posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 06:27 PM
The next four years in the United States will be rather uneventful. Osama Bin Laden will be caught near an election (either 2006, 2008, 2010, or
2012). His capture will be used to signal an end to the war on terror.
The U.S military is stretched internationally. The whole debacle in Iraq is tiring them out as well as demoralizing them. Bush will not institute a
draft because it will mean political suicide for him. Recruitment will increase. They will just lower their standards for recruitment naturally.
Under Bush, the United States will not pull out of Iraq, unless they are able to convince others that the war is over which they will not. By about
2007, the U.S will secretly have set a deal with the insurgents to allow them a peace of the pie to stop the violence so it makes them stop fighting.
This will end the war in Iraq. Shortly afterwards Osama Bin Laden will be caught ending in the minds of most americans this war on terror.
He will push his economic agenda through. He will appoint about 3 or 4 neoconservative judges, but Roe V. Wade will not be overturned because
overturning such a piece of legislation will create another form of precedent, which will make their job much more difficult afterwards.
The U.S economy will rebound, but not to the point of under the Clinton years. The largest problem will be the size of the federal deficit. You
won't see any real action on it until the accumulated debt reaches around 9 billion dollars. Then it will slowly be reduced. That will be
accomplished by a severely devalued U.S dollar, which will be largely responsible for the rise of the U.S economy.
There will be talk about having Bush run a third term and amending the constitution, but the constitution will not be amended. Banning gay marriages
won't happen constitutionally speaking either. Just spoken about.
There will be no major terrorist attacks on U.S soil. There will be attempts, but the FBI will stop them.