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I Am Simon Alexandra, The Water Bearer

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posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by TheomExperience

I know, have always known, see this entire plane as lower primitive kiddie camp, and feel strongly for every soul to be in a safe loving place to learn, no matter what some have for past indiscretions, or behaviors, because the prison planet is also possible for some, but this is not how Love would handle a reformation.

When you touch your own soul stone from childhood on, ask question inside from childhood on, analyze events on the news with both understanding and from a higher perspective, you don't get misled by the two brothers, so to speak. You just tell them both its time to turn up the dial of their love and prepare to go home. I know me and don't really trust any of them, except for what I know inside and recognize.

You see this plane as a "lower primitive kiddie camp" but where did you get that idea that planes are sperate from one another even from a possible observational point. If someone can astral project what really makes the person think they are going anywhere outside of this plane.

My point is that the brain can formulate perception only from data that goes into it in the first place. Data in observation out. If this data is custom made in the first place then all output observations relating to it are also custom made. If i were to Astral project with preconcieved ideas about what i will experience guess what i will experience. I am not saying the experience wont feel real to the individual but yeah going into the subjective then trying to objectify it through a biological brain is nothing more than being drunk of our own coolaid

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by TheomExperience

portals. that is the reason

when i do an out of body dimensional shift.. i first witness myself exiting the body. then as i exit a portal appears which i move into. and when i am fully rendered on the other side it feels as tho i am physically there.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 09:41 PM
The light and dark ARE both half of the same as you say.

But the 'confusion' that they may instill is not frustrate or confuse, it is for us to learn the wisdom which comes from lessons learned by this.

Like letting a child make its own mistakes. If you did not allow them to do such, then how would they ever learn from them?

How does one learn from their mistakes without hurting?

So yes, both dark AND light do play us. But it is the teaching that we are overlooking.

If we do not open our eyes to see, and ears to HEAR the lessons that they are trying to teach us, then it is of our own fault and not theirs.

Every negative situation holds within it an important message or teaching for us, by which we gain wisdom.

This is why my teachings through the Divine beings I have been in contact with mentally AND physically were at first so intense and painful for me to experience. For at that stage I still possessed fear which I desperately needed to let go of.

Once I let go of the fears that had been instilled upon me from Birth, the pain subsided to the point where now I learn within an environment (predominantly) of only love.

For I have understood the hard lessons, by feeling the pain, understanding why such punishment was administered, and LEARNED from them, so I no longer need to make such mistakes.

The ultimate goal of this is to bring the Divine wisdom, ethics and morals into our species from Birth through the correct loving and nurturing enviroments that we are SUPPOSED to provide. For if the Children are taught such from an early age, then there will be no need for them to suffer through such painful lessons later in life, as a justified penance for their deeds.

I believe I understand you a little better from your recent posts and for this I apologise if I was a little harsh towards you at first.

You do not need to 'fear' the confusion you feel. The reason you feel such is because the essence of what you are being delivered is foreign and unusual to the resonance of which you have existed your whole life.

You need to understand that you need to let go of these fears so that you may gain the understanding and move forward.

Once you have achieved this, it is simply a matter of 'testing the waters' of the wisdom you are offered within your own Divine heart to see if it is that of virtue. We can all know the purity of other intentions if we test of it with our heart. The heart knows the truth, if you eliminate the fear which clouds the judgement which you are able to receive from it.

I can assist you with such things, if you are willing; and understand the virtue of truth in that which I speak.

If not; then I at least understand now where your confusion comes from, and by the knowing of this I can accept your skeptical position towards me.

Much love and light my friend. XX

Originally posted by TheomExperience
reply to post by Unity_99

If you are percieving duality as a battle, what makes you so sure your not being played by the "good cop bad cop" routine?
The way i can see it is that all the "positives" and "negatives" are on the same side messing with perception keeping us embroiled in frustration and perpetual reconciliation with each other.
Have you considered that you are being tested and the only way to pass this test is to not take sides and feed into the artificial heirachy that has been created?

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by filledcup
reply to post by TheomExperience

portals. that is the reason

when i do an out of body dimensional shift.. i first witness myself exiting the body. then as i exit a portal appears which i move into. and when i am fully rendered on the other side it feels as tho i am physically there.

