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What will Glenn Beck Reveal?

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posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 11:01 AM
Crap! Maybe I'm stupid. I didn't hear anything of relevance. Sounded like another GB broadcast.

More of the progressives are going to take over the world doom and gloom. Same-o, same-o from him. Nothing new. (But I do think that is a actual threat) I'm sick of people crying wolf!

And I didn't even get a nap.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Destinyone

Originally posted by talisman
He is still selling his "Man on the Moon" crap as well. Look the guy if full of it. Time to shut him off. I am done with this guy once and for all, and I hope he looses a lot of ratings over this. If this was really that earth shattering, his "Man on the Moon' thing would be put on hold.

This is outrageous. The guy is a liar.

I can't believe he was playing , I think, a recording of his Man on the Moon crap. One continuous push to sell one thing after another...interspersed with snippets of other recordings.

I used to be a Beck fan...when he started to twirl in circles towards the end of his contract on FOX...I still stuck, I'm having serious doubts about how mentally centered, he still is.

He's like a rudderless ship on a stormy sea....all over the place.


I'm with ya here.

I think within two years he'll be at the Alex Jones level. But with a TV station.

That can't be good.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 11:09 AM
Well the folks at Right Wing Watch has posted up some clips.

Beck: Immigration Reform Will Be 'Death Knell of the Country'

Glenn Beck went off on bipartisan immigration reform today, declaring that comprehensive reform is "worse than universal healthcare" and would be the “death knell of the country” and that there would be “no recovery from this one.”


Ted Cruz Says Glenn Beck Might One Day Be a Political Prisoner, Says Glenn Beck

Yesterday, Glenn Beck convened a meeting with top Republicans, including Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), in Washington to discuss innovations in the media. According to Beck, Cruz warned that the government may stifle dissent by placing curbs on the freedoms of speech and the press in the future, putting Beck in the crosshairs.

That's all I got.

His radio show has ended and the 24 hours are up. So y'all make up your own minds on if this is the "big news".

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by OneisOne

If we have to guess what his *big news*'s not that big. Plus, all his hype is just more P.T. Barnum crappolla, as far as I'm concerned at this point.

Hasn't he ever heard of the boy who cried wolf???


posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 11:16 AM
Why are people still guessing what the big news is?

Its simply about a supposed GOP revolt against Boehner. Thats it. hip/

The whole whistleblower fearing for his life with document that will bring down power structure was all a lure. Bunch of crap.
You have nothing to fear Jesus and Glen is gonna get us through whatever struggles this revolt throws up.

The whole thing is borderline racism and will probably get support from far right wing.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by butcherguy


Not alarmist. Alarmed. Sounding the alarm. They're for real. I just learned about their 'covert' network of "Apostles" earlier this year.
I don't know about you, but I DO NOT want some religious fundamentalist nutter telling me what to believe and how to behave. Neither Muslim NOR Christian, thank you very much.... They're both headed backwards. I'm not even looking back.

Have a look at the websites I posted and make up your own mind.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by ThreeBears

I don't follow Beck, so can't comment on him other than being Satire which is not hard to do, he's just one of many I the whole Media LOL Circus show....

But as for the Dominionists, uh, She's right to be alarmed, very much so. Or he, sorry didn't mean to imply,

No, it's "she", but thanks for checking.

I don't "follow" Beck, but I follow reporting ABOUT him, and I do look at his stupid Blaze thing from time to time, just so I am up to date. He's a fool. I mean tool. I mean......uh.......both. And a nutcase, IMO. Anyone who says to me "You should read Glenn Beck's book!" is immediately tossed out of the "short list" of credible, knowledgeable members here.
Sorry (not really), but, that's the way it is.

oh yea they got some Real whacked out nutjobs but the thing is, they aren't just backwards, they are politically mobilized, use Brainwashing techniques with abuse on children, and are as dangerous as the Taliban if not more so...

Yeah, I typed that out, then deleted, then typed it out again, then deleted. (PC fear). But yes, they are. And they're not messing around.
I suggest people check them out. I was all like
when I first heard about them. They've been "covert" for a while now, even went "underground" when they started being exposed for what they are, but now they've got dogs on their heels. We need to pay close attention. They're the ones pushing for bombing Syria and other countries to "back Israel".

Thanks for bumping the exposure.
Scary stuff.
edit on 13-6-2013 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Destinyone

Great find Des. We keep hearing about all the Muslim brotherhood types working in the White House, the velvet gloves treatment of overseas Islamic radicals etc and now this. Kinda backs up all the other accusations as well doesn't it?

I'll have to admit I think Glenn overshot the mark on this one. It is big, but not "Earth-shaking" or anything that will bring down the government. At least not with the information disgorged so far but let's hope there is more, much more and some real detail that will set the people on fire with righteous indignation at what is attempting to be done to them.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 11:36 AM
Thanks Glenn Beck.

