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Russia Parliament Passes Anti-Gay Bill ( 434-0 Vote )

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posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Telos

Originally posted by Briles1207
reply to post by Telos

Dress it up all you like, you are still a Bigot who was raised intolerant.

Thats just my opinion of course.....

No sir I was raised tolerant and taught to be sensitive to the other people's feelings. But I was also raised to use the pillow for sleep, not to bite it. If I have done that, would have been my choice. Sorry but gay people shouldn't be so intolerant with straight people.
edit on 11-6-2013 by Telos because: (no reason given)

Thanks pal, you've just lost all credibility.
I think you should probably be doing your homework now instead of being on ATS, just saying. You are a teenager, right? No adult could really have your views in 2013!

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Rocker2013
reply to post by Chrisfishenstein

"Exposed" to this?
My, the IQ level on ATS just dropped like a cartoon anvil.

Why is that? Because the straight ATS member doesn't want his daughter turning gay before her tenth birthday? I do not like the homosexual agenda....I do not agree with so called equal rights.....If that makes you dumber for reading an opinion from someone who doesn't like something, then you don't have those IQ points to spare in the first place!

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by Telos

Couldn't have said it better myself. Just who is intolerant of who here? You don't need to accept homosexuality in order to treat a person with respect. Anyone who says otherwise is divisive, and their desire to push the will of a minority upon the majority is disgusting. This is social engineering at it's finest. Punish people for having a personal concept of right and wrong. Our friend would have us all living in a politically correct commune where thought crimes are punishable by banishment or probably even death, that is the level of their contempt for those who do not think like them, those who's thought's are not even their own but think they have free will. "I think it's right because society won't like me if I think otherwise"

It's tragic.

edit on 11-6-2013 by threewisemonkeys because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Telos

Originally posted by Briles1207
reply to post by Telos

Dress it up all you like, you are still a Bigot who was raised intolerant.

Thats just my opinion of course.....

No sir I was raised tolerant and taught to be sensitive to the other people's feelings. But I was also raised to use the pillow for sleep, not to bite it. If I have done that, would have been my choice. Sorry but gay people shouldn't be so intolerant with straight people.
edit on 11-6-2013 by Telos because: (no reason given)

So answer me this, I am straight, and yet I respect Gay peoples rights.

How do you cure me?

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Rocker2013

Originally posted by Telos

Originally posted by Rocker2013

Originally posted by Telos

providing information about the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community to minors.

I applaud this, and big time actually. Kids shouldn't be exposed to this and shouldn't be forced to think that being gay or transgender is normal. They shouldn't also be taught to hate whoever is different from them in that way. However they should never be forced to accept homosexuality as a norm.

I might get angry replies and maybe offensive ones but I want to remind the posters that I hold the right to express my opinion and should be taken as such especially when is done with a polite vocabulary and no hate terminology.

You have the right to hold your opinion, and I have the right to attack it.

I wouldn't expect any less from one like you. Attack all you want but that won't change the way I think. So your attack is pointless. To you is a natural thing. To me is so unnatural. But I can assure you that I never teach my kids to hate someone who's different. I just don't want them to be exposed to certain realities unless they're old enough to make their own decisions.

No, to the natural world it is a natural thing, to you it isn't. You refute science and nature, in favor of bigotry, that shows the kind of mind you have.

"To you it is natural"
Man! that's one of the funniest statements I think I've seen on ATS for a while. It's like calling water unnatural, or anger, snakes, gravity, or apples...

So because I don't think the way you do and I don't feel the way you do (making it clear without offending you), makes my mind "of a kind" and my actions a bigotry? And you call that deny ignorance?

P.S. I didn't know pederasty can be compared with water, anger, snakes or gravity. I might have missed that biology or physics class.

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by threewisemonkeys
reply to post by Telos

Couldn't have said it better myself. Just who is intolerant of who here? You don't need to accept homosexuality in order to treat a person with respect. Anyone who says otherwise is divisive, and their desire to push the will of a minority upon the majority is disgusting. This is social engineering at it's finest. Punish people for having a personal concept of right and wrong. Our friend would have us all living in a politically correct commune where thought crimes are punishable by banishment or probably even death, that is the level of their contempt for those who do not think like them, those who's thought's are not even their own but think they have free will.

