posted on May, 17 2003 @ 05:49 AM
Nans made a good point about being in need of love, and how love can manipulate the one in need of love; even more then one would have been otherwise
without love. I did this to my self at one time. I let this girl slowly grow on me. She was great. Notice how I said great. That brings me to my next
point and the next person I wanted to comment on.
Saph had said that Pocket should not get too anxious to throw herself into this one person without taking into account the possible consequences. This
is a just and noble virtue of her's. Trust me Pocki, any person is capable of anything. We only know what people want us to know. The one who is
themselves is the only one who can know ones' self. Does that make sense???
What makes me think that you should worry about you lover??? Nothing. I don't think you should worry, nor do I think does Saph. What I am trying to
say is that you must keep an open eye and a open mind. Most of all, be yourself and don't do anything you don't want to do, especially if it is
something enforced or pressed upon one's person. Often lovers sacrifice a lot for the other. This can be a deadly game. This brings me to my next
reference and my next point.
ProudAmerican had stated that love can be given and in turn not recieved. This is another honest and righteous virtue. The girl I said had grown on me
was of like referecne. She was one I gave much love and more sacrifice. I sacrificed my love of her, for her. She knew my feelings but unfortonatley
they ment nothing to her. We were really good friends with a really complicated drama induced love triangle destroying our trust of one another. I
really don't want to talk about that. Anyway my point is, that the love can grow on you and the growth will suffocate your soul when you are putting
in all the work.
I see this in my sister's relationship with her long held boyfriend. She shows absolute blind faith and obedience to this man, yet he is extremely
critical of her often irrational rational. Her rational is fear induced because she is so afraid of losing this man to her own comments or actions.
That can be quite undermining when one considers that some love can be interpretated as inner peace and freedom. Many like to think that love is just
that. Freedom and sense of heart and soul. That is when we are complete, when the heart and soul are free and sane. That is what being complete is,
and that is how many describe love, as being complete with the help of the one you love. It is the reasoning that one cannot be complete without the
love of another that drives this belief. Yet I can say that is not how I feel.
I don't feel that one needs anyone else, nor does anyone need any love to be complete. If that were true than the Dali Lama's of our time would not
be complete. How could that be???
The Dali Lama is the supreme monk. The monks I have met were definately complete. Then again that is to say that passivity and contentment is being
complete. If you ask me, real completeness is perfection, and in my opinion only God is capable of utter perfection.
Therefore if we were to accept the concept of the meaning of love, being that withheld in the belief that one must be complete to love, than we would
in turn be saying that not only were humans incapable of completeness, but they would be incapable of love. Which just is not true.
We know that we can love, and what love is to us, but we don't neccasarly know what love is to others. I think it is safe to say that no one has been
able to define love, because everyone is inclined to have their own definition of the word.
I have four definitions for love. They are as follows:
The Motherly or Fatherly loves---Love that is induced by the reverence to one's child.
The Brotherly love---Love that is represented by the enjoyment of the company of those that one feels close to.
The Loverly love---The love that is produced by the attraction of two people to one another. This is the love we have been trying to figure out and
label for years now.
The Natural love---The greatest love of them all. Natural love is to simply love. What do I mean???
Think about this. Does not one feel love for the fresh air? Does not one feel love for the relief? Does not one feel love for a mountain or a sea? Is
not this love?
I think so. I don't mean that the Natural love is just within nature. I mean it in every sense, that is why I call it natural. Because it is the
things that one must love in order to live in peace and comfort. The natural love can be love of sex, or it can be love of burnt rubber. The love that
is most often neglected is the love that is Natural. We look for too much of the other loves, not knowing that the love we really need and want is
right in front of our eyes. Hell, it is our eyes. You See?