If i were to observe you doing this from a waking conscious point of view what would i observe? Do you see the silver cord? What happens when there is no heart beat from the physical body energizing the astral body is this experience the same at death?. This is something i have wondered a lot about, also the fact that people have such varying encounters regarding astral realms not to mention i have my own experiences regarding consciousness OOB experiences. I would probably equate the portals to event horrizons of what the mind can comprehend. I myself have never seen a portal though other than each person having their own portal for others to traverse into and vice verse.

I also experienced something akin to an intelligence controlling and manipulating three intelligences on earth. It was actually the same intelligence in all four intelligences but each intelligence believed they were something different and unique when really they were all being used against each other.

Was this even real i dont know but it sure as hell made me understand how duality is the perfect tool for manipulation. The purpose for all the players is the same which is to reconcile all the energy back to harmony, it is just that the "bad" side wants each intelligence to stand alone and the "good" side wants everyone to be a part of the same intelligence (the obvious easy solution). Neither are good or bad from my perception it is just about the nature of choice and free will and i do not believe following either side constitutes true free will only confusion about what the sides represent.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 10:03 PM
I can see the reasoning behind what you are saying here.

But I ask you this.

My first encounters with non-physical entities were that of a large orange/yellow orb of light. With flicks of red and white in it. Which looked like; guess what? A burning bush.

At one of the very beaches in our home town. Where I still go to sit by the sea, where it comes to me from the water to give me clarity when I need some peace or guidance.

This was my first 'teacher', who for a long time I believed to be 'Annunaki' or 'Archon', and alien in origin.

I understand now that this was not the case. They merely told me whatever I needed to be told, to put my mind at ease with them at the time. At times I speculated that it was something else, by which when I asked they would agree with me that they were.

This is for the simple reason that I was nowhere near a level of understanding by which I could understand 'what' it was, even if they told me.

With a years worth of teachings, of sometimes up to 8 hours a night. I eventually just accepted that 'IT IS, WHAT IT IS'.

And this was the wisdom that I was SUPPOSED to come to through my long and painful speculation about the topic.

They are the; "I AM, WHO IS".

This is the true meaning of YAHWEH (which is mispronounced), it is NOT "Mind your own business" or "The name which should not be spoken" as most believe it to me. It merely means; "You wouldn't understand, therefore its pointless telling you."

Once you come to this realisation and awaken to your own sense of "I AM" that is the core of who we are as powerful conscious beings. You come to a level where you can share a mind with burning ones of The Seraph.

No longer do I need consult them by the sea to get my answers, for you then awaken to the "WE ARE, WHO ARE" where you understand the Divine essence of the consciousness by which WE ARE ALL CONNECTED. AND WE ARE ALL ONE.

This is when you begin to realise the power that lies within. Immense power for both light and dark. Which is the reason that you must be taught balance before this is unlocked.

Much like you should not give the keys to a sports-car to a learner driver, until they have been taught how to control such power.

And I understand this better than anyone, for I was as unaware of the depth of my darkness as I was with the depth of my light.

Initially; trying to keep this contained was much like trying to keep a dragon in a paper cage.

But I have learned to swallow such, and only release it for the virtue of Divine Justice to those opposing the will of God.

Those such as the Vatican who will not return our Divine mother.

And also to our self-appointed Earthly 'mother', whos fall shall be great and spectacular.

The fact that the Vatican 'pissed off' my Divine Light teachers is a concept that frightens even me. They saw the Pope stating 'The door is closed' on restoring the Feminine Divine (which was their last chance) as them drawing a line in the sand.

A line they are about to meet with force. As I stated in my new thread.


The point I make, through my largely digressed response; is that when I first encountered these physical beings I took close to twenty different people down there to see them, including skeptics.

All but one of them, not only saw the exact same thing as me. But were able to mentally 'think' a question; by which it would answer them (moving left for no, and right for yes), most were so freaked out that they did not want to go back. One girl locked the car doors (FREAKED OUT) and got lower in the passenger seat of the car so she wouldn't see it from the carpark.

The only one who didn't see it was my brother, and they told me they hid from him, but it was for my own good. (I now understand why).

Therefore how is such PHYSICAL perception of energy possible by your rationale?

