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I received the news today.....prostate cancer

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posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 12:16 PM
theres a canadian documentary called

run from the cure

its about an alternative cancer treatment

i need to be careful here with the ATS rules because the documentary mentions something we dont talk about here..

so im not LINKING it

but id say its worth a screening

its up on you tube, the doctor claims some surprising success with his inexpensive methods...

good luck and good health!

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 01:20 PM
Praying for you man! My dad had colon cancer and they did the radioactive implant on him and it totally put the smack down on it. He has been cancer free for about ten years now. I hope you get the same or better results from whatever treatment option that you choose to do.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Nucleardiver

Nucleardiver, Hang in there my friend...your youth and early diagnosis is WAY on your side!! My husband has had similar....bladder cancer dealy and he got the operation to remove the tumor plus the radiation packet. I know it's not the same, (prostarate cancer), but regardless...he's still here and kickin. He has told the VA he wants no further treatment because of his age and already had 2 by-passes and they aren't thrilled about doing much more to him anyhow but still....he keeps on keepin on. We just built a new screened in porch today in the Louisiana heat
and still goin strong. It scares me that it may be terminal for him eventually but maybe not....not good to be pessimistic as that can probably affect health from stress of it. I mention that word at times but never in front of him...and actually, with a new, healthy regimin we are trying...may beat it altogether.

Hugs and best of wishes and Blessings and as Cody said, I have a good feeling relevant to it all and that you will do fine in the scheme of things!

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 05:28 PM

I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and I know that there are lot of men out here that don't even give it a thought because it is considered an "old mans" disease. But you are absolutely right about getting screened and checked carefully.

There are several potential ways to treat this cancer, so stay open minded about treatments.

edit on 25-6-2013 by sharkman because: (no reason given)

Nucleardiver I sent a PM
edit on 25-6-2013 by sharkman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by Nucleardiver

Hey you should check out the threads here at ATS on Lipo C, apparently it works wonders.. especially for energy and stamina just a thought. wishing you well.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by Nucleardiver

My Dr checked my testosterone last week and the results came back that it was at 205 when it should be in the 700 range which he said is the reason for the severe lack of energy. He also did a complete CDC, Liver, and Kidney function as well as check my blood sugar with the fasting test and all came back excellent with the exception of my PSA which was 7.5, it should be around 2 for a 40 year old man. I will have to start testosterone therapy this week and he said it will improve but take a couple of months. So combined with my low testosterone and my extremely elevated PSA the Dr did more tests including a biopsy.

I'm so sorry to hear about this but at least you caught it in time.

As far as the testosterone goes, my husband too found out his was low -284- and he had tons of blood-work done and was given the okay for treatment.
[His PSA total was good]

So every 2 weeks I give him a shot in the hip.
[He still has to have his blood checked every 3 mos. It hasn't quite been 3 mos. yet so curious as to what it is now]
But he can tell a difference as far as him not being as tired and having more energy.
The main thing that the dr. was concerned about was keeping an eye on any mood changes or physical changes.

As far as you & your ex-wife, were you guys living near an area heavy with industrial plants or factories putting off a lot of pollution? Might can explain the coincidence possibly.

Wish you the best and take care~


P.S. All men need their PSA checked as well as testosterone........Low-T can cause a guy to feel like hell.
We were told the number should run in the range of 600-800 depending on age.
And the blood tests should be done before 9 A.M. due to the fact that that is when testosterone is at it's peak.
My husband usually goes around 8-8:30 A.M. to have the blood drawn.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by snarky412
I'm so sorry to hear about this but at least you caught it in time.

As far as you & your ex-wife, were you guys living near an area heavy with industrial plants or factories putting off a lot of pollution? Might can explain the coincidence possibly.

We lived in Central Florida and for about 8 years live in Crystal River about 10 miles from the nuke power plant there. I never gave it much thought since I was exposed to the possibility of radiation on a pretty regular basis for quite a few years and had to have an extremely thorough physical every year for work.

Hey you should check out the threads here at ATS on Lipo C, apparently it works wonders.. especially for energy and stamina just a thought. wishing you well.

My aunt owned a vitamin and supplement company for nearly 40 years, made and encapsulated her own products and is an Osteopathic Physician. She is almost 85 now and is retired and sold her company several years ago. I spoke to her last night and she is sending me a bunch of stuff to start taking along with some reading materials.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by Nucleardiver

We lived in Central Florida and for about 8 years live in Crystal River about 10 miles from the nuke power plant there. I never gave it much thought since I was exposed to the possibility of radiation on a pretty regular basis for quite a few years and had to have an extremely thorough physical every year for work.

Oh wow......

I wonder how high the cancer rate is around there?

I believe you'll be okay.
And I sure hope your ex pulls through too.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 10:06 PM
My Mom just beat non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with a non-chemo treatment called Rituxan infusions. Next to no side effects except fatigue. 3big tutors gone with 5 months.

