posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 10:36 AM
I have long wondered about the implications of immortality and what It would mean for a human being. But before we get any further into it, let me
just state that humans were designed with the desire to live happy, healthy lives. People do not get tiring of living because they are enjoying
themselves, eating amazing meals, spending quality time with their families, being healthy enough to have something to always look forward to, to see
their beautiful children grow up, to see their entire families together during the holiday, and create unforgettable memories that will stick in their
hearts as long as they have breath left in their lungs. Isn't wonderful to enjoy the pleasures of life, the ones that makes us wonder, that makes us
look up at the sky, and no matter what our believes are, become engulfed in a feeling that can only be positive and rather overwhelming. Life is not
boring , and with the immense variety of things we have yet to discover an do, i think any person in their right mind would have the desire to really
want to become a part of the extraordinary, because the extraordinary happens every day, just look at the news. Children being saved by new medical
breakthroughs, people having a better quality of life after brushing up against death in a very scary way.
You see, it is not the good things in life that makes us want to die, and look at the death as a natural clean out process that allows others to come
after you and continue their legacy. The child that is about to loose his mother because of lung cancer, they newlywed couple that just finds out that
the bride has a congenital heart deffect an she won't be around anymore. The child with down syndrom that will never be able to reach their full
potential, the husband that struggles to find the strength as his wife slowly rottens in a hospital room. The war veteran that has seen atrocities
that will hunt them forever, and now all he can do to escape is drink his life away to forget, to get away from the regrets that will not let him
sleep at night. For many people, death is the only relive to the suffering, the only logical explanation, and that is understandable.
But at the end of the day, life is one of the biggest miracles that the universe has provided to us, on top of our personal, innate desire to learn
more, to really find our purpose here. If we could do exactly what we love to do for eternity, without having to worry about the negative things, I
believe our lives will generate true meaning an will remind us of the internal survival instinct that we all have.....eternity is in our blood.
Now, with that said, I am not sure if this 2045 project will get all this accomplished. It seems like a really daunting task with a lot a variables in
it that we don;t yet know how they are going to be accomplished, and if the quality of life will be an improvement over the old quality of life. There
are many challenges to be successful at doing this, but with the way things have evolved lately, this could very well be our next step into the
evolutionary process (btw, I am not an advocate for evolution, but I do believe things evolve, or transform themselves to become better to achieve a
successful end result. We were given highly intelligent brains in order to create solutions for ourselves.....could this means that we are supposed to
take human evolution on our own hands and create the ultimate survival method for human beings to become ultimately a higher species?
Of course there are going to be challenges and a lot of opposition. We are going to have to find a way to deal with bugs, super intelligent sentient
beings and a posible increase in intelligence that could turn some people evil. But, isn't that what human civilization has done all along for
thousands of years. If we want to progress as a race, risks must be taken in order to achieve success.
I actually wrote this post in regards to those that I hear saying they don't want to live longer than their are supposed to. I have been in deathbeds
with people that have left to live, people that knew that they only had hours left. No matter how drugged they were at that time, the fear still came
out of their eyes, even if they didn't say a single word. It is not natural for us to die, we have never been able to accept it. That why people look
up to religion, to find the hope that this life is not all there is. And that is why I have also seem atheists cry uncontrollably at the sight of a
loved one dying. There is no hope, it is all black and white for them, as they are convinced that is simply the end.
Will this 2045 initiative ever come to fruition, I have no idea. My point to make is that a great long lasting life is not a bad thing, it is the bad
things we encounter in this world that makes us wish life wasn't eternal. Even for people that feel that way, when the heart stops, their biggest
fear will not be dying, it will be missing all the great things that have yet to come.