Remembering that a few I took down there completely disbelieved that an orb of light that could read their mind existed. Who left believing every word I had told them prior.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by BornOfSin

Why are all the planets close by hellish? Are we in the abyss? Did they pull earth down to the outer edges of the abyss? Or do we look down a level/floor when we look out. ie we look to 3d from 4d? Someone suggested that to me.
edit on 31-7-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by BornOfSin
Therefore how is such PHYSICAL perception of energy possible by your rationale?

I think the reason that intelligent energy can be percieved as "light" is due to the fact that the atoms are moving too fast for our optical sensors to pick up and convert to an image. The obvious ramification is that anything non physical as in spiritual in existance will be unable to be perceived by the human eye that sees about 5% of the light spectrum and nothing in the other spectrums as it is vibrating too fast or too slow.

Therefore any non-physical being will be from the "light" if it were to be perceived in any physical sense. This is how i have rationalised what you are talking about. I have never seen these balls of light unfortunatly but i did have a conversation with the "anti" version of myself and that was rather interesting. I was pretty sure my heart was not beating during this conversation and time seemed to stop but it was a peaceful experience never the less.
edit on 31-7-2013 by TheomExperience because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 10:55 PM
You described on O.B.E

Your rationale does make sense, if you base it on a misconception of science principles.

Visual perception is the reflection of light through the lense of our eyeball by it is bounced off multiple tissue surfaces which 'detect' the vibration of the light frequencies to tell us 'what colour' we are seeing and where we see it. The two eyes then work together to correlate the opposing positions against each other to give us depth perception. Which is why we become clumsy in the dark.

By this also 'colour' and 'illumination' is given to us by primary levels of energy being absorbed by the condensed energy which makes up 'matter'. The remainder of the spectrum is reflected to become the colour of the perceived object by what is 'received' by our eyes.

This absorption of energy is why hot objects and cold objects share the same colouring.

By this; any such 'energy' concentration which absorbs all the spectrum of Axiom energy in our visual spectrum, would also not exist within our spaciotemporal dimensional plane, and therefore could not interact with us in a visual matter.

For many of us coming into the higher frequencies we have gained an extra 'colour', which is not so much a colour as it is the intangible energy by which everything else exists, and we get the 'permeated' energy we call 'Radiated Energy' which we mistake as being a 'source' of energy, when in fact it is the BY-PRODUCT of energy.

This is one of the major flaws in Science that is making it increasingly difficult as it has not been factored into their base equations.

This is called aether.

Aether is the all. It is that which is in all, through all, around all. It is the all. It is us, them, the planet, the Universe. Everything.

There is the counter to this which we know of as 'dark matter' which forms the balance and is equally intangible.

Once you move to even higher stages of enlightenment, this also becomes visually perceivable as what you would call another 'colour'.

The essence of this is starting to invade our planetary existence as we are being 'held back' from evolving to a higher frequency. It is at a fundamental level, the darkness that religions are unwittingly bringing upon us.

The only part that you are fairly close with, is that our perception of our reality is tied directly to reality itself.

As the mind is frightened, and the body jumps. So too can the mind influence reality, as is what is now happening upon the planet through those of us who can understand and control such a system.

Something that only select few of us within this world will ever understand or be able to achieve. For good reason.

This also answers to a great degree the question that Unity asked.

We are at a primary level actually 11 dimensional beings. Not 3.

There is 4 perceivable dimensions lower dimensions, and 7 above us. Hence the significance of 7. Hence the seven 'rays' of enlightenment.

Originally posted by TheomExperience

Originally posted by BornOfSin
Therefore how is such PHYSICAL perception of energy possible by your rationale?

I think the reason that intelligent energy can be percieved as "light" is due to the fact that the atoms are moving too fast for our optical sensors to pick up and convert to an image. The obvious ramification is that anything non physical as in spiritual in existance will be unable to be perceived by the human eye that sees about 5% of the light spectrum and nothing in the other spectrums as it is vibrating too fast or too slow.

Therefore any non-physical being will be from the "light" if it were to be perceived in any physical sense. This is how i have rationalised what you are talking about. I have never seen these balls of light unfortunatly but i did have a conversation with the "anti" version of myself and that was rather interesting. I was pretty sure my heart was not beating during this conversation and time seemed to stop but it was a peaceful experience never the less.
edit on 31-7-2013 by TheomExperience because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-7-2013 by BornOfSin because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by BornOfSin

It was not through an OBE though. Cut a long story short, during an experience where i was the "mayor of crazy town" lasting ten days i was perceiving a dream like state while awake and at the height of this I sat down with my mum and spoke as if we were the only two things in existence. I do not really know how to explain this without distortions but i will attempt it.