You promised us a diamond on a golden platter and delivered poo on a shoe.

Total crap. People need to stop listening to his show so the advertizing revenue dries up!

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 11:37 AM
He will finally reveal that he is a woman/bear/pig


or that he only likes green Skittles.

Hard to tell.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 11:39 AM
he seems to have achieved his aim.

over the last couple of hours there is many hundreds of folk attacking @speakerboehner on twitter. a lot of folk are very angry. beck sure knows how to rile folk.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

The more stories like this one come out...the more I'm convinced our President is a fall-on-his-knees-on-a-carpet-to-pray, each day, kinda guy.

That news story is very disturbing to me. It ties in with the velvet glove treatment of the Muslim Brotherhood, by this administration. Too many political ties, for my comfort.


posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 12:35 PM
I remember Mr. Glenn Beck! You made the same announcement on the Boston Bombing, you gave an ultimatum to the president - I believed you and what did you present???

Some evidence that a Saudi might be involved BUT after three days nothing followed any more. All the open questions on the Boston bombing are still unanswered and you don't look into this topic anymore.

Mr. Glenn Beck you are a babbler!! Nothing more

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 12:46 PM
I think What you people are not understanding is Glen Beck is trying to expose the corruption of progressive party line and how they cover up so much stuff.Saudi Arabian did something and they sent Him home and covered up whatever he did or whatever influence He could be used to show corrupted politics.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 01:24 PM
There is a rumor related to this.....
HOT ATS Thread

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

On a monthly basis Glenn states he has "something that will change everything" or "i can feel things are about to change", etc. It's a very exciting way to present news and make the audience feel like they are in are the real truth while all the lazy democrat scum are garbage that steal everyone's money.

I don't beleive any document will change anything. The american public is like the frog being put into cold water only to be boiled later for food. American public is eased into the surveillance state by having this leak, then "a conversion" to let everyone know daddy .gov loves you, then go to sleep.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by wildtimes
reply to post by ThreeBears

I don't follow Beck, so can't comment on him other than being Satire which is not hard to do, he's just one of many I the whole Media LOL Circus show....

But as for the Dominionists, uh, She's right to be alarmed, very much so. Or he, sorry didn't mean to imply,

No, it's "she", but thanks for checking.

I don't "follow" Beck, but I follow reporting ABOUT him, and I do look at his stupid Blaze thing from time to time, just so I am up to date. He's a fool. I mean tool. I mean......uh.......both. And a nutcase, IMO. Anyone who says to me "You should read Glenn Beck's book!" is immediately tossed out of the "short list" of credible, knowledgeable members here.
Sorry (not really), but, that's the way it is.

oh yea they got some Real whacked out nutjobs but the thing is, they aren't just backwards, they are politically mobilized, use Brainwashing techniques with abuse on children, and are as dangerous as the Taliban if not more so...

Yeah, I typed that out, then deleted, then typed it out again, then deleted. (PC fear). But yes, they are. And they're not messing around.
I suggest people check them out. I was all like
when I first heard about them. They've been "covert" for a while now, even went "underground" when they started being exposed for what they are, but now they've got dogs on their heels. We need to pay close attention. They're the ones pushing for bombing Syria and other countries to "back Israel".

Thanks for bumping the exposure.
Scary stuff.
edit on 13-6-2013 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

I know about them (dominion etc) from the women's rights work, anti Cult and anti Ritual abuse, and you are absolutely correct, they are Extremely dangerous, but more so I think, because people are not aware of the Political motives behind them which have little to do with Religion, as much as about maneuvering society into a Mussolini type of Mutterland, they are Extremely misogynist and fascist, neo Nazis type of culture, using Biblical (and other religious texts not mainstream but common beliefs about how society should function) Old Testament law as their basis...especially where women and children are concerned, pro polygamists, pro rape, you name it, they got it. Funny thing about them however, is they all BC in thinking When it comes to everyone else BUT the MEN, they don't have to move backwards, in their little communes so to speak, they just want Women moving backwards to cave man days, yea they something else...extremely Fundie, but the Dangerous aspect about their ideology is their common ground with some Progressives, who may be liberal on some things but where elitism/hierarchy OVER females, children etc is concerned they just adore these dominion types...on many issues and That's where it's ultra dangerous because once that door is opened then it's wide opened, and many women are completely deceived by it...I say women as that's been the focus usually on the research/work that I do, eg economic rights, Femicides, etc.etc. Reproductive rights/ethics, etc. this includes children as the abuses, how these CULTS work, they start very young, terrorizing children, ESP females into subjugation and slavery. It's very sinister how they operate AND there are various degrees as well, but bottom line is their extreme positions on issues that would shove us back to the tenth century and maybe even prior to that...they really Are that loathsome. AND their numbers are growing, like Other fundamentalist Authoritarian types they appeal to MEN with the promise of virgins, both figuratively and Literally as well you know that's what We females were created for according to them, and ONLY that, but it's more than just the forties housewife, the ABUSES towards women and children in this communities is horrendous, very cleverly hidden with also using female "gatekeepers" like MADAMES to police other females/children, from forced pregnancies to forced child marriages to even prostitution to the higher ups. With loads of child abuse/ritual abuses thrown in for good measure, all of course under a faux Christian like holiness Pagan leaning crap. The more Beatings you take the more "holy" you are, that kind of bs. They are CULTS, they use the deindividualization and love bombing, policing, and the Danger is that despotic types of regimes/corporatism thrive with these types of psychologies/abuses because they are very successful in creating and maintaining mind colonized/internalization SLAVES, same methods they use in any kind of Bondage slavery, where the victims will identify and even fall in love wit their captors...when they resist like normal Human beings do, then the violence and terror and communal group think/role policing steps in...cont
edit on 13-6-2013 by ThreeBears because: Typos

