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'Smart pill' - Do you swallow?

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posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 12:05 PM
I use paper and pen/pencil. I don't use very many, but it sure helps for the ones I do.

Technology doesn't necessarily make us dumber. It encourages us to get smarter with how we use our time. So instead of doing a mundane task, the computer can do it for us, but we're supposed to aim for a higher pursuit. If we don't aim higher, the computer IS making us dumber. It's the same thing with low-skill immigrants. They're only taking our jobs if we: a) fail to compete with them on lower-skill jobs b) fail to pursue higher education for higher-skill jobs. End result is we have to keep tabs on our ability to better ourselves. If we're unable to attain higher things or beat technology at what it does then we've failed to meet life's demands.

People are afraid of being made "obsolete," but not all humans become obsolete. A lot of people are genuinely made better by technology because they pursue higher things or because they're better at doing what technology does. The people who fail will fight technology, but it's futile.

You have to do something that technology/low-skill immigrants/etc cannot do. That might even mean complimenting what they add with your own talents or learned skills.
edit on 24-6-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 12:21 PM
I thought this thread was going to be about modafinil or coffee. I didn't realize it was sort of like microchipping. My question is how do you know that we haven't already been given a pill like this? Make sure you take every last one of your antibiotics
What is really in that Big Mac.
edit on 24-6-2013 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by jonnywhite

Become an auditor. Technology will never be able to do what a human can consistently and accurately.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 12:30 PM
Well an excretable pill, isn't going to far... just to the sewage plant.

Big Furry Texan has a point though, when you go onto may different sites, with the intent of keeping some sort password security going; you quickly can end up with a stack of possible passwords to use.

Add in the complexity of passwords that some sites are adding...

Your password must contain at least 1 number and one symbol, and one uppercase letter, you may or may not be allowed to use two consecutive letters or sequential string of numbers or letters. Not to mention, Your password must be greater that 7 letters, numbers or symbols in length....

Oh and there are some sites that will not let you recycle older passwords you have used before....

I can't tell you the number of times I have had to reset my VA password due to my not visiting that site on a regular basis, not to mention the stupid password rules they use.

I do try to rotate my passwords on the 'short list' I keep in my head, but I will admit to not being that fanatical bout it unless I get sucked unwittingly into a 'fishing' Website or email.


posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
My question is how do you know that we haven't already been given a pill like this? Make sure you take every last one of your antibiotics
What is really in that Big Mac.

Well, just a number of reasons. The logic's the smallest part but you need more than that to make the system. The whole Proteus design involves the inevitable antenna, which is part of the capsule. Also, like any of these devices, it's NFC and uses magnetic fields to do its communication, which makes it an essentially contact device. You're going to have to rub your phone over your belly to make it go.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 01:33 PM
Does no one remember address books and planners?

So simple to write your passwords down, I got one and I use it and I recommend them. Afraid it'll be seen by a family member, lock your door. There is no need whatsoever for this pill.

When you said smart pill I thought it would be about a pill that instantly turns you into a Astrophysicist, now that would be something.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by StrangeTimez

I have NO PROBLEM with this. Because only when technology as we know it is taken to its limits will we realize that we have been barking up the wrong tree all along. So the quicker we get to this technological endgame, the sooner I believe we will have proof of non local consciousness, the spirit and similar alternative beliefs.

'Barking up the wrong tree'?
Would you be so kind to take a moment and give us some insight?


posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 01:44 PM
Here we go........more technological "advancements" that people think they need, which they really don't, and TPTB can use to monitor your life. Call me anti-technology, I'm really starting to think I am, but do people really need to swallow a pill that will remember their passwords and such? What the hell happened to Post-It notes stuck on the side of your monitor with your passwords written on them? Or better yet just remember the passwords, I probably have 15 different passwords for various things and they are stored in my brain. Unless a person has certain conditions its not that hard to remember them, it's called self discipline.

The problem is that people are becoming ever increasingly lazy and by doing so are becoming ever increasingly dependent on technology to do what they won't. I am seriously becoming more and more convinced with each passing day that technology will be the ultimate downfall of the human race. Sure it will be executed by tyrants seeking control over us, but our ever expanding "dependence" on technology will be the tool that the tyrants use.

The fact is that none of us should "depend" on technology for anything, at least not advanced technology. Sure we need electricity (I would actually argue against that too) and running water, but we have gotten to the point that we feel we need all this other crap to survive or live our lives. Truth is all this crap is largely responsible for why it is becoming increasingly harder to live our lives.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 01:46 PM

Dear silo13,

Applause on keeping an eye on the news and what is coming. This is not the mark. People who accept the mark will know that they are rejecting God, it will not be a trick, it will be a decision. I believe when it comes down to it, the mark will simply be a security measure for using money. In and of itself, not meaningful. Believers will know that it is a mark and refuse, the world will laugh at them. Why would you refuse a security measure because of some God that you don't even know exists for sure if it meant that you could not buy or sell? That will be how we are mocked.

Thank you for your kind reply.

So, you’re thinking is in alignment - this is not the mark - and the ‘mark’ will require a definite decision.

God - or no God...

I happen to share your viewpoint - to an extent. Then again - I believe the ‘mark’ will be so accessible, so incredible easy, so undeniable it will be accepted unknowingly by those who are not Christians. The devil having made himself a myth, and very very easy to subscribe to.

If this is not the mark - in your opinion - what do you think will be the ‘666‘ we‘ve heard so much about?

Thank you again -


posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by CranialSponge

I'll stick to my post-it notes that I have plastered all around the frame of my computer screen as reminders for my old fart brain.

Love it!

I moved from post it notes - to a book. Only because I have two kittens who're in training to be maniacs of the earth. They whip those post-it-notes ringing my monitor off as fast as I post them.

