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The Zimmerman Trial

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posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

Are you saying you haven't detected a whiff of White Separatism in this thread? Hmmm... it's coming from somewhere, I know that much.

I think anyone who tries to simplify this as a black v white thing will be surprised when they express their views in public and find that it's not just blacks who are angry and concerned about this situation, and it's not just Floridians, either. The world is watching this and those with their wits about them are taking notes and planning to prove that words are more effective than bullets in the battle against discrimination.

edit on 11-7-2013 by IvanAstikov because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by LeaderOfProgress

just like Zimmerman, we are automatically portrayed as blood lust killers, just waiting for the chance to use our guns against another person. This couldn't be further from the truth. ... Gun owners do not want to kill, we just never want us or those around us to be deprived of life or limb by someone else's criminal actions.

Thing is, there's a guy earlier in the thread positively salivating at the prospect of 'blacks' coming to his neighbourhood so he can dispense some summary justice with his guns. Same guy who jokingly said that Kaltec should use Martin's death as an advertisement for their wares.

So forgive me if I don't see you all as responsible or thoughtful.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

No I don't assume anything...people's actions/posts say everything. including yours. Like how you completely ignored my other questions and only focused on the race questions...get it together.
edit on 11-7-2013 by beatbox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by IvanAstikov

I have seen racism coming from just about every race that exists. I have no problem people pointing out racism, but everyone seems to be a OK with racism that is aimed toward white people, I find that baffling.

Then again I am the kind of person that treats others the way I would want people to treat me...... I do not like it when people hold it against me for looking white, or make disparaging comments about native americans, so why would I be OK with someone treating white people that way? Why should I be OK with people insinuating that any white person that is not on team Martin is a racist? Is any non white cheering for Zimmerman an uncle tom too?
edit on Thu, 11 Jul 2013 08:17:45 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by crazyewok

* checks surroundings *

Yup...I think I'm good to go.

Look, WE aren't in the courtroom and the state has supposedly gone to great lengths to make sure the jury can't be influenced by yours or my comments, so can we just give up this line of response to reasonable speculation? I've seen all sorts of speculative comments about Trayvon and his family in this thread, so it doesn't look good trying to dissuade the opposition from doing it.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:19 AM
tKDRL, if you are not white, then why do you feel the need to come to their defense with such dedication?

Choose your words carefully..

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by beatbox

Unlike some people, I will come to the defense on ANYONE, if I feel they are treated unfairly, even white people. How's that for you?

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

I can't argue with that....if indeed you are being truthful...

Since we're being truthful, how about addressing my other questions.
edit on 11-7-2013 by beatbox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

So, why have you decided that Trayvon Martin is not someone you are prepared to defend? The sense I'm getting from you is that George Zimmerman and whites in general are the victims here, so if that's not your intention at all, you need to clarify your position more.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:33 AM
Right , instead of blaming the other guys, why doesnt the black community take charge and teach and stop the violence that the black youth is portraying? Be mad at the angry violent black criminals that are giving the regular people that dont break laws and contribute to society a bad reputation. Im not going to sit here and tell you there is not racist white people still in the world. But to act like there is no way a black youth should ever be considered a threat is just as ludicrous.

If you look like, act like and want to be a thug, then you are one. You cant choose this path and then wonder why people treat you like one. This is why successful black people dress and act accordingly, sure you can wear a hoody and hat with your sneakers when you want, but you wont see Michael Jordan or Russell Simmons tweeting about smoking weed and fighting last week because its cool. The "successful" types that do live that way never last or become truly great because they choose that path. Choosing role models that are really good people that were successful is a good start, not choosing one because they stayed true to the hood and got rich no matter the cost is not.

Its sad a teen was killed, its sad when anyone is killed. But to shout for GZs head because this case was put into the spotlight, even though its clear there is not enough evidence, too much reasonable doubt. Is not justice and if you are honest with yourself you know this.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by firemonkey

No, I wasn't meaning that the incident happened at his truck.

When he got out of his truck, he was not near it by the time he made the phone call; he had been on foot looking for Trayvon. It was during the walk back toward the truck that the incident occured.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by bbracken677

Originally posted by conspiracy nut

that is exactly why they wont let zimmerman testify, the prosecution would tear his testimony to pieces, they don't need to have him testify and they wouldn't let him either way, they know there are so many holes in his story its not even funny. they claim he had some kind of amnesia and thats why he had all these inconsistent statements. you know who else claimed amnesia? james holmes and jodi arias.

People's memory are odd things, particularly when involved in a life altering event. Some portions of that event will stand out clear as day, while other parts may be as murky or virtually non-existent.

To imply what you have, while containing some possible validity, is extremely biased. Six people can witness one event, not being participants, and there will be 6 different variations of the event, all matching in many ways, but all containing their own particular variations. The participant will have yet another variation...this has been demonstrated time and again in carefully controlled environments.

Remember: innocent until proven guilty beyond any reasonable doubt.

if that's the case why believe any part of george's testimony??????????????????????????? so u throw his inconsistent statements out the window because of "amnesia" yet believe every other part of his testimony??

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by beatbox
Why is it that a majority of of those who think this dude is innocent is white? But it's not race related?

