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Why in some religions people are not allowed to eat pork?Is it because they are indoctrinated by th

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posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 05:42 PM
You will find it probably had something to do with money and trade as someone else said pigs just roamed about the land freely, so if you could get a meal for free you would have no need to pay for some lamb,beef,chicken the stuff that was bred and farmed for sale. And I guess the governments and or rulers at the time probably had a lot of business tied up in that themselves....

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 05:53 PM
Pigs are dirty, If you want some proof, you should do some search. A scientific research should clear your mind of pigs. It doesn't matter how much you boil or grill a pigs meat, it will still be dirty.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by piequal3because14

It's a known fact.

Human meat is called 'long pig' for that reason.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 07:24 PM
Back in the day, (still do in some places) villagers would just toss their butt apples in the roadways, or anywhere really. Then the villagers would see the scavenging pigs come and grace their mouths with all of those human Lincoln logs. According to the religious texts this was considered filthy and pigs weren't to be consumed. You are what you eat type of thing. Humans tossing their brown hotdogs out the window was fine though.
edit on 21-6-2013 by Hollie because: Terrible spelling on my part.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
I think it may have something to do with human meat and pork having similar taste

I have this dumb theory that pigs were once use to grow human replacement organs.

...which we are starting to do again.

Another part of my dumb theory is that in the day of old, after the human race was reset, those genetically modified pigs went wild and interbred with the common pigs. Had to inform the next generation not to eat your Aunt Edna's organ vessel.

The old books just kept it simple when it came to explaining why we shouldn't eat pork. Try explaining the whole genetically modified pigs used to replace internal organs on humans to a now primitive tribe.

From my simple perspective - the old books were dumbed down a crap-ton.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 08:35 PM
It is because of what they eat (or will eat). Pigs are omnivores and as such will eat most anything remotely edible they can get in their mouth.

Its one of the reasons they are so adaptable and widespread. its also a reason wild pigs become a scourge in areas where there are not native or their are no predators. In addition to bugs, grubs, plants, fruit they have also been known to eat newborn calves and the like. Eat them alive.

They will eat garbage quite happily. In the civil war, wild pigs were known to feast on the dead (and sometimes the living but severely wounded) after a battle. Imagine what it was like when men fought hand to hand, to fall and know the pigs were waiting with the ravens and vultures.

Any wonder why they would think they were unclean?

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Misbah
Pigs are dirty, If you want some proof, you should do some search. A scientific research should clear your mind of pigs. It doesn't matter how much you boil or grill a pigs meat, it will still be dirty.

Ever seen cows in a field? I've seen cows with warbles making camp in its skin/flesh. Pretty nasty stuff.

But I agree - pigs have that subtle stench of poo to it when cooked. Bacon doesn't - so it's A-OK in my book.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by jonnywhite

I actually hold the same merit for people who don't eat "all" meat out of respect as those who don't eat it due to religious reasons.

But you cannot compare those who don't eat pork, and the people like yourself don't eat any meat.

2 completely different concepts. You don't have as much merit as you would like to because you don't respect the human civilisation's development prior to this point. I don't mean to discredit your choices, as they are your personal ones. However, when you look at the religious view on pork, they still view eating meat like the rest of us - hence why it is more collectively respected. They have a legitimate reason to not eat pork - whether it's religious or not.
If they held a religious view against all meat, then people might start to worry about them.

For instance, the indian guy at my work always orders vegetarian food. I view him the same as every other vegetarian. We engage in discussion about each other's habits. Even though he does it for religious reasons, i don't hold any more merit than people who don't do it for personal reasons.
I'm not a nutritionist, however what has worked for thousands of years will work for me.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by shaneslaughta
The Jewish have a thing about pork, it has to be sacrificed in a religious ceremony or something like that.

In not exactly sure on the finer details though, maybe someone can point them out?

LOL. You don't know much about jews. Eating pork for them is classified as a sin. They haven't been able to sacrifice a sheep/goat/dove in the Temple in 2000 years, because it no longer exists, at least not in it's previous form.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by magma
In the days when the rules were made up they had no refrigeration.