All humor aside... We know (now) 'they' are tracking EVERYTHING we do, say, type and even, almost, think. Are you in agreement with me this is the next step to control beyond control?


posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 03:10 PM
I suppose that I am hopelessly old-fashioned; I use a very complex and variegated password, with variations upon that base password used on all the sites I visit. Because of that, I often go to the various sites in a particular order.

(olde fart voice) "When I was a kid, we had to write the programming ourselves, and feed it inta a card reader, and we liked it that way!"

I guess I don't see an issue......... People will embrace technology, and others -- olde reptiles like me -- will not. I have a few tats, but a barcode password authentication is never going to be one of them.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 03:16 PM
yip do you swallow
that is the question on a lot of peoples lips

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by silo13

Yeah.. yeah, we already know... EVERYTHING is the mark of the beast to the deluded religious.

As horrible as the dreams some have of the future it comes no where near "gods" old testament shenanigans.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by silo13

Dear silo13,

666 is just a number, again in and of itself not meaningful. We are told that it is also the name of a man. In Hebrew letters are also numbers. If we add up the count of the persons name it will equal 666; but, many names equal the number also. It is possible that the number and name will be designed within the mark and we won't even know it. There was an article that came out recently about how programmers used to code their names and other things into games. We have also been told that scientists can program words into genetic codes.

If I may give a slightly different example of what I am saying. Revelations says that we will have a one world government. In and of itself there is nothing wrong with having international laws. In and of itself there is nothing wrong with having a worldwide standard for currencies. They are an indicator of the times that we will be in; but, they are not innately evil ideas, it is how they will be used.

How many times on this site have you seen people call for a world government? How many times have you read posts where people have said that they want to see an end to all religion? I have seen both many times.

I believe that a possible scenario would be that some sort of invisible (to the naked eye) tattoo that monitored your health could be used to verify your biometrics are actually yours and that you are in a healthy condition in order to access the internet and your funds. It will start with internet access as in the near future you will be given a individual IP address that follows you througout your life, this is already being done in one European country. Peace.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by argentus

I wouldn't need a smart pill to remember my passwords - they're all 1234546.
No wait...

The point I've so miserably failed in making? 'They' want to record everything, be in control of everything. Mark of the beast or no - what does it matter? (on some levels). The time is coming - and soon - for their dream to be realized. 'They' will have their golden apple. The electric money where down to the penny they can tax us, focus adds at us and best of all make sure we're not buying anything 'off the grid' with cash.

How this happens? No force. One way or another be it cell phones, IP addresses, chipped like animals for those emergency ER visits or a pill you can swallow to uncomplicated your life? It will happen.

Old farts or no? Will it happen in our lifetime? I believe so.

All that being said? Nothing's going to stop ‘it’. People are already aware. It's not like I'm bringing anything new to the boards. If the thread isn’t already a total loss, lol - at least someday (maybe) we'll be able to look back at all these type of threads and say 'What the hell were we thinking'!


posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by AQuestion

666 is just a number, again in and of itself not meaningful.

Here I would phrase it differently - but we’re saying the same thing.
666 - for me? it’s a concept more than a number making the number itself just a tag word for total control, unification, one world order, whatever word you chose to use - rife with religious overtones or not.

We have also been told that scientists can program words into genetic codes.

Soon as I’m done here I’m going to look up some of this info. It sounds very interesting. Thanks for adding that.

In and of itself there is nothing wrong with having a worldwide standard for currencies.

I’m to ignorant of economics to understand the ups and downs of this concept. What I do know? Once a worldwide currency is established - and it will be - then? Then comes the control. Electric money - nothing more than your mother watching over your piggybank.

I believe that a possible scenario would be that some sort of invisible (to the naked eye) tattoo that monitored your health could be used to verify your biometrics are actually yours and that you are in a healthy condition in order to access the internet and your funds. It will start with internet access as in the near future you will be given a individual IP address that follows you througout your life, this is already being done in one European country. Peace.

Yes, something along these lines. Agreed.

Thank you for the in depth response. It’s a pleasure to ’talk’ to you.


posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by silo13

I get what you're saying, and you said it well -- Eventually we'll all be part of the borg or be outcasts. Guess which option I will go with? M'Bride and me have chosen to make our stand here.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by silo13

Dear silo13,

It is a pleasure to converse with you and I do believe we are pretty much thinking the same things with our little minor variations.

I’m to ignorant of economics to understand the ups and downs of this concept. What I do know? Once a worldwide currency is established - and it will be - then? Then comes the control. Electric money - nothing more than your mother watching over your piggybank.

Economics is how we manage money and money is nothing more than a promise. Money is a promise of goods and labor. A worldwide currency is coming because the valuation of a nations currency will be internationally set. As we talk tonight there are meetings being held in the EU to determine how this will all work in the future and how banks will be broken up when the current system is finally allowed to fail.

Yahoo - Reuters - Europe unable to break impasse on who pays when banks fail. In truth, the decision has already been made and accepted by Canada, the United States, England and the IMF. This is merely a show so that the Europeans will understand what that decision is.

Once all this is completed, we will go to an electronic currency; but, most people will think they still have local currencies. Is does not matter what you call your currency when they are all set to the same thing, which according to the IMF will be a nations gross domestic product or GDP. Roughly, it is the total value of what a nation produces and owns. Economics is not as hard as they like to make it out.

Peace friend.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by argentus

Dear argentus,

LOL, another old fart like me.

I suppose that I am hopelessly old-fashioned; I use a very complex and variegated password, with variations upon that base password used on all the sites I visit. Because of that, I often go to the various sites in a particular order.

I picked the wrong quote. I love the one about using punch cards, I used to do that and hated it. One mistake on one card messed everything up.

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