So it's real interesting watching this whole surveillance talk play out in the public. It seems many of you are uncomfortable with this, so I'll
help you guys out. I have messed with the heads of these clowns online for quite sometime. The best thing you can do is waste their time and money,
proving their little program useless and inefficient. You have to get their direct undivided attention , and waste their time. They will try to
directly chat with you if you appear to be a high enough value target, believe me. omegle is a great website for this.
I'm going to leave you guys with a bit from a website about psychological warfare against these jerks. There are also tactical tricks you can use,
like using terms like " [insert location here] is THE BOMB" and so forth. Long story short - The most useful thing is pretending to be someone, a
drug dealer, a disgruntled student, someone with shady connections, and so on.
You must waste their time and money spent on this program to prove
it useless to the government, and that's all their is to it. If its useless, the program will end. Good luck.
Psychological Tactics
If your online habits are being watched (which they most certainly are these days) it pays off to lead big brother on a wild goose chase that never
ends. You must put on an elaborate show. Never carry anything out in real life or pretend to be a terrorist. This is just stupid.
Many Lies, Many Truths Tactic
Whatever you do, fill up your browser history and online habits with useless garbage. Mix in some plausible reason for concern. Download budget
information for local police and national security agencies. Make plans for things you'll pretend to carry out, but nothing serious like a bombing or
shooting. You want them to watch you and you want to give them an illusion as to your motives. The main objective is to waste their time and money.
Make plans online for secret meetings with pretend people, and see if any suspicious characters are following you around. If so, this is a good sign.
These guys have to waste gas money just to follow you around, all for fake meetings with non-existent people.
always remember: the best lies are lies we tell ourselves. You're a better liar, more generally, if you believe the lie that you're telling. You
have to act the part to the fullest, and genuinely believe and feel it. You must put on a convincing and elaborate show. You almost have to blend the
lies with your true character.
Get your revision of events straight. Don't keep this online or on a computer. You need to figure out what you're going to say and what sorts of
questions are likely to be asked, so that you can have answers to those questions already sorted out in your head.
Think of some specific true thing (place, person, event, story) that your lie will fit into and use those details if you are questioned. This gives
you a bank of specific details to draw on so you don't have to keep making things up as you go along.
Keep it simple. The more things you have to lie about to support your original lie, the more likely you are to be tripped up. Lying is a bit like
chess – you must always be thinking a few moves ahead. Anticipate what the person you're lying to is going to ask, and be prepared with a response.
Make sure you've thought about who you're lying to. What do they already know? What is acceptable or otherwise to them?
Write out the lie and all things related to this, offline.
Use your imagination and envision the lie. In your mind, enact the lie as it "actually happened". This will create the event in your mind for you
and you'll be "remembering" it when you begin to retell it to others. In a way, you are convincing yourself of the revision of reality and when you
retell it, it begins to sound as you're telling the truth.
Think about the details. Details can make a lot of difference between a believable lie and an obvious load of verbal trash. Add in extra details that
help to embellish the event and make it appear more real in the retelling. For example, "I was outside Burger King having a Whopper with John and
Mary" is more believable than simply "I was outside Burger King." (Naturally, if John and Mary aren't in on your lie, you'd need to fill them in
to cover for you.)
Conditioning and Reinforcing Big Brother
The following is from , however I have highlighted the most important aspects of this
lecture which apply to conditioning and applying reinforcement to big brother, so they are stuck in an endless wild goose chase.
So, here is how to get a pig to dance. You wait for the pig to do something that's halfway close to dancing, like stumbling, and you reward it. Then
it does something else that's even closer to dancing and you reward it. And you keep rewarding it as it gets closer to closer. Incremental
What does this mean? It means you wait for authority figures on the other end to give you their undivided attention and reward them for it. This is
best done when you are already being watched, and they want a little direct contact with you where they want to find out more about you directly. This
can be accomplished through chat rooms ( is one of the best), while pretending to be your character - a drug dealer, a spy selling secrets
to foreign nationals, a disgruntled student, whatever is the most plausible for whoever you are. Use what you have used in the Many truths, many lies
tactics. This direct contact wastes their time and money (funded to their agency by the government) . This is good.
You must use your intuition, the force if you will - to weed them out. I have often been surprised to find out that big brother really sucks at lying
on the internet.