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Britain the perfect secret facility?

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posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 06:41 AM
As usual please move this post if in wrong forum !

I come to you today with a thought. Nothing more, nothing less. However this is a thought that potentially could have some truth to it.

Around the world, there are many "Secret" bases and what not that everybody knows about. Yet governments continue to shroud them in secrecy. What if all this effort is nothing more than a diversion from where the real secret stuff is going on? Of course many countries, particularly the US, do carry out secret operations and projects so let's not forget that.

Over here in the UK, secret projects and what not is nowhere near as big in society than it is anywhere else. At least I think anyways. I would even go as far to say that brits are more interested in foreign secretive things than their own! This is because, well, it just isn't a big deal here. Nobody cares. At least thats the impression I get. Of course there are people who are interested, but its not big you know?

So, with that in mind, isn't out small island with lots of countryside and many MOD and US bases plotted around the perfect place to test and develop secret projects? I know Scotland has stuff going on but I'm talking Britain in general. I think, with out diverse terrain, our MSM not really caring and the fact that 99% of the time we are covered in cloud (HAHA) we would be the perfect secret test facility.

Views and opinions?

PS anyone who asks me where I got 99% percent of the time from... Don't bother.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 06:56 AM
There's a lot of secret stuff going on in known and unknown bases all over the UK.

There's a secret underground base along the M4, near to Reading.

There's a slip road signposted as 'Works traffic only'..the normal colour for 'works traffic is blue', this one is white with a red border...the same as MOD bases everywhere.

It's a secret facility (well..not so secret now) built largely underground, and was built during the cold war.

But it's operational, and is used for who knows what.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by MysterX

The road traffic sign is cool!

This is exactly what I mean, there is a lot of secret stuff going on, but its nowhere near as widely known about. People such as yourself who take a huge interest in it will know of course. But tourists don't come over to the UK to walk down the M4 and try to find a base do they hahaha. Where as many people visit Area 51.
edit on 14-6-2013 by brace22 because: Spelling.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 07:04 AM
haha I can confirm that for 99% of the time we are covered in cloud in the UK

I can also say that there are numerous sightings of strange craft in the skies near here where I live. That's because I live only several kilometers from Warton Airbase (BAE)

There have been reports of unusual humming sounds that continue for hours at a time through the night. Also fast moving lights that look like helicopters at first but just too fast for any known conventional type.

In short, there is definately some secret research going on around here that's for sure

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 07:19 AM
loads of investigative info here

Some very in depth checking has been performed with press releases and maps from ordinance survey over the years.

A very good web site.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 07:33 AM
I used to live near to Croydon in Surrey, a major town in South-East England.

Coming home late from visiting family down South, at about 2am my wife and i pulled up outside our old home.

We used to be at a high elevation, and could see a panorama of Croydon and London further in the distance from the road outside our house.

This night was during a Summer (can't remember the year, probably 1997 or 1998) it was very still and quiet and i saw a light in the sky, miles out in the distance towards London.

Thinking it was a helicopter, as it moved like one and was too far away to see any detail, i mentioned it to my wife who was with me. I said something like 'They look like they're looking for someone over there'..I thought it was a Police chopper searching for some scallyway.

I couldn't put my finger on it, but the longer i watched it, the more i got the feeling that it's movements looked odd or a little weird...the light seemed to be getting bigger, and we realised it has turned direction and was heading towards our place...long story short, it stopped zigzagging like a chopper searching the ground, and came directly at we watched it come closer.

I kid you not, the aircraft came DIRECTLY over our roof and over our heads as we watched it from the road...out of all the houses and roads it could have passed over, it passed over ours...but it wasn't a helicopter.

It made a weird high pitched whine, sounding similar to a jet engine, but higher pitched like an aircraft had spun up to top engine speed and then doubled it was really high pitched but not as loud as a normal jet engine...then as it passed over our heads, we saw the underside of was SQUARE shaped and moved much too slowly for a conventional jet powered kind of glided over us at most about 50mph.

It had a light on each corner and a bright white light at the front, like a normal search light and a red light at the back (like a chopper)...but was absolutely square shaped, with metal tubes running along the underside.

We estimated it was very low, only about 50-100 feet high, so it wasn't very large in size, probably only 20 - 30 feet in length.

I've always thought it was a human made, experimental craft of some just 'felt' human made if you know what i mean.

Possibly came from a secret base somewhere on the Surrey / Kent border was my thinking at the time.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by MysterX

Awesome story! The man made feel you talk about I completely understand as well. Im not a physics expert but I don't think a square shape is an impossible thing to make fly.

I don't live too far from Croydon, about 50 miles, but we don't get anything like that over here. I live about 14 miles West of Shoeburry MOD base. It is apparently a weapons range, training and disposing site. However, we get A LOT of Apache choppers and other military craft coming from that direction. A firing range? Yeah right. I think there is something else going on down there personally. Im going to post a thread in a minute about an experience I had recently which I think is related to that base. So keep an eye out

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 08:26 AM
Well, they have secret programs, and IF successful, you will never hear about it, nor know it is even going on. I believe that Britain has many secret programs going on, and for the size and population of the country, probably just as big or bigger than the USA, per citizen.

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 08:34 AM
Great thread.

The "Stealth Fighter" was based in Scotland before its existence was made known to the what else could be hidden in the UK ?

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by MysterX
There's a lot of secret stuff going on in known and unknown bases all over the UK.

There's a secret underground base along the M4, near to Reading.

There's a slip road signposted as 'Works traffic only'..the normal colour for 'works traffic is blue', this one is white with a red border...the same as MOD bases everywhere.

