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----My theory of the NWO, and The NWO tracker---

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posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 04:22 PM
I want to create this thread to raise peoples awarness of things which could possibly be conceived as NWO activity. Just recently a jet fired on a school and two metros collided together nearly one day appart. Somewhere along the lines in those days 10,000 American Soldiers got sent to Iraq to help reconstruct it and fight the "Insurgents". Through the war on Iraq there has been several beheadings which struck fear in the hearts of many, and then militants around the world are continuing the practice of such horrible acts as seen on earlier in another post.

New World Order Activity Tracking
Look at the news for the last few days, there's been terrible activities going on in the middle east and Yassar Araft has been poisoned which could possibly lead to a war in the Middle east. Not only is there that but George W. Bush has already sent 10,000 troops to Iraq and declared war on North Korea, and he also created war against Syria for no apparent reason, and those two wars hasn't been highly publicized in the American press. Everyday something tragic is happening, just today they were sending drone planes to Isreal.

11/08/04Due to George W. Bush being re-elected in office, Norway has began to choose to join the European Union due to his policy on not being very co-operative with foreign nations, and that apparently drove him to join the European Union. This means that due to Bush being elected, another Country will join the European Union which is controlled supposidly by the Omega Agency which is responsible for alot of things which are happening. Ironically enough, this could just be what George W. Bush needs in order to get his father's NWO to succeed; that goes one more country into the stranghold of the NWO. This information was found on a thread in and the link to the full story is found on

[My theory on the NWO, what will come to be of the conpsiracy]
What is the only possible solution for all of this; an NWO of course. The risk becomes increasingly likely that the nations where theres so much hazardous fighting going on, a martial law will be put into place there; . With this taken into account, there will be more prisons created and the ones who are against the NWO will be sent into prison. Once the war is near wilting away all of them will be assassinated which will dramatically reduce the world's population which is one of the NWOs goals and therefore the people who are left from the war will have no will left to resist since they think that they still have their personal freedoms.

An NWO will be created much like the European Union whereas all the nations will be ruled by a one world government. In the ending years of the war there will be movies depicting what it would be like if America was a dictatorship or for that matter, Great Britain. These movies would be created to help people prepare for what could possibly happen, much like along the lines of why MIB was created.

After the NWO is created the camps will be utilized and send the insurgents to the camps who disagree with their policies; which includes people like us. As stated on the website, the NWO and the CIA agency are both competing for world control, however either way it will become ineveitable that the people of the world will stand united unconciously of their fate which is soon to come.

The NWO will use their mind control to stabalize the problems they have with the people who disagree with them. In order for the NWO to exist, there needs to be only a small population which agrees with their policies; otherwise they couldn't possibly produce 9 billion chips which are implanted into our minds.

Unlike other topics, I will want to use this thread to keep an updated list of news items which are printed in every day newspapers or even here on this website, which could hint on how close the New World order is from approaching into power. Keep this in mind before you see every news source relating to the war on ******: George W. Bush's father was once the head of the CIA and also he even said it in his speech to the congressmen. George W. Bush and another president also talked about the new World Order coming to power soon on I am sorry if this is a repeat thread; but I don't think that there has been one which actually tracked their activities or what could possibly be from them.

With all the chaos in the world increasingly from its supposidly unbearable state of chaos and annarchy before, it becomes increasingly evident that you can match which events happen in the newspapers to the very existence of an NWO. In order to strike fear in the hearts of people which is what they are looking for, I believe they will force all the religious groups in the world to spread symbolism and prophecies which related directly to the NWO to make people be deceived. I'm sorry if the post is a little long, but this is my theory.

[edit on 7-11-2004 by NWObringer]

[edit on 8-11-2004 by NWObringer]

[edit on 8-11-2004 by NWObringer]

[edit on 8-11-2004 by NWObringer]

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 08:13 AM
You have voted NWObringer for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month

Sorry, but i have to do this also....
Can i have a source please??

[edit on 8-11-2004 by infinite]

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 01:39 PM
Uh, I'm sorry if I was a little late in replying to your message, Infinite. I was at school so I had little time to respond.

Most of what was going to happen was pure speculation on my part. The part where I talked about the concentration camps was from a book which I read in the Spy Museum called Conspiracy Theories, and I think the author was David Ramsy and it gave a website where people thought suspected concentration camps may be but people have searched and nothing was there; I think that the NWO would utilize this. Everything except the first part is pure speculation on my part, and throughout this thread I will update the topic to add certain news sources which could perhaps hint us to the truth of a real NWO establishment.

[edit on 8-11-2004 by NWObringer]

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 07:31 PM
Aside from the previous post, if Arafat dies, wouldn't it wreak havoc throughout the middle east and make it increasingly harder for a new world order to have a unified world government and language? This would create a new scenario obstinate from what everyone was thinking with the war on ****** and possibly make it almost impossible to have an NWO, as there would be much protest within the middle east.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 05:17 PM
Hmm... according from what I predicted everything I'm guessing seems to be going right. Apparently a Jewish settlement was just recently attacked due to the angry militants... it's not as if it's there fault. However, this really does look like it will make things alot more difficult for the NWO to achieve their goal during the war on terror.

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