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Human Zoo's: Science's Dirty (BIG) Secret Revealed.

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posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 01:09 AM
What I find interesting is the "elites" play both sides of the paradigm to keep us under their control. They head up the very foundations which are used via their abundant wealth to create the very programs that are destroying us all in the name of helping us. It's a very funny and sick joke. Just think of Eugenics Society that became Planned Parenthood. That foundations such as the Carnegie Foundation and others like it use the very problems they create to manipulate not only us stupid Americans but the whole world.

They profited from slavery for hundreds of years and then when that ended for the blacks in America the very problem they created by dehumanizing them and keeping them down and abused for years, they now use to control the vast majority of the average American via taxes to funnel to supposed programs to help the black community and other equally impoverished people. They use the very system they created "Slavery" as an axe to grind and keep hatred fomented and never allow healing to occur. They did the same thing in the church.

The true church just after Yeshua left was taken over by the lying Kenites( who killed him) via their false Apostle Paul. Then they did hideous things to various peoples around the world via the power hungry jackwads who believe they have some divine right to rule to control people and take over vast amounts of wealth. Then, years later they use the very issues THEY created to blame the church all in a guise to foment their true ideology of self godhood. Only, they need to wipe out certain sections of the world to truly gain full control.

They have the global economy sewed up. They have a method to create pandemics via their vaccine program and of course wars and business control of the world. Eugenics is just one small window into these sick psychopathic minds and they are laughing at our feeble attempts to understand it all, talk about it, and get the word out when they control information, food, police, government, education, you name it. It is all designed to send us reeling into a downward spiral of despair, fear, chaos, and in the end they will rise up as our saviors, if...

The big "IF" is all about their new world plan. They follow a pattern, and no one wants to see it as far as I can tell. They use the same tactics in each age. We have very short memories and so they get away with it over and over. They expand and then dismantle the machine to gain more control. They have done it literally for thousands of years, and what is amazing is they are about to bring this age to a climax and we all think we have a say in things. We think we can rise up as one against them. They are counting on it. They know us better than we know ourselves, and this discussion about eugenics and mans inhumanity to man is smoke and mirrors for in the end 99% will do exactly what the elites expect them too. I believe the next few years leading up to 2017 will be most interesting.

Thanks for listening... just felt like sharing my thoughts on this.
edit on 13-6-2013 by UnifiedSerenity because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-6-2013 by UnifiedSerenity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout

Originally posted by wmd_2008

Where religion was once used to justify the actions of genocide of the state or PTB, science is now used. Different tools, same originator of actions and motives.

Excellent insight, I agree completely. Just like religion has good rules to follow, not 100% of it is correct. Same with science. Science has shifting goalposts -- where one day science has a conclusion of X. Then, 20 years later, X is wrong, and now Y is correct.

The conclusions for today's science seem to align for a certain outcome, and over time after the damage is done, money/power is gained, science shifts its stance to new conclusions.
edit on 13-6-2013 by Philippines because: formatting

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 05:46 AM
You've done it this time NRE.
You've opened Pandora's box for us once again and personally I can't wait to see what comes out.

So many avenues to respond to this - as you said the implications and effects are literally everywhere. While the cultures of European descent are generally thought to be the biggest promoters of science it is also being used as a club in a reverse sort of way to justify special rights and privileges in an attempt to right the wrongs of the past.

We need look no further than to Israel who for thousands of years were looking for their promised land it wasn't until after the Nazi eugenicists and subsequent death camps happened that it became reality.

Anti-science rhetoric has found a political home with minority causes as a direct association with European heritage. Condemning science of the past is a subtle but effective tool in condemning those of European descent - the slave owners, the eugenicists, the colonialists, the capitalists, etc. The burden of the "white man's guilt".

This has been used as a wedge to increase immigration in both the US and Europe to what many would believe to be unsustainable levels while increasing tensions between those of Christian and Muslim faiths in Europe while in the US it's Protestantism vs the Catholics coming from central America.
I believe what's going on is a planned "Clash of cultures", a strategy of human tension to immobilize political opposition at home while increasing support for the subjugation of Nations abroad in the race for resources.

It would be hard to blame the non-Western world for resenting Western dominance of World affairs for the last few hundred years. Our history is replete with horrific examples of our own excesses. That is not to say that nearly every culture and country on the planet has not at some time done things just as bad - they simply are forgotten or were never written down to begin with.

What I hope to see for our collective future is an appreciation of the differences in our cultures, a deeper understanding and respect for things alien to us yet still part of the human experience as known from a different part of the world. Most of us would be shocked by cannibalism or head hunting yet my wife grew up with such people as her parents were missionaries in Southeast Asia. We have pictures of bags of heads hanging from a Dayak longhouse which usually elicits gasps from those we share them with. They have no understanding of the importance of these things in their mythologies of the Dayak. It's not much different from taking the sacrament on Sunday as the literal "eating of the body of Christ" yet it's treated with shock and revulsion.