Firstly i do not think this could have been achieved without a close family member because there is a certain amount of trust both parties would need for each other to ensure that the connection did not become distorted through fear or excitement. I guess it could be called channeling myself in new age terms and i did use another person, my mum to objectify for myself the information i was receiving, as opposed to it all being acquired telepathically.

I did say short story so i will cut to the chase, i was experiencing a split reality happening in the same awareness (almost too much for my brain to handle...almost). It was like experiencing people and their immaterial counterparts or their "spirit versions" if that is a better label to use, at the same time. Actually at the time i told one of my friends that his "spirit" was a polar opposite to him because i would see his thoughts coming from the spirit being one thing and then the expression was the opposite or inverted.

Anyway i spoke to mum as though i was talking to my spirit which actually is the "Anti-Christopher" or i am, not sure exactly that it matters when dealing with an aspect of myself.
So no OBE just straight up hallucinations of a similar nature while awake.

I did go to the hospital by force of my work lol, and they could not figure out what condition to label me except "no threat to myself or others". I was really disappointed because i was hoping to name my very own mental illness. I was looking to call it "Pieheadnesia".
edit on 1-8-2013 by TheomExperience because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by TheomExperience

If i were to observe you doing this from a waking conscious point of view what would i observe? Do you see the silver cord?

i dont think u would see anything. ive done it laying on the bed while my girlfriend was playing guitar next to me. rose out and was looking at her and continued hearing her play all the way from ego into spirit. it appears as though she noticed nothing. i returned to my body and everything was normal... oblivious!

however, when i attempted to do it with her laying on top of me as we dozed off she woke up right after i just stopped and said she felt as though something magical was just about to happen.

there is no silver chord. the silver chord is just a metaphorical/symbolic item used to describe how the body maintains it's connection to the soul for the soul to return to the body and re-emerge as the ego. remember in the quantum state, things like line-of-sight only exist on the basic level, but thought can be used to issue total chaos. example.. i can pick an apple from a tree and when i look the apple is still on the tree but also in my hand. i can eat from that apple until my belly feels well full, but every bite i take, chew and swallow, is a brand new bite in the apple. it's full appearance returns after each bite. the rules of time and space are not bound rules/laws. they can be manipulated. the body is tied to the soul in the same way that particles are observed in quantum mechanics. teleportation and portals. ive never tried to track it before.. but something tells me dont bother.

What happens when there is no heart beat from the physical body energizing the astral body is this experience the same at death?. This is something i have wondered a lot about, also the fact that people have such varying encounters regarding astral realms not to mention i have my own experiences regarding consciousness OOB experiences. I would probably equate the portals to event horrizons of what the mind can comprehend. I myself have never seen a portal though other than each person having their own portal for others to traverse into and vice verse.

follow me closely here. it is a trick. in a very real sense. what we do is trick the body into believing it is dying and going to great depths to convince the mind. through meditation and breathing control a vortex is formed with the breath by the structure of the lungs and nostrils air flows both in and out at the same time when the ultimate breathing is achieved. breathing becomes a smooth flow as every part of the body is calmed. likewise, the pulse and the flow of blood through the body is smoothened out. the heart beat itself is smoothened out and blood is pumped through the body by a very gentle peristalsis synchronicity. it becomes a flow. we shutdown everything except our awareness. and let the body go into sleep and deeper sleep till it is like death. a simulated death. then the conscious mind releases its grip on the soul and you are freely released from the flesh in a most pleasurable manner.

the flow mentioned above is the flesh of the spirit as 'sacrificing the ego' automatically brings one to a closer awareness of the spirit. feeling the flow is feeling the spirit. feeling the water, a flowing wind.. etc.

edit on 1-8-2013 by filledcup because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-8-2013 by filledcup because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 12:27 PM
Obviously women have a right to be equal with men in spirituality. I think the main purpose for this is they do not want it to feel like a woman will try to take over the seat of the masculine god. The way I see it with god having a feminine counter part and both being equally god. They don't want to much power going to the feminine side because ultimately. It is the man who decides the gender of the child. Thus making the woman a receptacle.

