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HSP- High Sensitive Persons

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posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by DPrice
This all just sounds like autism to me, not wanting to make eye contact, being awkward around people etc. Isn't that out of the ordinary really.

I said I have no problem making eye contact.

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 02:22 AM
Here's some resources to consider on the differences between this and autism (including Aspergers) -

In general, HSPs do not have difficulty reading social situations or developing relationships. Instead, HSPs observe, feel, hear and experience the world in a deeper way than non-HSPs.
This can actually help them form deeper relationships with others.
Conversely, people with Autusm often struggle in social situations. To receive a diagnosis of autism the person must display at least one of the following (among others):
Delays or abnormal functioning in at least one of the following areas, with onset prior to age 3 years:
(1) Social interaction
(2) Language as used in social communication
(3) Symbolic or imaginative play

So you can probably see, that wouldn't fit the profile of an HSP.

If you look at the symptoms of autism, and compare them to the characteristics of HSPs, you will see more differences than similarities.

-Both a person affected by Asperger syndrome and a highly sensitive person may appearsocially disinterested, awkward, and avoidant. However, whereas the autistic person withdraws from social situations due to disinterest, the highly sensitive person withdraws due to overstimulation.
In the same environment, the autistic person senses less due to neurological dysfunction, whereas the highly sensitive person senses more due to an innate heightened neurological sensitivity and awareness.

People with Asperger syndrome appear to experience less empathy with others, whereas people with a highly sensitive temperament tend to experience increased empathy with others due to heightened sensitivity to subtle nonverbal communication. These significant differences in the inner experiences of autistic people and highly sensitive people distinguish the neurological deficits of Asperger syndrome from the natural developmental differences characteristic of the highly sensitive temperament.

From what I understand, people with Aspergers have difficulty recognizing emotions through body language, tone of voice, facial expression... whereas on the contrary, the problem I have is that I am very aware of the emotional states of others to a point it is distracting- often while someone is talking to me I am so caught up in watching the emotional subtilities change and move through them (like the changing sky on a windy day) so that I do not hear the actual words they said.

They sometimes find this "spooky" or uncomfortable, and I have been accused of being psychic sometimes when this gives me more information about them than they actually chose to reveal verbally.

This is why it seems to be almost on the opposite side of the spectrum from what usually consider autism?

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 07:34 PM
Thanks for doing the thread- my experience would be to say don't go for or get a diagnosis.

Have you tried meditation, if you can develop and maintain the inner focus (sense control) I have experienced heaps of improvement in the disturbance of sensory input (loud sounds, others negative feelings etc ).
Once I was (mis)diagnosed with high functioning autism now I do not have the "traits" that diagnosed me I don't think that if I believed the diagnosis I would have changed . Your body and brain are always changing.
Most people change all day long but they are not diagnosed as problematic, as human beings we are not a personality or trait.
You want to be understood but it will not come from a medical diagnosis.I think it limits you.

In reality it is not normal to yell at other human beings, all the things that you shut down on are not normal human behaviour.
Peace and love -look after yourself be at peace in yourself .

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 07:43 PM
The distractions of feeling other peoples feelings can be overcome by meditation, you still feel them but there is something different where you are not separate from the person and at the same time that feeling of BEING connected to them (love) is the overriding feeling.
We are all in fact connected.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by BDBinc

LIke I said, the main treatment that I had as a kid was learning hypnotherapy- I was taught how to do self hypnosis, and continued to use that for the rest of my life. It has especially been useful in things like giving birth too (three kids, all drug free births in calm and quiet).

I also have used meditation extensively. But with both, I find that being able to spend a lot of time doing it can only happen at times when I am very isolated; when my social life is very limited, so that I have lots of time to do it.
But those are the times I need it less!

I got to use biofeedback machines for a while, and that too, was very helpful in developing more ability to influence my bodies functions with my intent. But like you say, you can bring down some of the intensity of the physiological reactions, but that doesn't stop the blurred perception of self and other separation.