These are the differences we must get over and beyond to a deeper understanding of what it means to be a human on planet Earth. Here's to opening that can of worms

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

What a fascinating topic, I myself although not directly have been exposed to racial indifference as I was born just before the apartheid regime ended in South Africa. Being a young Caucasian male in the middle of such an revolution was quite a overwhelming occurrence. Although at the time I did not fully understand the process it as effected my views all my life. To me it has never been about a color that determines boundaries between humans but more a mindset/mentality. Not that I am some sort of genius but there really seems to be an influx of ignorant and dull people dwelling the lands of all continents. Easily controlled and easily provoked by a lack of rationality or reasoning. On a more positive note, everybody has a certain capacity respective of their ''IQ'' to acquire a certain moral foundation. Life will always be a mesh of objective and subjective experiences leading to memories that make up a certain individuals character/personality and if everybody can adopt a manner of respect for those indivdual experiences unfolding around their own. The journey would be allot smother if tolerance was a common trait amongst our species, obviously with moral boundaries. I keep summing life values up to one phrase. Do not do unto others as you want done unto yourself.

Thanks for the educational and rather interesting post, good things fellow human

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 11:46 AM

Its interesting how they always like to tell blacks to get over the past and forget the horrific wrongs that were done to them.....

How can they forget what they never experienced?

Oh, you mean forget what was done to their ancestors, NOT them.

I have ancestors from Gaul (France). What did the Romans do to them?

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Riposte

Its interesting how they always like to tell blacks to get over the past and forget the horrific wrongs that were done to them.....

How can they forget what they never experienced?

Oh, you mean forget what was done to their ancestors, NOT them.

I have ancestors from Gaul (France). What did the Romans do to them?

I agree.
They usually only bring up the topic then follow up with "I want some government payment for what my ancestors went through".
--(aren't you already on welfare?)

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by resoe26

This thread is not about what your stereotyping.


posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
reply to post by resoe26

This thread is not about what your stereotyping.


you must have a self inflated ego. (considering you end your post each time with "NRE.")

and, it is not a stereotype if it is true.
And you cannot tell me that it isn't true. Seen it my whole life. Do you live in the states?
and by the way, no racist at all.
But there doesn't need to be any whining by ANYONE on behalf of thier ancestors struggles. that's just absurd and childish.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by resoe26

As I said, that is NOT what the thread is about. Maybe if you were less concerned with the signature that I use on my posts and threads, and read a bit more of the thread, you would have noticed, as did most that have seen what it is about.


posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver
reply to post by resoe26

As I said, that is NOT what the thread is about. Maybe if you were less concerned with the signature that I use on my posts and threads, and read a bit more of the thread, you would have noticed, as did most that have seen what it is about.


self inlfated ego.
and if you noticed the post prior to mine, you would know why I stated what I did.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by resoe26

If you cant tell the difference between that post and yours, that is not my problem. If someone writes something and you feel the need to write something derogatory because you feel someone else may have, again not my problem.

All that I am asking is not to derail the thread. Of course if you would like to actually read the thread and respond thats what ATS is for. Name calling and derailing, though I shouldn't have to tell you this, is not a part of this thread.


posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Is this not in line with the thread?
"But there doesn't need to be any whining by ANYONE on behalf of thier ancestors struggles. that's just absurd and childish. "

-What exactly are you looking for with this thread? sympathy? need people to be in shock and horror of what dumb racist people did back when? Great thread by the way.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by resoe26
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Is this not in line with the thread?
"But there doesn't need to be any whining by ANYONE on behalf of thier ancestors struggles. that's just absurd and childish. "

-What exactly are you looking for with this thread? sympathy? need people to be in shock and horror of what dumb racist people did back when? Great thread by the way.

No. That is not in line with the thread. Maybe, just maybe (and least try to take this into consideration) you would read the thread, then maybe you will see what its about.

This is my last post concerning this, as I am sure that if this gets out of hand that a mod will come by and check for themselves, I cannot explain the rules of ATS, and I surely cannot explain to a member that reading is important.


posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by NoRegretsEver

Originally posted by resoe26
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Is this not in line with the thread?
"But there doesn't need to be any whining by ANYONE on behalf of thier ancestors struggles. that's just absurd and childish. "

-What exactly are you looking for with this thread? sympathy? need people to be in shock and horror of what dumb racist people did back when? Great thread by the way.

No. That is not in line with the thread. Maybe, just maybe (and least try to take this into consideration) you would read the thread, then maybe you will see what its about.

