posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by EViLKoNCEPTz
Yes. There are more colors and sizes available by pressing on the arrow keys from the keyboard.
Up and down is for the size of the brush.
Left and right is for shading.
In both her pictures though, the color options are still there.
It's like she did draw these but didn't somehow.
I can button mash with feverish creativity, and have seen the best players on this site, there's no way that what she drew is capable in one minute,
much less than in 4 or 5 minutes.
I'm only looking for evidence of photoshopping or something.
I'm not even sure that can be done with a digital drawing.
But yeah, same word, same chat box and comments, the pen is placed differently, and the round was over on both of them.
I just wanted to know how she is trying to trick people on Facebook, and this site has the greatest critical members in the world.
That's why I'm asking in this forum and I hope to get an answer back.
Kind regards.