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Ian Brady (Killer of 5 children) appeals for the right to die

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posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Sankari

UK should bring back the death penalty.

I disagree.

I don't believe a country that has the death penalty is properly civilised; it's a line that must never be crossed.

However, that doesn't mean the UK has got the balance right.

I believe life ought to mean life for psychopathic killers.

A killer with a diagnosis of psychopathy must never be released because one can never be sure that they are no longer a danger.

A killer who isn't a psychopath must serve every minute of the sentence handed down by the judge, with the threat of time added on for bad behaviour.

Neither practise is carried out in British courts regrettably.

There is too much identification with the plight of the accused; it's a very English thing.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by CJCrawley

I'm sorry I don't see how a roof and 3 meals a day is a deterrent for a murderer. That means there's no risk in the crime. Jobs with the highest risk of serious injury or death are the hardest to fill. It's as simple as that. If crime was too dangerous for criminals they'd be less likely to commit one. Just look at how often criminals skip over the victims who won't be a victim and are willing to fight back. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.
edit on 6/17/2013 by EViLKoNCEPTz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by cody599
I watched a documentary about these murders......this guy and his girlfriend were sick puppies! If the man has shown remorse and is truly sorry for what he did (but I doubt he is since he hasn't disclosed the location of one of the children) then unhook his feeding tube and let the man starve himself to death. It's a horrid, painful way to die.....and he still has HELL to look forward to. Be careful what you wish for!

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by cody599

Then let him live. The worst thing we can do to people like this is to do the exact opposite of what they want. I feel no sympathy for a murderer, especially one of children.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 03:30 PM
Everybody should have the right to refuse food if they so wish, its a basic right of life.......if it was a no mark mugger it would not be a problem, but the monster the establishment helped create cannot be let go of without a loss of face of said establishment because they need to be seen to be in total control and the media will go along for the ride and polls of stupid people motivated by emotions will be this point its just lazy.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 09:29 PM
why o why did the guards not turn their back for 5 minutes years ago and let this man be dealt with by the other cons .

some sugar in boiling water to make his life memorable every time he looked in the mirror love to see my tax dollars spent in this way wheres dexter when you need him

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by billdadobbie

That's what happens quite often here in the US. A guard has a bathroom emergency, needs to tie his shoe, becomes distracted etc and the other inmates take care of the pond scum. Even most criminals have morals enough to know you don't mess with kids. Child molesters and child murderers are the bottom rung scum of the criminal world. Sometimes those guys even "slip their cuffs" during transport and try to "escape" getting them a few well placed bullets in their backs. I've heard some stories from some buddies of mine about what happens to those guys in prison, or during transport and booking. My dad's ex wife has a brother who was a cop, he's in prison now because some guy took his 5year old daughter from her bedroom and raped her and beat her really badly while he was on duty. When he arrived they had the guy in cuffs and her brother walked up and pulled his service weapon and shot him in the face then emptied the magazine into his crotch after he hit the ground while everyone stood there staring. As soon as his slide locked back he dropped his gun, removed his duty belt and put his own handcuffs on himself while they were just totally aghast at what happened. One of the other cops who was there said he should have known he was going to do something really bad when he arrived and wasn't wearing his badge on his uniform but thought he may just beat the crap out of the guy, not execute him in front of about 50 witnesses. At trial the judge asked if he had any remorse and he said "if my actions saved just one child from the hell my daughter will endure for the rest of her life, I'd do it again every time I caught one of these pieces of ****" he got sentenced to 25-life after he was found guilty of a crime of passion instead of homicide.

Later got resentenced to life without parole after he beat another inmate to death in the showers for a similar crime and he found out the guy was being paroled. He was a good cop too, never a complaint and had never even had to draw his weapon while on duty. I guess when things like that happen to your daughter it does something to you inside that changes you.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 09:24 AM
I think he should have the right to die.

Why are people so keen on seeing criminals suffer? Revenge is not a good thing.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by cody599

Personally, I think he should be killed, but by the same treatments he gave those kids.... No lethal injection, no chair.

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by lampsalot
I think he should have the right to die.

Why are people so keen on seeing criminals suffer? Revenge is not a good thing.


I do not know if you are a parent or if you have small children in your family BUT what i can say is that if you do and these two evil people had done what they had done to your loved ones, then i am absolutely certain that your answer would not be the same as the one that you had posted.

He was jailed for life... so let the sentence be a life sentence and that he suffer and regret every single one of his sick actions created all those many years ago. This is not about revenge, this is about getting what he deserves... as the saying goes "you reap what you sow"

I think that the justice system has already been too kind on him, as he has preferential treatment on being in a secure isolation block... if it were not for this he would have been killed right from the very start by other prisoners.

Kindest respects

edit on 19-6-2013 by Rodinus because: Phrase added

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by littled16
reply to post by cody599
I watched a documentary about these murders......this guy and his girlfriend were sick puppies! If the man has shown remorse and is truly sorry for what he did (but I doubt he is since he hasn't disclosed the location of one of the children) then unhook his feeding tube and let the man starve himself to death. It's a horrid, painful way to die.....and he still has HELL to look forward to. Be careful what you wish for!

I was flicking through the documentary channels tonight, and i think i might have watched the doc you mentioned. Due to my age im pretty familiar with the moors murderers, but this doc clearly showed the extent of their depravity. I dont say this sort of thing very often, but jail for life or death penalty is to lenient for them, he deserves to be tortured, nothing more, nothing less. And i mean medievel torture. Sorry i should calm down.
The sickos made a 16 minutes recording of a little girl pleading for her clothes, and to be set free to go to her mummy and daddy. Its a level of sickness that goes beyond comprehension.
Look at Lesley ann downeys mother, look at her face, that woman has suffered more than anyone should have to.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 02:32 PM
I agree with an above comment- Do a deal with the sicko, if he discloses the location of the remains of Keith Bennett, and he is being truthful, he should be granted the right to die. AND then break the promise to him- see how he can take even one degree of the crushing upset that Keith Bennetts mother has gone through.

posted on Jul, 2 2013 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by cody599

We in the UK have a child killer in prison, he is pretty notorious and has asked for the right to die.

Two words....Permission Granted!

Sentence to be carried out by making many small cuts, then immersion in a saltwater bath filled with leeches.
edit on 2-7-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

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