Something to ponder

I think it was more for health reasons, like oh say, parasites and because pigs don't sweat so they have no way to release the toxic waste build up in their bodies. That and pigs are some of the nastiest animals on the earth, they will literally eat anything, even excrement.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by piequal3because14

Pork, when not cooked properly, can cause serious disease and death due to worms living in the muscles in cysts. When the law was made, the ability to properly cook meats was not what it is today.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by ChuckNasty

Actually, I read somewhere in the bible that the pigs were sort of like pets and were used as testers of foods that might be spoiled. It mentioned not eating pigs in that section because they were unclean. I think that they were thinking that people might get sick from the meat. I think I read that they used the fats of pigs for oils for the temple though. Maybe pigs were offered to god and they were slyly made them into bacon
It could of been a big conspiracy so that the high ranking religious leaders had good food

edit on 21-6-2013 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 11:06 PM
Ever Hear of trichinosis?
Pok no good.

Lotsa fish eat the fish crap off the bottom of the sea....but everybody likes cod and chips.....

edit on 21-6-2013 by stirling because: (no reason given)

One more edit and i gotts go lie down a while....
but if you have RATTLERSNAKES ive hear that if you turn pigs loose to root your yard...the snakes will bite the pigs, and the pigs will eat the snakes without succombing to the pizen......its an old wifes tale i heard from my mom......

edit on 21-6-2013 by stirling because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 11:11 PM
I think it happened primarily from a health and safety standpoint that was incorporated into religion. Religion tried to explain the unexplainable then it wasn’t like they understood what germs even were let alone trichinosis. People died or got sick so it was simply considered evil, unclean, and so forth.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 11:13 PM
Meat is the food of the predatory species. I don't eat bacon cause I don't like its taste.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
Meat is the food of the predatory species. I don't eat bacon cause I don't like its taste.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by magma
In the days when the rules were made up they had no refrigeration.

Something to ponder

I think it was more for health reasons, like oh say, parasites and because pigs don't sweat so they have no way to release the toxic waste build up in their bodies. That and pigs are some of the nastiest animals on the earth, they will literally eat anything, even excrement.

Pigs are actually extremely clean animals.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 12:34 AM
One word. Trichinosis.

Most likely back in the day the religious authorities realized that pork eaters developed Trichinosis where those that didn't would not get the disease. Easy enough to make it a religious law not to eat pork and problem solved.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by ntech
One word. Trichinosis.

Most likely back in the day the religious authorities realized that pork eaters developed Trichinosis where those that didn't would not get the disease. Easy enough to make it a religious law not to eat pork and problem solved.

Or if there is a God he made sure it was not eaten, and then later when undercooking was no longer going to be an issue due to the advancement of technologies he allowed it again.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by Frogs

It is because of what they eat (or will eat). Pigs are omnivores and as such will eat most anything remotely edible they can get in their mouth.

Just like humans. And that, really, is the reason why some cultures prohibit the eating of pork. Actually, what they mean to prohibit is the keeping of pigs. It's not really about religion; the religious sanction is just there to scare people into keeping the rule.

Here's how the real thing goes:
  1. Pigs compete with humans for food resources in a way that ruminants like sheep and cattle don't. Fruit, meat, vegetables, grains – just like us, pigs will eat it all.

  2. Pork tastes delicious. This, combined with the omnivorous (and greedy) nature of swine, makes pigs a kind of high-status livestock. Rich and powerful members of the community keep them, and feed them with food that poorer members of the community could otherwise eat. The poor starve while rich men's pigs grow fat.

Pigs were kept in the Middle East 7,000 years ago at least – maybe longer, as much as 11,000 years. So the people of the Middle East have had plenty of time to discover this socially divisive and damaging aspect of pig-keeping (especially as intensive primitive agriculture led to desertification of the region over time and food resources became fewer).

The peoples of Polynesia discovered the same thing thousands of years later. Tropical islands, too, are places with limited food resources. Pigs owned by tribal magnates ate well while the poorer members of the tribe starved. This caused much social unrest and led to the near-depopulation of many islands, such as Easter Island. On one island, Tikopia, the inhabitants eventually slaughtered all the pigs in one go about 400 years ago, held a huge barbecue, and lived happily ever after.

This is the real reason why some religions forbid the eating of pork, and to my mind it is much more interesting than the reasons usually given. As for the trichinosis theory, it is easily debunked:

Abdominal symptoms can occur within two to seven days of infection. Other symptoms usually start one to eight weeks later. Severity of symptoms usually depends on the number of larvae consumed in the infected meat. Source

The idea that primitive tribesmen could connect pig-eating with a disease that occasionally broke out a whole week after the pig was eaten (the 'abdominal symptoms' are just diarrhoea) is far-fetched, to say the least.

edit on 22/6/13 by Astyanax because: of trichinosis.

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