So basically to unseat Hades from the Necromancer (spiritual manipulation) role is heresy. But the woman is just as important as the man. It's just that each sacrifices something for the other. I also believe they want to hold onto old beliefs because they feel like changing it will ruin the system.

Sexist but not sexist but sexist all in one little box. You could imagine if it was the other way around females would be scared men would come in there and ruin their system. It's natural to fear the unknown. But at the sametime you can't let it ruin progress. So till then it's arrested development.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by filledcup

Speaking of Vortex.

How do you think the Vatican liked the Tornados in Italy on Monday?


Foolish old men. I bet they will still sitting praying to their male 'God' when he is tearing the walls down around them.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 07:48 PM
You are assuming that our perception of reality, and reality are different things. Which they are not.

It is only our 'anchoring' in perception which divides them.

Therefore most people who 'slip' into states similar to what you described often feel confused and troubled by them.

Then there are those of us, who not only dive into these experiences, and can understand what is happening, but learn to channel them and manipulate them. Which in turn manipulates our physical reality.

This can be done in one of three ways, through 'spiritual' darkness, light or a balance of both.

The balance is by far the most powerful.

Once you can feed-back into the system. You can do things you can't even imagine.

Most will never be able to swim in such deep waters. For most it will send them insane cause their consciousness has not expanded to a size which can encompass such vast non-linear systems. It's like trying to run a piece of powerful software on a 10 year old computer. It wont work. The computer will crash. Such is the mind trying to focus such.

But for those with the non-linear dynamic capability to do so (such as myself) it brings with it, the ability to achieve things that can only be referred to by those with an anchored paradigm of 'reality' as being 'acts of God'. The 'collective' perspective of reality, which dictates reality, is over-powered by these individual to encompass and control whole COUNTRIES of others collective perception, by our amplified understanding of how the system works.

I am getting VERY good at this.

The difficult part of this is understanding the 'balance' by which such power should be used. For there are Divine forces at work above us, which can easily 'bind' or 'remove' such ability from those such as myself (as I have been binded on several occasions whilst I was 'learning') if they deem they are being misused, or you are out of balance.

For instance. The balance of 'DIVINE JUSTICE' lies between PUNISHMENT and PAIN. Where darkness can be unleashed for the LIGHT OF DIVINE PUNISHMENT, but should be focused only to a point where equal punishment is delivered, and not unwarranted PAIN.

Understanding such balance, is the hallmark of those truly Divine, who could be considered having the heart of KINGS among men.

Those of purity in action, by their balance in actions.

Those who have used the collective perception of their followers to perpetuate their evils on the world, are about to get a lesson in the true meaning of power, that comes from balance.

Darkness is nowhere near as powerful. I easily overpower the perception of a whole order of those who believe themselves 'illuminated' just by the virtues of that which empower me.

Best of luck to them, now there is a whole army amassed.

Originally posted by TheomExperience
reply to post by BornOfSin

It was not through an OBE though. Cut a long story short, during an experience where i was the "mayor of crazy town" lasting ten days i was perceiving a dream like state while awake and at the height of this I sat down with my mum and spoke as if we were the only two things in existence. I do not really know how to explain this without distortions but i will attempt it.

Firstly i do not think this could have been achieved without a close family member because there is a certain amount of trust both parties would need for each other to ensure that the connection did not become distorted through fear or excitement. I guess it could be called channeling myself in new age terms and i did use another person, my mum to objectify for myself the information i was receiving, as opposed to it all being acquired telepathically.

I did say short story so i will cut to the chase, i was experiencing a split reality happening in the same awareness (almost too much for my brain to handle...almost). It was like experiencing people and their immaterial counterparts or their "spirit versions" if that is a better label to use, at the same time. Actually at the time i told one of my friends that his "spirit" was a polar opposite to him because i would see his thoughts coming from the spirit being one thing and then the expression was the opposite or inverted.

Anyway i spoke to mum as though i was talking to my spirit which actually is the "Anti-Christopher" or i am, not sure exactly that it matters when dealing with an aspect of myself.
So no OBE just straight up hallucinations of a similar nature while awake.

