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Club of Rome report: We're running out of everything!

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posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 02:05 PM

High-grade global deposits of coal, oil, gas and other minerals are declining to levels where extraction costs will increase dramatically, says Ugo Bardi, energy expert in a new Report to the Club of Rome

In Plundering the Planet, energy expert and professor of chemistry Ugo Bardi says that we are reaching the limits of economically feasible extraction of a number of mineral commodities, including metals and fossil fuels. The world will never run out of its minerals but extracting them will prove far more expensive. This will be one of the most important challenges of our civilization’s future, he says.

Our current economies are built on cheap fossil fuels and high grade mineral ores which can be economically exploited. However, if we continue with a ‘business as usual’ approach, we will soon reach the limits to which fossil fuels and other vital resources can be exploited. The increasing exploitation of non-conventional fuels, such as shale gas and tar sands could prolong the fossil fuel age for a few years. But this would lead us faster into the age of uncontrollable climate change.

Now, I found this after looking at another thread, which was talking about Builderberg et al... and the release of documents from ages ago related to their meetings. In the documents was the Club of Rome, and its intended structure laid out in some documents. Showing the aim of creating a unified world power with integration between the UN and world governments, in an effort for __________.

Fill in the blank.

Many might say it's to wrap us all up like livestock and feed us to aliens. Send us off to gulags, etc. NWO, the Illuminati, and all that jazz.

Well in fact I find this report not surprising at all. And whether or not you believe in climate change is besides the matter. One line in the article about how some places need to exploit coal and shale gas to maintain lifestyle is deeply troublesome.

This has been an ongoing topic on the forum that I have addressed.

We are simply like a virus. And there is not enough to support ourselves on this world in the current state of our societies.

In some threads, I've debated whether or not fossil fuels are "fossil" at all. As some claim they simply restock themselves. And it's the evil BIG OIL that is simply charging us up the wahoo.

But I find that entirely illogical as it does not make sense to go after reserves that are far more expensive and harder to extract, and thats precisely what has been happening in recent years.

I think it's quite possible for this age to come to an end. And while people think the interest in globalism and World Government is inherently evil, there is the possibility that it was drummed up simply to keep us going.

In fact, business interest would likely exploit all it could until the world imploded on itself. A profiting company that could simply dump waste to eliminate cost in fact would. We've seen it many times over.

So I propose for some to consider the idea that perhaps there are people actually very worried about the state of this world in 50 years or so. As our actions have not been responsible in the least.
edit on 18-6-2013 by boncho because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-6-2013 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 02:24 PM
Native American Cree Indian Proverb..

“Only after the last tree has been cut down. Only after the last river has been poisoned. Only after the last fish has been caught. Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.”

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by boncho

Good post. You know what's going to be a treasure trove? Those piles of old junk computers and electronics. They all have rare earth minerals now, (including about $10 in gold) but the extraction of these will be worth bigger money in the future.

In fact, garbage dumps may be viewed as treasure troves down the line for all kinds of once easy to find resources. The economy is going to move toward a recycled model. Something like 3D printers to make the tech, but the raw materials things are printed out of will be a commodity you will never throw away. Good for the environment that way.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by tridentblue
reply to post by boncho

In fact, garbage dumps may be viewed as treasure troves down the line for all kinds of once easy to find resources. The economy is going to move toward a recycled model. Something like 3D printers to make the tech, but the raw materials things are printed out of will be a commodity you will never throw away. Good for the environment that way.

I have to contest you on the last note. In fact it's economically viable to process ewaste in China as we speak. The model is hardly good for the environment or the people involved however (save the person at the top).

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 03:02 PM
Considering the amount of Methane locked up under the oceans and permafrost, it wont be all that hard to switch over to liquid methane when the time comes, plus that gas can be produced from human and animal solid waste, for as long as its needed.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 03:02 PM
Its obvious that humanity is headed for a sticky end, China is raping the planet at an alarming place, and making its own country a hell hole. Once the air becomes so bad and the rivers are poisoned they wont be just sitting around until they die, they will start a mass migration and this my friends will be world war 3.
The land and water wars will begin in the next 15 years and there is nothing we can do about it, is a crap future ahead.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by On the level
Its obvious that humanity is headed for a sticky end, China is raping the planet at an alarming place, and making its own country a hell hole. Once the air becomes so bad and the rivers are poisoned they wont be just sitting around until they die, they will start a mass migration and this my friends will be world war 3.
The land and water wars will begin in the next 15 years and there is nothing we can do about it, is a crap future ahead.

Who do you think sent their pollution to China? Why do you think the "trade routes" were opened? The Chinese government at the top were offered what they were, and they opened their borders because the West couldn't pollute its own anymore. Eventually, China will rise, and it will be passed on to someone else, or some other conclusion.

It is a cycle, but not started by China.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 03:22 PM
I try not to see it as all doom and gloom. There are many things we could do to move to renewable and sustainable energy reliance. Tidal power, hydroelectricity, solar power are all things that should be taken advantage of now, while we still have the power to implement the change. The problem is with humans , is that we will wait till the lights have gone out, before we take the issue seriously enough to do anything about it.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 05:04 PM
Great thread

I hope people sit up and take notice. Humanity is like the titanic, we've hit the iceberg, but the band plays n reassuring us that everything is quite alright. Meanwhile the ship of our existence is sinking fast.....

