate plan the OP related his fears that this was further proof of an attempt to use climate change as a tool for global domination. I had this to say:

Originally posted by Kali74
I expect these are more empty promises. Too many voters last go around only voted for Obama because he wasn't Romney. Too many standard stock democrat voters are starting to wonder when the hell they ever shifted Right. Too many indie media outlets criticizing the dems in office, I think Obama is just rallying the base for midterms... if something toward actual addressing AGW induced climate change comes out of this, great... but I won't be holding my breath. I think he's just as sold out to 'dirty energy' and Corporate America as any other.

I came across this article and as soon as I finished reading it, I felt the need to share it with ATS, even if most here are part of, about the only thing I agreed with Obama's speech, the Flat Earth Society. Obama hasn't betrayed you flat earthers, he hasn't betrayed the energy cartels (not even coal), he hasn't betrayed capitalism, what he has done yet again is betray humanity, our children and grandchildren, he's betrayed science.

"It's amazing how little this all actually does," said Mark Jacobson, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford University. "In many ways, this makes things worse." Jacobson, who has spent years researching the link between air pollution and human health in the United States, points out that the White House's seemingly bold objective to curb carbon pollution by 3 billion metric tons by 2030 actually equates to cutting about one-fortieth of all pollution produced by the US energy sector each year. "The numbers are so trivial, it's almost like a gimmick," he said. Another part of the White House's plan, to increase the amount of renewable energy projects on federal lands enough to power 6 million homes by 2020, is "embarrassingly trivial," in a country of over 130 million housing units, said Jacobson.

The offer of $8 billion in loan guarantees also strikes Galperin and Jacobson as odd: the new White House plan also aims to cut some US subsidies for the fossil fuel industry. Citing figures from the International Energy Agency, the White House's climate change plan says that globally, the fossil fuel industry — which includes coal, oil, and gas production — receives $500 billion in subsidies each year. A "phase-out" of such subsidies, as the White House proposes, would lead to an estimated "10 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions below business as usual by 2050."

The article supports my reasoning that this 'plan' is really nothing more than lip service. So relax flat earthers, global domination won't come about as a result of trying to tackle climate change, it will come as a result of having done nothing at all or too little too late, after our food supply is devastated and coastal cities are flooding and it's too hot or too cold, too wet or too dry and we have to figure out places to migrate to in order to survive. There's your population control and your global dictatorship, your martial law and FEMA camps. Congrats geniuses.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 09:55 AM
So it not going to do that much so don't do anything at all huh? This so called expert needs to start looking at what the world is doing now. Nations like Germany, China and others are moving to cleaner power sources now not decades in the future. So his figures are off and thanks to the knuckle draggers America is falling behind once again. Besides anything that subsidies to the energy barons is a good thing.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 10:00 AM
Of course it's lip service. The amount of power Obama wields with his EOs is actually quite small. He can only so so much before he has to turn to Congress to get more things pushed through. I wouldn't expect much of a change in anyone's daily life. Maybe gas prices will increase a bit from the reduced subsidies (most likely as some sort of revenge for getting less subsidy money), but Americans will be able to go on with their lives like nothing has changed and won't have to get upset about anything disrupting their perfect little bubbles. A real solution would have caused disruption in many Americans' lives (like reduced usage of automobiles and such).

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 10:00 AM
Everything else he has done has been worthless, why would this be any different?

As long as people complain it cost too much, or its too hard, it won't happen. I was disgusted as locally the mayor tried to regulate green building codes and the contractors whined it wasn't feasible, blah blah. Build all new buildings from the ground up with the right insulation, the right windows, the right HVAC units, the right lighting, and solar capable and you make a start. Offer incentives for people buying old homes to finance in at closing a "green upgrade" that covers all the above.

Hell, people just don't need to be too damn lazy to turn off the light/tv/ps3/computer when not in the room and it would be a start.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 10:01 AM
The thing that amazes me is that our elected officials are charged with running our nation and they can't even do that successfully yet they suddenly become experts on everything when they go into office. I don't remember reading anywhere in the Constitution where it says the role of the executive branch or Commander in Chief is the act as an environmental scientist.

Perhaps Obama and the rest of the geniuses in DC should focus a lot more on what they are actually supposed to do and leave the intellectual matters to those that actually have some intellect.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by buster2010

Not so much that but recognizing that he and the media are touting this as major sweeping changes and it's practically nothing. This won't slow down anything, let alone change anything. The powerful words he used in his speech were accurate enough but his plan doesn't come anywhere close to matching his words.
edit on 26-6-2013 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 10:49 AM
Another way to divide the population and Obama is a grand master at this game.

We were starting to move a bit past the Republican and Democrat fight with the scandals that cover them both. Religion went like hell for the "Chosen One" after he had the ignorance to complain about Catholic school while standing in a nation 95% Catholic. (Oh...stupid runs strong in this one)

Since all that was fading and people being pissed off was NOT fading? Why not.....He had another card to pull, seemingly from his nether-regions for all the relevance it holds to the other *MAJOR *MAJOR* issues that mere mortal Presidents would be focused entirely on just to keep running smooth. Hell, we have Super-Pres though. Able to handle the largest issues of our nation's history ...not one at a time, but every last one of them at the SAME time. (Don't ask how well that's turning out on the back end for issues... That's someone else's fault of course)

Global Warming as a major policy push was all that was really missing. Oh.. and Abortion... He hasn't taken that one on head to head yet....but who knows what he's got planned when he returns from the wilds of Africa.

So this week it's the Skeptical vs. the "Flat Earth Society". Damn.... That's a prestigious club I count myself a member of with such idiots like the founder of the Weather Channel Network and Greenpeace. Pretty silly bunch of people in this "Flat Earth" group. Especially when facing such brilliance as our leading Scientist in Chief has on display. (He does have some background in science right? Anything? Maybe a few courses in college? Anything at all?)

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 01:29 PM

"It's amazing how little this all actually does

Is that right?

Pay attention to economy, and job rates, and unemployment rates then let's see 'how little it does'.
edit on 26-6-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by neo96

How little this does to curb emissions that cause warming that drive climate change.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 03:53 PM
There is no proof that emissions are causing climate change but it is possible, maybe even likely. There is proof that our oceans are being polluted and dying off as a direct result of man's pollution but none of out elected puppets are talking about that. Our forests are being destroyed(a CO2 sink) but they don't talk about that either. Out potable water supply is in jeopardy but again we never hear them talk about that, and those are much more immediate threats to our species, our planet than climate change.

I think the recent climate change proposals by Obama are nothing but a distraction from Snownden's whistleblowing.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 06:57 PM
I interpret this as a standard ruse by the Obama Administration.

I see two things happening and both involve money.

1. I see huge profits for the con artists involved in "delivering" the 'goods'.

2. I see massive unemployment in the targeted fields along with the sub-targets.

What I don't see is any real and genuine pollution cutting.

this is the latest "green" agenda.

"green" as in M-O-N-E-Y

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by neo96

How little this does to curb emissions that cause warming that drive climate change.

How little it does?


More from the 14-page memo’s “do’s and don’t’s” list: “Do inform audiences about the nature of the problem, who is at fault, and what can be done…Don’t debate the increase in electricity rates. Instead pivot to health & clean air message.” Another one says: “Do use ‘cutting carbon pollution from power plants’…Don’t use ‘regulations to control greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.’ ”

People should of skeptical of those trying downplaying it's significance as when government does something it is never 'little',

edit on 26-6-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

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