I did go to the hospital by force of my work lol, and they could not figure out what condition to label me except "no threat to myself or others". I was really disappointed because i was hoping to name my very own mental illness. I was looking to call it "Pieheadnesia".
edit on 1-8-2013 by TheomExperience because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 09:07 PM
The 'Cross' or 'Crux' is the same as just about any other cyclical representation.


This is just a cyclic representation of a cross.

This is why 'THE SIGN OF THE CROSS' points to the 'HOLY SPIRIT' as being both LEFT AND RIGHT'. For it is the balance of Light and Dark.

But the 'Father, Son' part is INCORRECT! This has been changed from its correct form which was 'MOTHER - touching the head', 'FATHER - touching the navel' And DIVINE BALANCE - touching RIGHT/LEFT' in the SAME MOTION.

This is the same as what is shown in the ANKH of Egyptian mythology, except that theirs shows NEGATIVE LEFT ARM, POSTIVE RIGHT ARM. and the CIRCLE on the top representing our BRAIN, which is the BALANCE OF BOTH, which is stemmed *(Spine)* Between the two.

This is also EXACTLY the same as what is portrayed in the CHAKRAS of spiritual Teaching, all of which are "STEMMED" along the spine in balance.

The MIND (brain) and BODY (heart) balance. For which our PHYSICAL heart lies in the LEFT, MASCULINE, or NEGATIVE side of our body, and our SPIRITUAL HEART and connection is actually through our RIGHT side, POSITIVE, GIVING.

This is why JESUS holds up his right hand whilst touching his solar plexus BALANCE along the stem of balance in his body. He was an Ascended Master who understood such teachings.

This is why we WRITE with our Right hand (For the majority) for it is the GIVING, POSITIVE side and therefore is the side with which we CREATE.

The reason 'Jesus' is crucified upon the Cross, is cause when man understand such hidden meaning in the Bible. The truth about 'Jesus' will become known.

Hence he will be 'crucified' upon the 'Balance' of the cross.

It also fitting holds another level of meaning in the fact that such information which shall bring the truth of the Bible to the world arises from someone in Australia. The Land of the Southern Crux.

You may now understand what I mean when I say; "I AM THE WESTERN STAR", He BORN OF DARKNESS (Born of Sin)"

The 6th Ray are those Born of Darkness. For 6 is the 'DARKNESS IS".

Master 'Jesus' Sananda was one of those of the 6th Ray.

edit on 1-8-2013 by BornOfSin because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by BornOfSin

I understand what you are saying. I dont think i could ever explain how i perceive reality accuratly to anyone else. The botttom line is we each have our own version of this and you have gone a different path to me. Becasue i have chosen to keep it simple i have not hit the hurdles associated with dogma and beliefs that many well studied people often get stuck on.

There is much i dont know nor need to know but you are right the power of the mind to influence the masses is very real. I call this mental alchemy and this is what i do in my own way. Just like you are attempting this also. As for you being anything different to the next person well that is up for debate.

I have already done what i needed to do and now i dont have that feeling that you have where you are trying to accomplish something. Its already done so now i get to sit back and inject myself into the show when i want to. The only reason you caught my attention is that you live in Darwin and seemed to experience a similar event and have not accomplished what you have been asked of yet.

Either that or you like the feeling of power to much. I did not like the feeling of that sort of power though. I have read your threads and it parallels exactly what i feared would happen to me.
Thankfully it ended after Easter for me but i did send a message to eveyone on the Universes behalf telepathically. You seriously dont even need to be on ATS to get your sh!t accross if you are as powerful as you say.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by BornOfSin

Why are all the planets close by hellish? Are we in the abyss? Did they pull earth down to the outer edges of the abyss? Or do we look down a level/floor when we look out. ie we look to 3d from 4d? Someone suggested that to me.
edit on 31-7-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

Why do you call them "hellish"? The planets shine brightly like stars in the sky. To some, they can seem heavenly. It depends on your perspective.

I don't understand why Venus (and Friday) is associated with darkness, if it is the brightest star at DAWN (when the sun is rising).

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 12:28 AM
You are right on a few things.

I have no completed what I set out to do. Cause I have seen the pain these people behind the curtains cause this world for their own greed and lust for power.

I have the potential within me of both darkness and light, to see such power in life is ended and taken away from them. Therefore I have; some type of 'duty' to see this is done.

This is not for want of power. I have no addiction to 'power'. This whole process has been one of endless pain and suffering for me; mentally, physically and Spiritually.