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
I try not to see it as all doom and gloom. There are many things we could do to move to renewable and sustainable energy reliance. Tidal power, hydroelectricity, solar power are all things that should be taken advantage of now, while we still have the power to implement the change. The problem is with humans , is that we will wait till the lights have gone out, before we take the issue seriously enough to do anything about it.

Everything you mentioned here is energy intensive. EROEI's are all terrible or they cause massive damage to the ecosystem.

It's not as cut and dry as it seems. And while "green" energy has been promoted up the wazoo these past 20 years, a great deal of them are not green at all unless you consider the green algae in reservoirs, the green radioactivity in rare earth materials for wind, the green it costs to manufacture solar which doesn't get paid back for years cause the energy cost to create the materials is almost as much as what you get back.

It is getting better though. Many technologies are becoming much more efficient, like solar.

But it is not the fantasy solution like some believe.

In a study to be published in Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Fearnside estimates that in 1990 the greenhouse effect of emissions from the Curuá-Una dam in Pará, Brazil, was more than three-and-a-half times what would have been produced by generating the same amount of electricity from oil.

One example....

There are many if you study the subject.

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 02:12 AM
How many people, in whichever country, do you think would be willing to change their lifestyle in order to extend the usage of the fossil materials? The resources we use are certainly not infinite, and I would guess that at this present time, we don't have an alternative for energy which we can switch over to? We could return to a form of agricultural lifestyle, but not everyone would be able to make the change, or even survive it. For this to work, there would have to be a vast reduction in every country of their population.

Our wars with each other act like a culling mechanism, and even with natural disasters and diseases, our exponential population growth levels place severe strain on our societies. At some point in the not-too-distant-future, a fair few societies are going to collapse due to resource levels shrinking, and I would think that pragmatic governments would not look at this problem with sympathy, but utility. Surgical wars would be used against unfortunate countries for the resources they have. In fact, is this not what we are seeing right now?

I think the scale of the problem, not its logistics, would beat us. Our infrastructures are very fragile, especially when electricity is turned off or knocked out, it wouldn't take much to knock us back to the stone age, with a massive population loss. Severe population reduction in a short time scale is an option that has been discussed in secret think tanks around the world. The thing is, each country's government would have to enact a national eugenics programme at the same time as other countries, but would they be able to trust each other to do this. I think not, so war would be the more general tool for the programme. If they could agree now, they would probably enact it tomorrow.

These secret and non-transparent government head meetings (unlike the UN meetings) will no doubt be discussing ways and methods to reduce strain on societies, and the instigation of eugenic programmes will no doubt be on the list for discussion. If given the choice, I would prefer to face a natural extinction event rather than global societal breakdown by our own hands...that would be just too horrific.

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by boncho

In a study to be published in Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Fearnside estimates that in 1990 the greenhouse effect of emissions from the Curuá-Una dam in Pará, Brazil, was more than three-and-a-half times what would have been produced by generating the same amount of electricity from oil.

One example....

There are many if you study the subject.

It's obvious that the finite resources of the world are being over exploited and we are now literally running with very little fuel left in the tank, so what is the alternative?

I know that solar panels are very dirty to produce, you say that wind farms are no good, hydro is doing all it can, nuclear energy is a stop gap at best, of and only if the world accepts it and hot rocks is in it's infancy. If we were to grow oil crops like canola or use plant waste for methane / methanol we will take up land we need for food.

What is the answer to the world's insatiable apetite for energy? Does the ocean hold the answer maybe?
edit on 19-6-2013 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by boncho

High-grade global deposits of coal, oil, gas and other minerals are declining to levels where extraction costs will increase dramatically, says Ugo Bardi, energy expert in a new Report to the Club of Rome

In Plundering the Planet, energy expert and professor of chemistry Ugo Bardi says that we are reaching the limits of economically feasible extraction of a number of mineral commodities, including metals and fossil fuels. The world will never run out of its minerals but extracting them will prove far more expensive. This will be one of the most important challenges of our civilization’s future, he says.

Our current economies are built on cheap fossil fuels and high grade mineral ores which can be economically exploited. However, if we continue with a ‘business as usual’ approach, we will soon reach the limits to which fossil fuels and other vital resources can be exploited. The increasing exploitation of non-conventional fuels, such as shale gas and tar sands could prolong the fossil fuel age for a few years. But this would lead us faster into the age of uncontrollable climate change.

Now, I found this after looking at another thread, which was talking about Builderberg et al... and the release of documents from ages ago related to their meetings. In the documents was the Club of Rome, and its intended structure laid out in some documents. Showing the aim of creating a unified world power with integration between the UN and world governments, in an effort for __________.

Fill in the blank.

Many might say it's to wrap us all up like livestock and feed us to aliens. Send us off to gulags, etc. NWO, the Illuminati, and all that jazz.