It's tragic.


Further, What one person thinks is the concept of right and wrong is another persons
concept of intolerance.

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:30 AM
Homosexuality is much like anything else in life. You can dislike and disapprove of the behavior and still love and care for the person. I think passing laws that strip other human beings of their rights is morally wrong no matter who the target.

That being said, I would find public displays of romantic affection disagreeable between both heterosexuals and homosexuals. Some things are just best left for the privacy of your own homes.
edit on 2013/6/11 by Metallicus because: Readability

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by Briles1207

Originally posted by Telos

Originally posted by Briles1207
reply to post by Telos

Dress it up all you like, you are still a Bigot who was raised intolerant.

Thats just my opinion of course.....

No sir I was raised tolerant and taught to be sensitive to the other people's feelings. But I was also raised to use the pillow for sleep, not to bite it. If I have done that, would have been my choice. Sorry but gay people shouldn't be so intolerant with straight people.
edit on 11-6-2013 by Telos because: (no reason given)

So answer me this, I am straight, and yet I respect Gay peoples rights.

How do you cure me?

Where did you see me attacking gay peoples rights? All I said was I don't want kids to be exposed to all the LGTB and let them make their own decision when are grown enough to be able to do so. How did you get from this to hating gays I don't really get it.

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by LordDerpingtonSmythe

Some people call it a concept of intolerance.

Others simply call it an OPINION

You agree, I don't.....Neither are right depending on who you ask

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Briles1207

There is nothing to cure. You do not need to accept homosexuality to understand that a gay person has the same rights as a heterosexual. They are all people. Their sexuality is a personal matter. I'm not keen on tattoos, and I wouldn't have one. Does this mean I hate people with tattoos? The argument, your's, that it can only be one or the other, is blatantly ridiculous and fallacious.

You do not like homosexuality therefor you must hate gay people.

Seriously? Weakest argument ever.

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:33 AM
The sad thing about this is that gay kids who are in school who KNOW they're "different" than others will not have any validation of their feelings and will hide who they are for fear of repercussions from other schoolmates, much as we have had here in the US. They will hate themselves for being different and not be able to understand it until much later... And here in the US, many times, it's much too late.

Suicide Among LGBT Youth is High because of heterocentric cultures and institutionalized homophobia.

Social Environment Linked to Gay Teen Suicide

Lesbian, gay and bisexual teens are five times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers - but those living in a supportive community might be a little better off, according to a new study.

edit on 6/11/2013 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:34 AM
Honestly, I have scraped more valid points off my shoe than I've seen in this thread.

Being Gay is not a choice, and the only people who know that, are Gay people.

They exist, they are not trying to convert your children any more than santa claus tries to make them grow a beard.

Also, using the "children" argument is a very low way of masking ignorance and bigotry.

"Think of the children"

Well I am, yours. And I feel sorry that they will be developmentally hindered by your lack of understanding and compassion shown to those who are different.

Perhaps you could be the one in your family that breaks the chain?

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Chrisfishenstein
reply to post by LordDerpingtonSmythe

Some people call it a concept of intolerance.

Others simply call it an OPINION

You agree, I don't.....Neither are right depending on who you ask

If an opinion leads to intolerance it stops being an opinion and becomes something else.

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by LordDerpingtonSmythe

How exactly? I don't agree with pushing the gay agenda on my child......How is it anything else other than an opinion? Please elaborate for me...

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by Chrisfishenstein
reply to post by LordDerpingtonSmythe

Some people call it a concept of intolerance.

Others simply call it an OPINION

You agree, I don't.....Neither are right depending on who you ask

I think the problem here lay in the line the Russian parliament crosses here. Opinion turns to suppression when voicing opinion becomes an outright criminal act.

Disagreement or even, dare I say it, disgust with the Homosexual life is one thing and that is an opinion. When that opinion is codified into a law with the force of the State and penalty of major financial damage and/or incarceration? Well... I don't think we're in opinion anymore.

