posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 03:54 PM
i don't know.. stuff happens
remember the environmental issue back in the 80's? ..if you spoke anything of it you were a tree-hugger, a hippy, etc..
..all it takes is for politics to get involved on this now.. something is here with us. we can't ignore this forever
maybe these kinds of TV shows, ancient aliens etc are all here to soften us up? this has been going on before von daniken, i think the new-age
movement is also tied into this..even the vatican shifts its position in regards to the "alien" question.
..there is something to all this.. we've been inundated with it since everything went hi-tech.. even if it turns out aliens are bunk, we are being
set up to see it all a certain way.. who knows, maybe aliens are demons, nyah?
aliens in the 20th century seems to be becoming dimensional beings in the 21st century.. i think these are also our fairies and leprechauns of the
earlier times.. i think it's related /shrug