posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 12:58 PM
For much of their lives, we weren't able to see my wife's kids (my stepkids, their father passed away young). It's a LONG story, but suffice to
say, the system sucks, and the agency involved is all powerful and has Gestapo like powers.....
Anyhoo....her son is 18, and her daughter is 19. My stepson came to live with us a couple months back, and it's been great getting to know him. He
was basically kicked out from where he was, at 18, so for him, not much of a choice. Either the street, or of course take us up on the offer. My wife
would never let her kids be on the street though, of course, and we looked forward to the chance to get to know him, and become the family we never
could before.
It had its challenges, but I think he's adjusting well. During this same time, his sister had basically cut off all contact from the whole family,
but after seeing how he was adjusting, she reached out (responding to our reach out), and she's been coming to the ranch for visits. Slowly but
surely, they're getting to know us from something other than a piece of paper. (and realizing a lot of what they were told were just out and out
lies). I mean, they kind of had that inkling anyhow, but we both think the best way is for them to just see for themselves...and get to know us with
their heart.
Now, she's decided to take us up on the same offer, to live here. She just wants to line up a job up here first, so that's cool. We told her she's
welcome any time. Luckily, we have the room (just have to give up a craft room), so they can have their own rooms and all, of course.
Most dread their kids coming back home as adults, but we're glad we finally get the chance to be a family again. They both tell us how happy the
visits have made them. They realize how much we all have in common, and we're all just excited to begin this whole new chapter. Reading their
facebook posts has brought me to tears more times than I can count. How they feel like some gaps are now being filled and feel more complete. Just too
cool for words really.