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Wikileaks links blocked now?

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posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 09:42 AM
I would imagine the mods are slow to respond because a lot of them are probably surprised too and trying to come up with an answer. either that or they've all done a runner

that said if this is the case this is shamefull and unless they have a damn good reason I'll stop frequenting this site.
edit on 23-6-2013 by monkofmimir because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 10:01 AM
Good Sunday morning my hateful friends. You don't have an answer to your question but that didn't stop some from slamming the site and the staff. Congrats. That must have made your day. Pfft. Do you know why there isn't an answer? Because the only one that could tell any of us is S.O. and guess what? He's not on right now.

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 10:27 AM
..the sad thing about first impressions is you only get to make one

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 10:37 AM
Linking to illegally obtained material is not allowed.

To avoid continued speculation and rumor spreading, this thread is closed pending input from Owners/Admin about this blocked site.

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 11:25 AM
It's already been pointed out but I guess it's worth saying again. ATS doesn't allow links to sites that obtain content illegally nor do we allow links to porno, known phishing or malware sites... That's all there is to it.




The ATS staff has completed a long discussion regarding removing the block on links to WikiLeaks, which included reaching out to our hosting provider. The primary reason we disallowed links previously (and often the driving-force for many of our policies) is that such links to the types of materials hosted on WikiLeaks would be a technical violation of our Acceptable Use Policy with our provider. And to further make this issue more sensitive with our provider, they took heat a few years back for hosting WikiLeaks mirrors.

Lots of "conspiracy sites" can overcome such restrictions because their providers are either less stringent, or have no such restrictions at all. Given the scale of our traffic, and the need for high-end hardware and network, pretty much every hosting provider capable of providing what we need will have similar (or identical) restrictions. It's the unfortunate conundrum in which ATS lives... moving to another host isn't an option.

Our policy remains the same, unfortunately. But back when this first became an issue, we urged members to find other sites, sources, blogs, etc. that covered the WikiLeaks material they wanted to include in their post -- then link to those sites, with an explanation of where to find the links once there. That remains the best course of action for now

edit on 6-25-2013 by Springer because: (no reason given)

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