Can you prove that, or is it just an assumption based on a preconceived bias?

Why is it okay to stump on the civil right of a young black man who was simply walking home one night?

I have seen no proof any of his civil rights were violated. Plenty of speculation, but no real proof.

Why is it okay for Zimmerman to shoot this kid out of protection, but it's not okay for the young man to protect himself?

When a threat is down, you are no longer defending yourself, you have crossed the line.

Why is it okay to paint this 17 year old as a weed smoking thug, but not okay to paint Zimmerman with the title of a grown repeated offender?

Neither is OK in my book really. It really goes to tit for tat and keeps going. People seem to be passionate about whatever side they are on. People bring up one past, opposition bring up other's past, both are only relevant in the aspect that it might show how one or the other will act, but not necessarily. Better off dealing with the facts.

Why are we letting White America dictate to us what is and what is not acceptable behavior of our young black youth?

Why do you say white america now? Are only white people law makers? And are only black youth expected to be lawful people?

Why isn't there more protection for the innocent and all the protection in the world for the guilty.

Imagine how many more people would be in jail if it wasn't so. The justice system is broken and corrupted, the defendants don't get nearly as much "protection" as they should, thanks to for profit prisons, and lawmakers with financial ties to them.

If aqquited what message is this really sending to black America? That we can change gun laws when some madman shoots up a school full of white children, but look the other way when a madman shoots a black kid down in the streets, because the gunman didn't feel he belonged there.........further more the young man deserved to be questioned by the gunman because his actions of being in the wrong place at the wrong time were more then enough reason for him to die........

See this is where you go off on a tangent, and are just speculating wildly. The whole situation is a tragedy, but evidence is pointing to him being shot for a bit more than just a feeling. You are making assumptions on what two other people were thinking and feeling. What if he actually is telling the honest truth, was ambushed, and did shoot to protect himself?

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Thank you .

He was already out of his truck when the call was made, and began to go back to it. Tryavon confronted him at this point, before he could make it back to the truck.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by beatbox
Why is it that a majority of of those who think this dude is innocent is white? But it's not race related?

Actually when I first stumbled on this and read a summary of the case it had no mention of colour yet I still thought Zimmerman was not guilty.

Originally posted by beatbox
Why is it okay to stump on the civil right of a young black man who was simply walking home one night?

He attacked someone. So do blacks have the legal right to beat random white guys up now?

Originally posted by beatbox
Why is it okay for Zimmerman to shoot this kid out of protection, but it's not okay for the young man to protect himself?

Seems like the kid started the fight. Of course it cant be proven. But under law the defendant gets the benifit of the doubt unless the prosecution can prove otherwise and they havent,

Originally posted by beatbox

Why are we letting White America dictate to us what is and what is not acceptable behavior of our young black youth?

Because unless you dont want racial tension to end we all have to live by the same standards.

Originally posted by beatbox
Why isn't there more protection for the innocent and all the protection in the world for the guilty.

Because Innocent until proven guilty is the corner stone of the wests legal systems be it the USA or here in the UK. You want it otherwise? You may want to consider moveing too North Korea,

Originally posted by beatbox
If aqquited what message is this really sending to black America?

This comment really angers me. Justice should not be about appeasing any community! It should not be about race or sending messages to certain groups! It about proving that someone has broke the law and if so there punishiment. If one can not prove that the law has been violated they they should be released. Not sacrificed on the alter of political correctness. As soon as race its brought into things like this it causes racial tensions on both sides. It needs to stop!

Originally posted by beatbox
That we can change gun laws when some madman shoots up a school full of white children, but look the other way when a madman shoots a black kid down in the streets, because the gunman didn't feel he belonged there.........further more the young man deserved to be questioned by the gunman because his actions of being in the wrong place at the wrong time were more then enough reason for him to die........

This has nothing to do with gun laws. Maybe they do need changeing? But this is not the time for such a debate its for another time. Zimmerman was acting in what he thought was the law at the time and thats what the case is about. Was he or was he not? Not if that law was wrong. And he did not shoot down a random kid as that kid did attack him first.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by IvanAstikov

Where did I say it's okay to use violence if you don't like what someone is doing?

That what was implied in those two posts. I doubt I am the only one who see that when reading them.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:49 AM
If prosecutors were so sure of their case they wouldn't even go for lesser charges. They know dang well they blew it and are going to try to claim victory by getting Zimmerman any way they can.

Reasonable doubt exists for a reason and prosecutors gave a lot of reasonable doubt that Zimmerman should walk out a free man.


posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by beatbox
tKDRL, if you are not white, then why do you feel the need to come to their defense with such dedication?

Choose your words carefully..

I find that border line racist

"Thier" defence?

How about people out there dont care about race and will just come to the defence of whoever they think is right?

As soon as we start looking out for our "own" racism starts.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by IvanAstikov
[iThe sense I'm getting from you is that George Zimmerman and whites in general are the victims here, so if that's not your intention at all, you need to clarify your position more.

Or how about just George Zimmerman and that race has no factor in this for most of us?

Why does race have to be brought into this

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by jam321

Reasonable doubt exists for a reason and prosecutors gave a lot of reasonable doubt that Zimmerman should walk out a free man.


Which ironically is actually the defenses job!

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