Well in fact I find this report not surprising at all. And whether or not you believe in climate change is besides the matter. One line in the article about how some places need to exploit coal and shale gas to maintain lifestyle is deeply troublesome.

This has been an ongoing topic on the forum that I have addressed.

We are simply like a virus. And there is not enough to support ourselves on this world in the current state of our societies.

In some threads, I've debated whether or not fossil fuels are "fossil" at all. As some claim they simply restock themselves. And it's the evil BIG OIL that is simply charging us up the wahoo.

But I find that entirely illogical as it does not make sense to go after reserves that are far more expensive and harder to extract, and thats precisely what has been happening in recent years.

I think it's quite possible for this age to come to an end. And while people think the interest in globalism and World Government is inherently evil, there is the possibility that it was drummed up simply to keep us going.

In fact, business interest would likely exploit all it could until the world imploded on itself. A profiting company that could simply dump waste to eliminate cost in fact would. We've seen it many times over.

So I propose for some to consider the idea that perhaps there are people actually very worried about the state of this world in 50 years or so. As our actions have not been responsible in the least.
edit on 18-6-2013 by boncho because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-6-2013 by boncho because: (no reason given)

As we saw in Cyprus and in PM Hiel Harpers 2013 budget, It's to rape YOU at the bank
so don't get it, its better for the rest of us if you don't...

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 06:09 AM
I believe they are running out of everything that make the rich richer, I always thought that oil, coal and minerals were the staples of making those who control everything richer. We all know that there are much cheaper alternatives and methods that would prove effective and get us off of oil and fossil fuel dependence, however, at the same time would lessen the profits that sustain those who cash in on our own need for energy and other resources that maintain the modern lifestyles that most established countries enjoy.

The fact is that the rich are not the only ones to blame though, lets think about the consumers, many of the well to do economies and average consumers have taken many things for granted, and as a consequence built glutinous and wasteful lifestyles that contribute to the fast depletion of what we consider natural resources.

The proof that the rich that control oil and coal never want real solutions that make more sense has been revealed in the past, by their direct and indirect efforts to suppress monopolize and control the development of free energy technologies or alternative solutions as it would possibly prove to be the end of their main sources of wealth and power.

What do you think?

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by phinubian
We all know that there are much cheaper alternatives and methods that would prove effective and get us off of oil and fossil fuel dependence,

I'm curious, what are these cheaper alternatives and methods you speak of?

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by markosity1973

I am no expert on these matters, however, there is much information you can use to form your own opinion as well, but the sun, wind and water are starters.

Here is an article that might get you started
External article on energy alternatives

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by tridentblue

Yeah that occurred to me too, and I always found it to be odd how land-fills were used for public lands and parks a lot of the time...

your children and dogs can play there, but you can't live there cuz it's polluted....?....

Maybe to keep it from becoming complicated when the technology to recover all of those buried resources is developed, to avoid having to raze entire neighborhoods to dig them back up for recovery.

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 08:51 AM
We need integrative solutions. I'm working on proofing a concept for economic feasibility on a small scale with dreams to scale up and implement in metro areas across the nation.

Garbage feeding chicken and pigs from slops created at restaurants. You just have to heat it up to burn up the pathogens to make it legal. You feed this mixed with grass mowed on site to the animals. They produce food, and manure which gets cycled into aquaponics. Duckweed grows from the manure and this feeds tilapia. Tilapia produce excess nitrogen which gets converted into nitrites and nitrates by bacteria. That's plant food.

You get ham, pork, bacon, chicken, eggs, tilapia, veggies and herbs from slops. Not a real solution to our problems, but it's a step in the right direction.
edit on 19-6-2013 by wehavenoclue because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 08:59 AM
Part of the reason for the prices of so many things getting so high may be because of this also, a way to reduce use by way of making it harder for more people to even be able to afford a lot of things.

The truth would be nice, but the dumbing down of huge segments of the population would make it nearly impossible for them to understand, even if one did tell it like it is.

And this is how it is, really, the land is contaminated, the terrain is mostly denuded, the wildlife is pretty much gone or sick and dying, the ocean is polluted and nearly fished out, the air is filthy in comparison to not so long ago, and a lot of people are beginning to get sick right along with their planet.

We're all gonna die a slow painful death, all but those who can afford to go to another planet.

That leaves a lot of people out of the plan, but the plan won't work anyway, because the entire world will go nutso and all bets will be off.

War, the ultimate distraction and waste of resources.

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 09:10 AM
It's nice to know that some at the top realize we are over exploiting the resources. Trouble is they are doing nothing about the waste because it would ruin their economies. We have to stop this wasting of resources, people think that there is no shortage...We just found Natural gas for another hundred years. What happens after a hundred years, are our great grandchildren going to suffer because of our waste. People seem to see that what benefits them now is great and ignore the future. Within a couple hundred years at the present rate we will have made it so hard for our offspring to live that they will be cursing us. Our offspring are us....Part of us lives on in our children. We need to start looking out for our future...Yes, I said our....Part of everyone of us who has kids will be around in two hundred years, we do not really die if we have kids.

S&F for the thread.

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