posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 01:16 PM
Good evening guys
Well to those of that had and took the time to be there for me yesterday my heartfelt thanks.
As a result of yesterdays events I thought it time to take out my box of memories and glance through it, you know the one, you pull it out
occasionally and go through ummmm your life I guess.
Mine has photo's that make me laugh, a few that bring a tear to my eye, some old love letters from a long lost girlfriend or two the odd dedication
in a book. And then I found a list. It was a list of 10 things 12 year me thought to be important, and when the list was ticked off my life would be
complete. I thought you might like to know what was on it
1: Drive a Lamborghini.................... Thanks to adoring wife Check
2: Jump out of an airplane .............Thanks to the IDF Check
3: Save a life..................................Thanks to being a lifegaurd and again the IDF check
4: Get married................................Check and check again
5: Be a dad ...................................Check check check
6: Beat up Simon............................Check (he was the school bully)
7: Kiss Samantha ..........................Check ( I still remember that)
8: Write a song...............................Check ( I never put any quality issues in there)
9: Have sex ...................................Check ( I never put any quality issues in there either)
10: Have a pet duck called George... No idea where that came from, but it's good to know my life is yet to be completed
Your life will be complete when ? The duck's mine