This is probably why, in many threads where people are going off about the "bad ego" stuff, I pipe up with some pro-ego position- because my personal struggle has been to learn to be a bit selfish, to try to separate my self and consider my own well being as an individual.
The ego keeps us from letting ourselves waste away and die in our concern for everyone else!

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by Bluesma
.......Or maybe this whole sliding scale is a false concept, and in fact, ones body can go from "highly sensitive" to "so damned sensitive the brain must shut out the world entirely as a survival mechanism" ??

Smile : ) As "they" said this world is not for a "fainted heart "..

HSPs in a lot cases (I think) are "Higher-"level" Soul Persons" , or as some have called them the "Old Souls", HSP generally has a grander/deeper understanding about especially the "fluid" nature of all things transcendental, their ability about expression/detection/communication of subtle emotions is one example.

Some "becomes" a HSP possibly because the "person" has "incarnated" enough thus "matured" enough/more than others.
Some "becomes" a HSP possibly because he/she got a "gift".... a mighty one : )

English is not my 1st language, I felt like "attracted" to add my 2 cents

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 02:42 AM
The benefits of meditation extend even to those other times, like a reset button . What I did was focusing on my in and out breath only while in the company of my noisy children for shorter times (just moments) having moments of peace encouraged more moments of peace.

When I am very tired I can still get completely taken over by someone else's feelings but even if I do it takes me about a second nowdays to move my consciousness back to my heart.

The ego( the "I" concept) you have of yourself is limiting and will always change .
Unfortunately I am one of those people that believes that the ego can be tripped over - as when you identify with some concept you are not such as "I am this*(negative idea of what you are)."
Certainly you will not die for your concern for everyone else as it is the concern you have also for yourself.
When you feel the connection to others in such an intimate way (as feeling what others feel) what you can give them is total empathy, understanding and love. Transmuting the negative feelings of others into positive is very rewarding.
It is a shame there is no world diagnosis of HIP (Highly Insensitive People) as that may be what the people that gave you grief are suffering from, the ones who yelled at you are angry & are selfish. You are not selfish and looking after your need for peace is what your focus should be one. Don't let the world diagnose you.
Love your self always.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by BDBinc

Certainly you will not die for your concern for everyone else as it is the concern you have also for yourself.
When you feel the connection to others in such an intimate way (as feeling what others feel) what you can give them is total empathy, understanding and love. Transmuting the negative feelings of others into positive is very rewarding.

The problems I find are the kind in which- I forget to eat, for example. This has happened to me for a few days at a time! I just am so overwhelmed by the thoughts and emotions I am having for/from others that they drown out things like the signals of personal need. I can, at times, be even accident prone because I do not worry about my well being- in trying to aid someone else and make sure they don't get hurt, I myself will get hurt instead.

Being a mother, I understand intellectually the concept of my own well being as intimately connected to that of others, (I need to be alive and healthy so that I can help them be too) but emotionally, that concept gets drowned out in immediate situations.

Transmuting is what I always saw my role in life as, and yet with age, I am starting to see that you can take on too much- being everyones scapegoat or trash can, for them to dump on or project upon whatever they want to get rid of, can really cause an "overload". I am perfectly able to understand why someone does that and feel compassion for them, and yet over a long period of time, I can find myself getting sick , or when I was a child and it was physical abuse, my life was actually in danger sometimes.

-Which goes back to the idea of my life as being valuable for others too- like my kids would not have been born if I didn't make it this far!

Though that argument for self preservation loses it's validity once the kids are grown and left home. What reason is there left to keep any self preservation instincts? I am not sure any more. Maybe it is at that age that it is rational to let go completely of ego and no longer be concerned for survival of self....

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 06:13 PM
It is Ok to forget to eat for a couple of days no harm. I have forgotten for long periods the same power that powers the universe keeps you alive there is no need to worry so much.