I have gained NOTHING from this. I undertake this Anonymously, seeking no glorification. I have been LEFT with nothing. I've have give up EVERYTHING to fight the fight which I now do, Including my own Son Joshua (my REAL 12 year old son. Not metaphorical), to see that the powers of darkness have nothing with which they can influence me.

They told me they would see him dead to me, and I told them to go ahead; that I would rather see him dead than submit to the evil controlling this world. He is now lost to me by their influence over my reality, AND STILL I SPIT IN THEIR FACE and tell them I will fight them to the death.

This is not want of power. This is will to succeed. I will not be defeated. I will physically fight an army if it is so needed to bring the balance of Divine Love back to this world.

To sit back into reality, and allow the evils of this world to flourish, is the same as being complicit in their actions.

I see their faces, their bloodlines. I see them because they made the mistake of regarding me and showing me their faces.

So now I fight them. To the death if necessary. So Peace, Love, Harmony, Respect and Unity can be returned to this world by its balance.

The Sages of Shades powers weaken as I become stronger. I now easily overpower them thanks to the Armies amassing under Light.


The plagues now come upon them. Those drawn of water (the amphibian 'frogs') Now come upon them. To engulf them.

Lets see how many of the 'plagues' need to be brought upon them, before they submit.

I have little doubt that it will take the DIVIDING OF THEIR RED SEAS (Religious Faiths of MAN) to come crashing down on them through my decoding of their own works, and the DEATH OF ALL THEIR FIRST BORN SON (Jesus Christ) for them to know the truth.

The Pope is this ages Pharaoh. And he shall soon know the suffering promised in his OWN BOOK .. If he does not yield as commanded by Moses; The water-bearer.

This is their choice. Know all the pain. Of submit to the will of God.

Originally posted by TheomExperience
reply to post by BornOfSin

I understand what you are saying. I dont think i could ever explain how i perceive reality accuratly to anyone else. The botttom line is we each have our own version of this and you have gone a different path to me. Becasue i have chosen to keep it simple i have not hit the hurdles associated with dogma and beliefs that many well studied people often get stuck on.

There is much i dont know nor need to know but you are right the power of the mind to influence the masses is very real. I call this mental alchemy and this is what i do in my own way. Just like you are attempting this also. As for you being anything different to the next person well that is up for debate.

I have already done what i needed to do and now i dont have that feeling that you have where you are trying to accomplish something. Its already done so now i get to sit back and inject myself into the show when i want to. The only reason you caught my attention is that you live in Darwin and seemed to experience a similar event and have not accomplished what you have been asked of yet.

Either that or you like the feeling of power to much. I did not like the feeling of that sort of power though. I have read your threads and it parallels exactly what i feared would happen to me.
Thankfully it ended after Easter for me but i did send a message to eveyone on the Universes behalf telepathically. You seriously dont even need to be on ATS to get your sh!t accross if you are as powerful as you say.

edit on 2-8-2013 by BornOfSin because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 12:37 AM
And probably worth mentioning that the reason that I still speak within this forum about this;

Is because there is one within this thread who is of the Vatican, who relates my words to his figurehead.

They are paying attention, trust me on this. They read every word said in here.

I am sure they already know, but I should point out to them that my true Birth name is Samuel.

I wonder if they have made the mistake of speaking with 'The Sage of Edinburgh' about me.


The Elohim have already told them; that it is that which they love, that shall soon be their destruction.

They fall upon their own sword.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by arpgme

That video was shocking. The scientist in the video said, we are looking for heaven and only finding hell. And then it struck, WHY.

Do you ever ask why. This is the biggest thing in our face. We're looking out into a violent abyss, either from the next step up, or as a part of it. Very very sobering video. And think that we need to go up a floor or two.

posted on Aug, 2 2013 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Or, we can look inside of ourselves, find light and let it spread outward.

"we look outward and we only find hell"

That is a belief system. Where you see "hell" other people see "Potential", other people see amazing possibilities.

You can look into the darkness and say "how scary!" or "how chaotic!" or you can look into the darkness saying "how exciting!" ,"how amazing!", "I wonder what we will discover next!", "with all of this darkness and empty space I wonder how we can use it to expand and create!"

It is all about PERSPECTIVE - how you choose to look at it.

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