This is my last post concerning this, as I am sure that if this gets out of hand that a mod will come by and check for themselves, I cannot explain the rules of ATS, and I surely cannot explain to a member that reading is important.


yeah yeah.
guess I shouldn't have commented this boring thread anyways.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 03:25 PM
Though I am sure that I dont have to write this out for most members, I feel that I should.

My intent was not to bring specific races to this, all the links that I added were many different races and what they endured at the supposed cost of science. That science was and has since been renamed, and reused.

Today we are still a product of what had happened (not that long ago) then. Eugenics, became the new solution to a problem that didnt exist, except to a few that thought that wiping out generations of people was the only solution to fixing the worlds problems.

Now we have genetics, which is an offshoot of eugenics, just renamed. Today we have diagnosis and mental issues that have the same looking pattern to what caused eugenics to be considered. Our food, drinking water, air, etc,. are being manipulated, can cause the one thing that people fear.

Population control. And who it targets.

During the rest of this thread, I will bring the similarities, of the racial divide (worldwide) and genetics/eugenics today.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 04:29 PM
There have been many different changes that have occurred throughout time that seem to go back to controlling nature, as well as man.

Doctors, psychologist, psychiatrists, professors, etc, have come up with some really unique terms to sum up what they think will be whats good for society as a whole.

Here is a good one.

Utility, in a philosophical context, refers to what is good for a human being. Utilitarianism is a moral theory according to which welfare is the fundamental human good. Welfare may be understood as referring to the happiness or well being of individuals. Utilitarianism is most commonly a theory about the rightness of actions; it is the doctrine that, from a range of possibilities, the right action is the action which most increases the welfare of human beings or sentient creatures in general. Of the many moral theories now called Utilitarian, all share this claim that morality ought to be concerned with increasing welfare.

Psychiatric Darwinism = survival of the fittest + extinction of the unfit.(American Health Security Act of 1993)

The author delineates AHSA's mental health entitlements and limitations of in-patient, out-patient, and other patient care. She enumerates a dozen major imperfections and dangers of this mental health law, especially its medical utilitarianism emphasizing outcomes and quality of life. Dr. Cosman argues that medical cost, outcome, quality of life, and managed competition threaten the essential liberties and the lives of older persons, persons who are chronically ill, fatally ill, and most particularly those who are mentally impaired. She concludes that if limited money, medicine and time are invested only in inevitable medical success, then America's medicine by its medical law will be Medical Darwinism encouraging survival of the fittest by requiring extinction of the unfit.

Here is an excerpt from a Time Magazine article from 1958
(I could not get it from Time Magazine, but will leave a link to the original source, but I was able to find the rest at another link)

TIME Magazine, June 16, 1958, p42:

Survival of the Unfit?
Medicine is growing ever more efficient in curing the ills of the human race. But is it simultaneously weakening the race by ensuring the survival of the unfit? The queston, largely academic in Nietzsche's day is being raised anew by a man who has done as much as anyone to help human survival: Rene Jules Dubos, pioneer in the field of microbiology, whose discoveries opened the era of antibiotics.

"For the first time in the history of living things," said Dubos in Omaha, "we are allowing the survival of large numbers of biological misfits, many of whom will become a burden to society... All kinds of hereditary defects that used to be rapidly eliminated by evolutionary selection are now being reproduced in our communities. In other words, we are allowing the accumulation of defective genes in the human stock by providing a type of medical care that permits those suffering from hereditary disease to live longer and have children. This policy may constitute a step toward racial suicide, however noble it may appear in the light of our religious convictions and present-day ethics."

Here is a bit about Rene Dubos the founder of many major medical discoveries including antibiotics.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 04:53 PM
If you havent noticed by now there is a pattern here. By the racial divide and the subsequent way that it worked on a temporary basis (it never ended, but was rebranded, resold, and force fed by different means of propoganda), they found a more lucrative, and insidious way to reform society, and its happening now through medicine.

Mental health provisions in AHSA are defiant attempts at social engineering. If you have not studied these recently, I will delineate AHSA[sections] mental health entitlements and limitations of in-patient, out-patient, and other patient care. Then I shall list a dozen major imperfections and dangers of this mental health law, especially its medical utilitarianism emphasizing outcomes and quality of life.

Readers familiar with Hegel and medical utilitarianism in prewar Germany will find the mental health sections of AHSA terrifyingly suggestive of psychiatric Darwinism wherein survival of the fittest requires extinction of the unfit.(11) Those of us studying law and old enough to remember utilitarian controlling ideas and their perversions, know well that judging who shall live and who shall die via AHSA'S criteria of cost, outcome, quality of life, and managed competition will pose great inconveniences upon the liberty of the young and healthy. But medical cost, outcome, quality of life, and managed competition threaten the essential liberties and the lives of older persons, persons who are chronically ill, fatally ill, and most particularly those who are mentally impaired. Their costs of care are astronomical, their outcomes are gloomy, and their life quality to those who observe them, not necessarily in the patients' judgment, is life not worth living.