You understand intellectually the concept of your own well being includes your feeling and thinking as intimately connected to that of others.
Can I ask if emotional trauma from your childhood could still be a factor?
The memory of the fear of the abuse to me is very loud. Thoughts and feelings can make one sick and accident prone.
You life is valuable full stop if any experience (of abuse)has made you feel and think other than this fact then you should eliminate those thoughts and feelings forever. Your life is valuable and it is not because you are a mother.
The body has its own survival instincts there is no need to worry about it . We are all here on earth for as long as we are here, no one can change that and its best to enjoy the gift of life (learn and accept) without thinking and worrying about the body's survival.
For a day stop being fearful & worrying about what will happen- be in the now.
Maybe it is at that age that it is rational to let go completely of ego and no longer be worried about the survival of the body that has its own safe guards which you should listen to but in listening you should not be focused on fear for the body's survival .
Work through any of the past trauma that remains that challenges your immense value.
I know meditation can still those worrisome thoughts and the more you connect with that inner peace the better it is.
Sending you much love.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 06:17 PM
It's called introversion, and giftedness. They tend to run together.

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by wehavenoclue
It's called introversion, and giftedness. They tend to run together.

I don't think its about introversion (as a personality trait) I know many people are also extroverted and gifted.

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by BDBinc

Introverted ........... extroverted .............. doesn't matter........... lol good on ya aussie bloke lol 1%

Sorry , better explain... There was a bloke that went on tv over here , one of those talent shows and this is the song he sang .these were the only words used and so true lol. 1%

Also I did one of those personality tests on the net and it came back with results .For the average male scored about 60% for being a social animal and the average female came back with a score of about 65% for being social. My score on that part of the test came back at 10% so according to that test I am extremely introverted . To get the rest of the results I had to pay money of which I have none . Please understand those percentages I quoted are not the exact percentages but roughly what I remembered reading so they may be out by a few % , The percentages were a lot higher for the average person Than for me BUT introverted .....extroverted ....doesn't matter lol 1%

KeynodeG your post really resonated with me big time love it thanks for that.1%

edit on 23-6-2013 by my1percent because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-6-2013 by my1percent because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-6-2013 by my1percent because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

You should do a Myers-Briggs personality test.

I've done it twice on two different tests and it told me I'm INTP.

Thing is, underlying disabilities or disorders could be causing me to be this way. I do not know whether I struggle to find my place or whether I am broken and need to be fixed. For example, am I shy because I have an anxiety disorder? Do I tend to ruminate about the world and my life because I'm depressed? Do I fixate on things because I have an obsessive or perfectionist disorder? Etc...

By and large, I do not feel I'm broken, but I do feel I've made a lot of bad choices. Maybe I'm stubborn and unable to register advice from others. But I have my own ideas about things and I don't just swallow what people tell me. Based on my own history, I make a subjective decision about it.

Every so oftne I'm reminded of the things that make me feel good in life. I'm also reminded how rarely those circumstances occur because of the choices I make. In other words, it's like knowing that XYZ is good for you, but because of your choices and varying circumstnaces, you get GWA. A good example is when I was in school. If I delayed homework, I increasingly felt terrible. If I finished it, I felt great. Oftentimes, I procrastinated. I know some people do their homework automatically with no complaints or procrastination. So for them none of this is an issue. (I kind of envy that)

Jobs/work and friends are I think the two most important things in the world. Whenever I have those things, I've always felt reasonably good. Exercise also feels good. But sometimes I don't have these things in the right amounts. And when I don't, I tend to not feel good about stuff.

I'm fiercely opinionated, I'll admit. Stubborn is a word that isn't strong enough.
edit on 23-6-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

That is very interesting. Could we start a list of career's?

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by BDBinc

Originally posted by wehavenoclue
It's called introversion, and giftedness. They tend to run together.

I don't think its about introversion (as a personality trait) I know many people are also extroverted and gifted.

Obviously you're not one of them. What I said didn't indicate the two were mutually exclusive. The reasoning you present is illogical.

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

I understand very mjcuh what you're saying here. I too sometimes feel that if anybody around me isn't happy then it bleeds into me. I think I oftentimes will channel others.