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:18 PM
The continued attacks on Jones in this thread are laughable.

The man presents coherent thoughts and gives decent enough evidence to back many of them up, has extremely interesting and knowledgeable guests on (today General Hamid Gul former pakastani general who fought alongside the US to get USSR out of pakistan, also directed conflicts with india) and just because he gets "loud" and in your face and angry, as im sure anyone with a conscience or an intellect gets, people like to write him off because they like the NPR-voice lulling them to sleep telling them everythings okay.

Well it's definitely not okay judging by the way things have deteriorated in just the last 10-15 years globally.

You all love to shoot the messenger, but are not doing anything yourselves remotely as effective.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:32 PM
It's near impossible to escape, though some have but even if they do, they will need Years of deprogramming and healing, the Spiritual Abuse Damage causes all sorts of trauma, much lifelong. yea they mess people up, especially those who've been in these types of cults since childhood...Fortunalely there are Some Christians who are waking up to these Cults within the religious sub cultures, however the mix of Cult with an already patriarchal bases (hierarchal) religious environment makes leaving the mindset extremely difficult for most...they'll simply switch one cult for another, as Autonomy, Self Empowerment, etc are no no in these cults, and those guilt ritual induced fears etc are very hard to break free from, it's psychological terrorism, make no mistake about that....and it's not Just females that are effected,

One of the better blogs confronting this whole BDSM psychological CULT Dominionism is none other than a young man, who as a Christian, fell in love with a young woman in one of these Fundie cults (he was more mainstream, before they went all extremism which most sadly are today) and well anyway, the Father of this young woman, who acted more like her bondage slave Pimp, really messed up this mans life...even as a Christian he couldn't believe how abusive and Controlling this community was, and eventually she having been SO BRAINWASHED from not beng able to say NO to her daddy, and this was a woman in her twenties, she broke it off with this man as the man wasn't going to Submit to ole daddy and his Legionares, so to speak, (with Men too it's a Hiearchy and it's a Lot about Siphoning Money$$ to the higher ups)

So he writes about them and investigates, etc., and there are Many who are running from these Group when they can break free BUT it's the Getting to that awareness, the abuse they endure FROM these people, some whose kids have been driven to suicide or killed, you name it these cults do sme damage, and they are VERY political, very much so, but getting to the awareness, That's not even the end, Then it's the YEARS of breaking free from all the mind binding, it's horrid, as well as heartbreaking. I've read so many testimonies These men (and their shrew women) are So controlling, they keep period checks (menstrual) on their Young girls so that as soon as they are menstruating they can begin pushing marriage, of course to Insider men (usually way older) to these girls, so that they can birth lots and lots of kids...we're talking Slavery too, the lifestyle of these women and girl children is So oppressive and cut off...that's what they want for ALL society, not forties, not thirties, they want us back in the BC era, where they are in Ultimate control, they simply are the equivalent of political Islam, where smiling is a sin, unless you're a man of course with your twelve year old bride. That's not and understatement either, they don't even think females should Read, other than. Religious texts and cookbooks. IF that...
edit on 13-6-2013 by ThreeBears because: Typos

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by smarterthanyou
The continued attacks on Jones in this thread are laughable.

The man presents coherent thoughts and gives decent enough evidence to back many of them up, has extremely interesting and knowledgeable guests on (today General Hamid Gul former pakastani general who fought alongside the US to get USSR out of pakistan, also directed conflicts with india) and just because he gets "loud" and in your face and angry, as im sure anyone with a conscience or an intellect gets, people like to write him off because they like the NPR-voice lulling them to sleep telling them everythings okay.

Well it's definitely not okay judging by the way things have deteriorated in just the last 10-15 years globally.

You all love to shoot the messenger, but are not doing anything yourselves remotely as effective.

I agree. Jones has been consistent for the past like 20 years. Although he rants on TV, at least he doesn't cry fake emotional tears that are ridiculous and then make a joke like a bipolar patient 20 seconds later, a la beck
edit on 13-6-2013 by LastStarfighter because: (no reason given)

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