I believe with Justice Louis Brandeis, that our enemies often are our friends innocently trying to help us.(12) But worse are those who posing as our friends pridefully insist they know our minds and our bodies better than we do, and insist upon controlling what is done and not done to our minds and our bodies. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in the insidious encroachment of people of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.

Through fear they have managed to separate us through cultural diversity, to make us assume that if you are outwardly different, then you are inwardly different, and with that you can and should be treated a certain way.

This may have had a leg to stand on if this wasnt something that would eventually change over generations. The reason that this is no longer about race, is because even then the racial mixture was severely frowned upon, and that means that who ever may have been exempt from this 100 years ago, no longer is.

Note well the consistent, inextricable linking of Mental Health to Substance Abuse treatment. Every American is considered a public health client. Jostling for space in the same psychiatric life boat are the alcoholic snoring in a downtown doorway, my wealthy neighbor's child with lithium-managed bipolar disorder, your fiscally competent nephew with minor retardation and severe cerebral palsy, the new mother with postpartum depression, all the city's drug addicts, plus you, and I.

Does the above feel like its about race? Nope, apparently it isnt about money, or social status either. By us ignoring how it started (from the OP) it gave people a reason to ignore how it turned out, because apparently that was 100 years ago.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 05:19 PM
The more that I look through this, and even if some abandoned the thread due to its length, I will continue to add to it. This is ongoing, dangerous, and right now being ignored. Not because it isnt discussed or written about, but because those that wish to keep it secret, are doing there jobs.

The more I dig the more I see that the word "race" itself is a deterrent.

Building a Better Race: Gender, Sexuality, and Eugenics from the Turn of the Century to the Baby Boom.,+sexuality+and+eugenics+PDF&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Y0O6UcmHH 8WxywGTvYCABA&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false

The Faces of Eugenics.

The Unfit. A History of a Bad Idea.

The Unfit, by Elof Carlson, explores the sources of a movement — negative eugenics — that was used to justify the Holocaust, which claimed millions of innocent lives in World War II. The title reflects the nearly three centuries of belief that some people are socially unfit by virtue of a defective biology, and echoes an earlier theory of degeneracy, dating to biblical antiquity, in which some people were deemed unfit because of some transgression against religious law. The key intellectual theories and their proponents form the framework of this exploration, which includes the concepts of evolution and heredity and how they were applied to social problems. These ideas are followed into the twentieth century with the development of theories of positive and negative eugenics, the establishment of compulsory sterilization laws, racism and anti-Semitism, and the Holocaust. Carlson ends with an exploration of the future of genetics that is based on new technologies and application of the Human Genome Project findings.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 05:40 PM
Modernity, American Life Sciences, and the Problems of Sex. Disciplining Reproduction.

Reproductive issues from sex and contraception to abortion and cloning have been controversial for centuries, and scientists who attempted to turn the study of reproduction into a discipline faced an uphill struggle. Adele Clark's engrossing story of the search for reproductive knowledge across the twentieth century is colorful and fraught with conflict.

Modern scientific study of reproduction, human and animal, began in the United States in an overlapping triad of fields: biology, medicine, and agriculture.

Clark traces the complicated paths through which physiological approaches to reproduction led to endocrinological approaches, creating along the way new technoscientific products from contraceptives to hormone therapies to new modes of assisited conception- for both humans and animals. She focuses on the changing relations and often uneasy collaborations among scientists and the key social worlds most interested in their work- major philanthropists and a wide array of feminists and medical birth control and eugenics advocates- and recounts vividly how the reproductive sciences slowly acquired standing.

By the 1960s; reproduction was disciplined, and the young and contested scientific enterprise proved remarkably successful at attracting private funding and support. But the controversies continue as women- the targeted consumers- create their own reproductive agendas around the world. Elucidating the deep cultural tensions that have permeated reproductive topics historicaly and in the present. Disciplining Reproduction is at heart about the twentieth century's drive to rationalize reproduction, human and nonhuman, in order to control life itself.,+sexuality+and+eugenics+PDF&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Y0O6UcmHH 8WxywGTvYCABA&ved=0CFQQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q&f=false

Peace, NRE.

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 07:58 PM
If you have come this far in this thread, and are interested in discussing the Human Zoo aspect of this, and how things like this have played out in history, please do.

If you are still here and are interested in the genetic/eugenic portion there is a part 2 of this thread found here.

Peace, NRE.

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