Odd thing is I'm very shy and would not describe myself as emotional. I've always thought of myself as being attracted to logic or patterns, not facts or emotions.

But what you say there really resonates with me.

I find it hard to make eye contact sometimes, although not always. When I was younger, I frequently spoke quietly and others would tell me to repeat what I said. It's really strange because whenever I got home I'd talk loud. For the most part, I don't enjoy to talk about general everyday things. I trhink that's a problem in social situations because small talk is so essential.

I generally like to be alone, but odd thing is, I love to see other people. I just don't like it when I become part of the "show". I just want to blend in and watch people and absorb things.

I have this "fear" of cool people. Like they're laughing behind my back at me or somethign. Maybe they stuck a "kick me" on my back. That kind of things. I am kind of nerdy.
edit on 23-6-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by wehavenoclue

No I am not "gifted" you misunderstand.
I know many people with extroverted personality traits that are gifted. Being gifted does not mean one has to be introverted.

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by BDBinc
It is Ok to forget to eat for a couple of days no harm. I have forgotten for long periods the same power that powers the universe keeps you alive there is no need to worry so much.

You understand intellectually the concept of your own well being includes your feeling and thinking as intimately connected to that of others.
Can I ask if emotional trauma from your childhood could still be a factor?
The memory of the fear of the abuse to me is very loud. Thoughts and feelings can make one sick and accident prone.
You life is valuable full stop if any experience (of abuse)has made you feel and think other than this fact then you should eliminate those thoughts and feelings forever. Your life is valuable and it is not because you are a mother.
The body has its own survival instincts there is no need to worry about it . We are all here on earth for as long as we are here, no one can change that and its best to enjoy the gift of life (learn and accept) without thinking and worrying about the body's survival.
For a day stop being fearful & worrying about what will happen- be in the now.
Maybe it is at that age that it is rational to let go completely of ego and no longer be worried about the survival of the body that has its own safe guards which you should listen to but in listening you should not be focused on fear for the body's survival .
Work through any of the past trauma that remains that challenges your immense value.
I know meditation can still those worrisome thoughts and the more you connect with that inner peace the better it is.
Sending you much love.

Hm. I'll think what you've said, my first reaction is that I don't relate. I don't feel afraid about what will happen, I don't feel afraid at all.
On the contrary, I have a sort of indifference to the idea of death or survival. I don't feel afraid of taking off my clothes at the end of the day either!

I do not believe value is inherent in anything- I perceive it is relative. My physical manifestation has value to some others, therefore it can be said to have value- even to me because I attach value to them.

My survival instincts that came with this body are fully active - there is no problem there! Only that they get triggered by more than experiences this body has. For example- if I watch someone else get hurt , then my body has the same hormonal reactions as if I just had that injury. My automatic instincts do not necessarily make a difference between "I" and "other", the way my intellect is able to do.

This causes many problems for the body- in that example, we have the problem of toxic build ups from surges in hormones- a state of almost constant stress can make the body very sick.

I may not be concerned about keeping a physical manifestation at any price, but while I am, there are many reasons to keep it healthy- again, this goes back to others relations to me. Those who are close to me feel empathically what I feel. If I am sick and suffering, they too, suffer.

Contrary to what you are claiming (that I should not be concerned about my survival or well being) I am constantly getting opposing messages from others- that I should try to care for my body, that I shouldn't let others hurt me, or use me as their venting receiver, or in whatever ways will bring them comfort or release, if it causes my body pain.

Since I feel their release, or comfort, at the same time I might feel the pain or discomfort, it really doesn't matter to ME. But to those who love me and observe this, they DO make a difference between me and the other, and they only pick up on the discomfort part in such situations!
I don't know if I explained that effectively... can you grasp what I mean?

YOU may think I should not make this effort to take care of my body while here, but that might be because you are not a person in close relation to me- it will not matter to you.

