posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by Alien Abduct
yep. you're right
"none if this"
so far has been sufficiently explained my understanding anyway, and i'm a 33rd degree
knight of the brazen tinfoil, y'know what i mean? ..if you're going to come at me with the "aliens" angle.. i can only ask, which ones? the
pleiadians? or the orions? or the reptoids? or the greys? then we can discuss if the greys work for the reptoids, or where the tall whites come into
the story.. were we talking about the billy meier pleidadian/plejarans? haha, you know what i mean?
i looked into the "foo-fighters" topic long ago, and i'd be happy to consider any research you might have to offer?
but i'd ask that you consider watching the series "TAKEN" (steven spielberg) to see how the "scene" is being delivered to the public at large.
(this is a 10 part series and these 'foo-fighters' will be presented to you right at the start of the 1st episode)
there is also some small information available to support a claim that the nazi's may well have been working on such things, a good place to start
here is the "wenceslas mines" and something known as 'the bell', 'operation paperclip' and the links to the space program, but i digress, the
point i wanted to make is ultimately this entire subject (ufo's and the occupants, as you are suggesting)
will take one to places where whole
previous paradigms will need to be dealt with.
(forgot also to mention reports of people like alexander the great et al, and assistance of 'flying shield' in battle, etc, we could also consider
the earliest reports of the 'crop circle' phenomena and other related fields, but in short, yes, i agree with you on those respects.. something is
most certainly here with us, but i do not think they use 'space-craft' if you know what i mean)
heh.. this is getting off-topic now (well, not so much 'off-topic' but.. maybe fast-forwarded too much in an inappropriate direction for this
particular topic?) ..anyway, umm.. yeah? get back to me sometime