posted on May, 15 2003 @ 01:34 PM
WASHINGTON, D.C.: Terror struck the capital today when a 10 year old boy (name not disclosed) was visiting his father at a nearby National Guard base,
and then drove off in an M1A2 Tank! The boy's father was allowing him to sit in the driver's seat, when he somehow found the right controls, and
proceeded to drive the tank out of the base. Apparently, in an attempt to stop the vehicle, the boy started using more controls, and ended up
rotating and firing the turret!. Four shells in all were fired. Two of them landed harmlessly in the capital building grounds, but two more struck
the dome of the capital building! Details are still sketchy, but early reports put the death toll in the hundreds, mostly from fallen concrete and
smoke. Hundreds more were injured from the debris and smoke, and a few suffered burns as the result of as of yet unknown origins. Originally, it was
thought that the President may have been one of the victims, however the White House is currently denying these accusations....
(Please tell me you didn't actually click the "Link" above! I just hate false advertising...)
Disclaimer: This entire post is utterly false and pure fiction.