But I will consider your feedback anyway, and perhaps I will relate more later in time. Sometimes things need to sit to connect.
edit on 23-6-2013 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by jonnywhite

I'm a INFP (Introvert(67%) iNtuitive(62%) Feeling(25%) Perceiving(22)%).

I think I don't worry about whether I am "broken" anymore, though that might have something to do with age.

Most of my life has been spent trying to scan and find what I want to fix or change in who I am, whereas, at 45, I'm kinda feeling less drawn to that particular concern. The cake is made- now I pretty much want to make sure I am as aware as possible of all it's characteristics, and how best to bring out them out, in what combinations and contexts!

Regarding my sensitivity as simply that is one way that aids me to more easily find ways in which it can be a plus rather than a minus. Neuroticism usually goes with sensitivity- and I could simply consider myself neurotic. But though that is a useful term when you're looking to "better" yourself or "heal" yourself, there aren't many activities that will come to mind which are great for neurotics!

On the other hand, my high sensitivity is extremely good for working with animals, and small children (who cannot verbalize- communication is mostly taking place on a subconscious level of body).
I am pretty good in therapeutic functions, though I personally would not say I could use these skills best if I were a mental health professional- the reason being that deeper subconscious exchange can sometimes be hampered by the focus of the conscious will.

My senses are useful in artistic endeavors, where my sense of subtilities in color, tones, and structures is a plus.

-And most of all, in translation between differing elements! Between peoples of very different opinions, cultures, languages, for example.... or between ideas which contrast, I very much enjoy and am good at weaving them together for synthesis. It is a creative process of first breaking down in analysis, thesis and anti-thesis (getting in the details and roots of the elements which contrast) then carefully weaving them together.

This actually can be useful in many types of careers and activities, and it requires that very refined sense of subtile detail. Intellect alone can do analytical work, but tends to have trouble with the synthesis part, without the sensitivities of emotion. The opposing elements remain separate- black and white, self and other, good/bad, right/wrong. The emotion which is produced by the body is sort of a catalyst for merging and changing ideas.

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by Bluesma

I am confident if I had tried to get diagnosed when I was younger I'd have aspergers or ocd or some other mental disorder. I did see the school counselor once or twice about being teased. I was very shy and didn't interact with others effectively. But I guess since my grades were deemed satisfactory, nobody pursued it. However, I did get held back in school early on, so I had some level of learning dysfunction. I was premature 3 months and that's probably why. Not all preemies have learning problems, though. There's also the issue of "talents". I don't think I had any, since I was held back, but some people did, and they probably let that interfere with their judgment.

Either way, I was never sent to a psychiatric doctor to figure out why I didn't blend in with the others. In some way, I'm thankful. I probably would be stuck on drugs right now like two of my close relations. That said, I do have problems. I'm just not sure what their root cause is.

If someone makes a lot of bad choices, is it because they're broke or because they're negligent? You know, I don't really want to be fixed, even if I am broke. Like I said, I'm stubborn.

It's like I'm still infected with teenage apathy, except I really try to care about things, but I fall short when things become too real. I have a bad case of picking apart this world. Maybe I'm trying to justify a feeling of apathy towards the world. Part of me just doesn't connect with things.

I don't feel I'm bi-polar or anything. I feel good when certain things happen. Like when I work or have a job or meet a friend or exercise. Generally, I hate myself when those things are absent. It feeels good to wake up after some good sleep. It feels good to have a nice meal. And so on. I don't just randomly feel extrenemly good or feel bad like some people claim they do. Of course, when they claim that, I always analyze them and tell them that they're partly to blame. I find it too easy to blame others for their conditions. I always have some kind of explanation for s***.

Others are like "You're broke, bro." I'm like "I'll be broke for the rest of my life, so?" I really do not want to be fixed. I have a disdain for authority, somewhat. I see it as dignity. If I picture myself swallowing pills, as I see some people do, it brings out the worst in me. Pure disgust. It's like I have a built-in instinct to trust my body/mind, for good or ill, through thick and thin.

I like this quote: "Get up and feel the freedom, stay down and feel the tyranny."
edit on 23-6-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

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