I'm very sorry to read about your diagnosis. I'm 44 and couldn't imagine it. Please learn about GMO's and avoid them in your food, stay away from fluoridated water. These poisons are causing widespread cancers in so many people. Also avoid seafood of any kind period. Do research on Fukushima Disaster and you come to learn that the entire Pacific Ocean and even the Atlantic is contaminated with radioactive isotopes. He'll, even a lot of states on the west coast have cesium and strontium showing up in their leafy vegetables. We have such a bleak future with how our government has the Lamestream media hide it all from us. Do your own research into the subjects, plenty of info and videos on the web from doctors, scientists and whistleblowers to validate my claims. Not to mention Chemtrails that are spraying aluminum nano-particles and barium salts that go right through our skin. Sorry, don't mean to be a Debbie downer to anyone reading this. But the truth is getting out and millions are waking up. The sheeple have to wake themselves up. Think I'm a kook, that's fine, but then go do your own research with an open mind and you'll be blown away, just like I was.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by PMNOrlando

We have never had city water with the exception of a couple of months, the rest of the time it was well water with a filter and a large majority of the time I would only drink distilled water. We have also eaten very little in the way of processed foods, had family that raised cattle and pigs and we raised chickens and got our veggies either from our garden or the local farmers market and this has been for the last 8 years.

Now we live on a decent sized farm and for the last 2 years grow and raise literally 75-80% of our food. Beef, Lamb, Chickens, and a large garden. Our food source is also supplemented with game animals such as deer, elk, pheasant, grouse, dove, wild turkey, and a small amount of duck and goose.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 10:53 PM
Sending thoughts and prayers your way for a full recovery.

Best of luck and keep us posted.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Nucleardiver

have you ever heard of dr simoncelli or royal rife worth looking into good luck and best wishes

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 11:34 PM
I am a prostate cancer survivor. It's ten years, now. I was diagnosed when I was about 51 years old, still quite young to get it. There were many options for treatment at that time and there are many more now. My suggestions:
1) Don't rush the decision as to a method of treatment. Do your research. In your case a month or two of research won't cause the disease to progress much at all. (I'm not a doctor so take that for what it's worth.)
2) There are many options. Look for those with good statistical cure rates. There are really two things to look for: First, does the treatment cure the cancer. Second, and very important, are the side effects. Many treatments have a high statistical probability of leaving you incontinent or impotent. LOOK CAREFULLY.
3) Avoid treatments you may find that claim success based solely on anecdotal accounts. Look for statistically proven efficacy. The danger is not so much in these treatments as it is in the time and resources lost before finding one that works.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by uwascallywabbit
theres a canadian documentary called

run from the cure

its about an alternative cancer treatment

i need to be careful here with the ATS rules because the documentary mentions something we dont talk about here..

so im not LINKING it

but id say its worth a screening

its up on you tube, the doctor claims some surprising success with his inexpensive methods...

good luck and good health!

I was just going to mention that and you beat me to it, thank you. If you can get hold of some or make it your self you can cure you and your ex.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 07:04 AM
My sister lives in tucson AZ & she sez every guy she knows
Over 55 has some form of colon cancer

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by blackz28

My Dr said that 80% of men over the age of 60 has some form of PC, however even in that age it is very treatable. He said it is those that develop it at a much younger age that are at higher risk of things being bad for them.

He also said there has been an increase in the percentage of younger men being diagnosed with either PC or BPH. IMO it really points to environmental factors causing younger men to develop PC and BPH.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by Nucleardiver
reply to post by blackz28

He also said there has been an increase in the percentage of younger men being diagnosed with either PC or BPH. IMO it really points to environmental factors causing younger men to develop PC and BPH.
The reason that more younger men are being discovered to have PC is not that they are getting it earlier. It's that the PC is being found sooner. That is directly attributable to the now routine screening for elevated PSA in blood tests for men over 40.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Nucleardiver

Hi, some suggestions to look into

1 Good book to download



4 Using Liposomal Vitamin C

As a sufferer of prostate issues myself I have been studying this for a bout 6 months, I think one of the best changes to implement is to build up the alkalinity of the body as cancer seems to thrive in acidic environments

good luck

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by TheConstruKctionofLight

Yeah I've been somewhat aware of the relationship between acidity and poor health for a little while now and try to keep my PH in balance. That's one thing my aunt was telling me about, she uses and used to teach a system designed by a man named Dr Reams(?) or Barnes(?) that deals with the correlation between acidity and illness. I'm not certain of his name ATM and can't look it up rightoday. I came home from the Dr today and we have a catastrophic power failure so I'm posting from my phone while taking a break from repairs. One of my wind turbines was struck by lightning and we may be out of power for a while until I can get my converter repaired. I will post some info on him tonight when I get our power back up.

posted on Jun, 26 2013 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by Nucleardiver
I thought testosterone would mess up your prostrate and make it enlarge.

There is a lot here at ATS in regard to treating curing cancer.

Good Luck!

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