It's a secret facility (well..not so secret now) built largely underground, and was built during the cold war.

But it's operational, and is used for who knows what.

I know the one you mean. Rumour had it that it was a bunker for government officials, but it's a bit for from London to be useful for that. Drove past it many times when I lived in the south but never had the balls to drive down the road.

posted on Jun, 15 2013 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Johnny76
haha I can confirm that for 99% of the time we are covered in cloud in the UK

I can also say that there are numerous sightings of strange craft in the skies near here where I live. That's because I live only several kilometers from Warton Airbase (BAE)

There have been reports of unusual humming sounds that continue for hours at a time through the night. Also fast moving lights that look like helicopters at first but just too fast for any known conventional type.

In short, there is definately some secret research going on around here that's for sure

Me too! I'm in Stalmine.

I regularly go onto the base at Warton with my job but have never seen anything unusual through an open hangar door, more's the pity.....

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 01:24 PM
I agree with poster

posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 01:24 PM


posted on Jun, 16 2013 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by GeeBee

Heh...i've driven past it loads of times too's on the Eastbound side of the M4 near reading for anyone driving through that area, look out for a small rectangular sign..white background and red border.

I said to my Mrs 'i'm gonna drive down that slip road and have a bloody look' loads of times..didn't have the balls to drive down there either!

Maybe a secret UG train tunnel leading from London to the UG base if it was designed for the Government as a Nuke shelter...although i've never quite understood why you need to protect a government when the majority of the people they're supposed to govern would be cinders is anyones guess!

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 07:04 AM

That road is a now disused access road to RAF Welford, which is basically a USAF munitions storage facility. If you do decide to drive off at that junction, you'll get about 100 yards before you come to a basic farm gate across the road.

Google maps RAF Welford and you'll see it.


posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by brace22

hi brace,

I must agree with your opening post, I am from the UK and have never really looked into secret facilities or bases this side of the pond if i am honest.

I have been to a few different airbases around the country for air shows and the like and upto see the "GolfBalls" as us brits know them or to give them their proper name the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System at Fylingdales.

I just think that the UK government isnt as secretive as the US is, yes there will be sites that are classed as secret for good reason

posted on Jun, 20 2013 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by current93

I was at RAF Mildenhall when the F117A was first unveiled to the british public, they did a flyover of the B2 as well, I must dig the photos out

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 06:16 AM
There is a lot going on around the UK but you just need to be lucky/educated to find it.

A number of years ago, shortly after passing my driving test I was doing what any self respecting 17 year old Brit does, driving around aimlessly late at night!

I live in Kent and was driving around the myriad of country lanes that litter our county, to be honest I was totally lost and probably going round in circles, all I can say for sure is that I was near Maidstone as that was the town I eventually stumbled out of the lanes into.

It was around 2/3AM on a Sunday and I had not seen another car for quite some time!

While driving down on of the lanes, near Bluebell hill (again, educated guess, I was lost) I saw lights coming towards me, I pulled into a pull over space and waited to be passed, the lights were advancing very slowly but as they came closer I noticed men walking in front and alongside the vehicles, I also saw that there was not one vehicle but many. First to pass was an unmarked car, possibly police, it has the antenna on the roof and lights in rear window which usually give away it being unmarked police. Next where two soldiers, wearing fatigues, both with rifles slung, the one closest to me looked at me intently and then stood alongside my car window, basically blocking the side window. Next up we had two army jeeps, both with full beams on pretty much blinding me from clearly seeing the drivers. Next up was the 'main event' a large articulated truck, millitary isssue I would guess by the lack of number plates or markings, it was pulling a trailer which was again unmarked and fully enclosed and I would guess 4-6 more soldiers walking alongside it. Once it passed there were 2 more jeeps and 2 walking soldiers at the back, the guy next to my car turned, looked through my window, I mean literally bent down to glare through and then he walked off.

Suffice to say I put my foot down and got out of there as fast as possible afterwards.

God knows what it was, where it had come from or where it was going, I know we have a few facilities in the local area but nothing along those lanes that I have ever seen, mind you there are plenty of dead ends and private roads so maybe there it.

I have thought about it a lot over the years, I would hazard a guess at munitions or tech being moved, but the bit that bugs me is where the hell was it going, and why move it along those roads in the middle of the night.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 06:21 AM
The UK doesn't really do "Secret" faculities. We're too small, everyone knows everything that goes on. What we do is highly classified facilities. That is, you know the site exists, and where it is, but you don't know what it does or how large it extends downwards. There is one near me. You can see a series of bunkers in a large enclosed field. When you go near it on the ground, you get intercepted and turned back by military police. I tried, and the conversation went something along the lines..

"I'm going to ask you to turn around and not proceed further down this road."
"Why? I was curious what the facility down there was."
"I can't comment. Just turn around, or we will arrest you. This is MoD land and you are trespassing."

The site as it is today.

Some years on, and a few FoiA requests, I figured out it was an explosives storage facility where a local chemical company (a branch of ICI) stored their "product", before it was moved to official facilities. With the demise of ICI, the facility is now vacant, and the MP's gone, you can go right up to the gates (but are still followed by cameras).

As for the above posters story, that sounds very much like the movement of nuclear ordinance, from short term storage facilities to newer, long term storage. It gets moved at the dead of night, via obscure roads, under heavy guard to minimize exposure to possible attack and theft.
edit on 25/6/2013 by BMorris because: Clarified a point

edit on 25/6/2013 by BMorris because: Added URL

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 06:32 AM
Great response guys! And some cool stories too!


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