*So what happens if an American gay or lesbian gets to chatting with a 16 or 17 year old Russian teenager? Danger lay down this path. Real danger and damage to rights and freedoms. Gays may be the most obvious and first, but they won't be the last group if things like this carry the day. That's my take.

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:38 AM
Thanks, wrabbit, for posting this. Passing this bill will not help heterosexual kids, as they would be heterosexual regardless. It will only hurt homosexual kids who don't understand why they are different, and why everyone hates them for being "different".

Not to derail the thread, but this is somewhat related. Just last week, a high school senior came out during a commencement speech. He talked about how the stigma of being gay made his life miserable. If there had been more open discussion in school about homosexuality, kids like him may have suffered a lot less. He did make it through, but he was one of the lucky ones.

Here's a little part of his speech:

I have been bullied a lot. I’ve been called unspeakable things and relegated to a place of lower class. I have been made to feel worthless, unneeded, a blight on the world. People have mocked me, said that I was virtually subhuman. So, for a while, I was in a very dark place. I had no concept of self-worth, and frequently pondered suicide. I became so dejected, that many times I thought of killing myself not just because I saw no point to life, but because I had been convinced that doing so would actually make the world better.

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Well apparently they have the same opinion as me......The entire group that voted.....So I have the majority opinion....

Listen, there is nothing normal about a man with a man or a woman with a woman...TO ME......People can call it normal all they want to fit in with the new times, but this is not normal to ME.....Apparently I am not the only one who feels this way not only in the USA but in other places worldwide also.....

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by LordDerpingtonSmythe

Society is highly intolerant of those who disagree with homosexuality, even though most of those are likely to actually be intolerant of homosexuality on a personal level but deny it due to how society will treat them.

Vast swathes of people are being forced fed what to believe, and god help you if you don't. The evidence of that is right here in this thread.

"If you don't believe what I believe you're a bigoted homophobe who should be outed and shunned." This is what we have been reduced to, by a minority.

edit on 11-6-2013 by threewisemonkeys because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by Rocker2013

Originally posted by Telos

Originally posted by Briles1207
reply to post by Telos

Dress it up all you like, you are still a Bigot who was raised intolerant.

Thats just my opinion of course.....

No sir I was raised tolerant and taught to be sensitive to the other people's feelings. But I was also raised to use the pillow for sleep, not to bite it. If I have done that, would have been my choice. Sorry but gay people shouldn't be so intolerant with straight people.
edit on 11-6-2013 by Telos because: (no reason given)

Thanks pal, you've just lost all credibility.
I think you should probably be doing your homework now instead of being on ATS, just saying. You are a teenager, right? No adult could really have your views in 2013!

What makes you think sir that I care about credibility or acceptance in my posts? I'm here to express my opinion and in doing so I try to respect the rules of a civilized conversation without insulting or offending anyone. You're the one who's being very bitter about my post (masking your bitterness under a fake laugh) and offending me by considering my views as immature. No sir I'm not a teenager. I'm a grown man with kids and I don't think that because is 2013, people should turn all gay now because is hip or a cool trend. I do have my moral values (I'm not religious and don't belong to any organized religion) and I teach my kids accordingly. I repeat, I care for them to learn how to be considerate of other people's feelings and sympathize with other people's choices in life but I don't force them into accepting something that only them have the right to make a decision when are old enough to understand. So please stop accusing my of bigotry or intolerance or even worst, hate.

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by Briles1207
Its good in one way, it shows that Russia haven't evolved much as a nation, and definitly not as a species.

I pity their children.

i don't pity their children. I think that the gay agenda has no business being pushed in the children's faces. If they are truly gay they will know that when they are consenting adults.

If you want to teach them about gayness, explain how it is a perversion, just as wanting to have sex with children, animals, toys, masochism, chronic masturbation, etc. is a perversion. Just because some have deep urges to do what nature did not intend (sex for procreation is what is intended), does not make it all right or acceptable in my eyes. If some want to accept their perversion as normal that is fine with me. Just keep it away from the children as they are still maturing their feelings and are very impressionable. The internet is littered with cases of people who thought they were gay because of low self esteem and depression and once those issues were resolved they no longer had those gay feelings.

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