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U.S. Backed – FSA Rebels Massacre an Entire Christian Village in Syria

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posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by purplemer

Horrifying and as a Christian I can not find the word's that could fit this, It is obvious that the WEST is not supporting these rebels but the Corporate entity that controls the west is and we are merely it's puppet's, there are vast reserves of oil in Syria, sound familiar.

Bashir isn't even a beardy extremist wanting to be seen like the western leader's in a suit and tie so why are we trying to destroy him, if the Syrian orthodox church (the oldest Christian church that still hold's it's mass in Aramaic the language Christ spoke and which was founded by the other apostles not peter and paul and was independent of the conclave of nicenea) is destroyed then it is my duty and that of every other Christian to find those responsible and bring then to GOD's justice for this is not less than an assault on christ.

My anger has no word's.
edit on 9-6-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by ParasuvO

Originally posted by daaskapital
While it is horrifying that the West is backing the rebel extremists, i must ask if you could please remove the second picture of the children. I don't think that stuff should be shown on ATS, and i also believe that it may be treading on the t&c's a bit...


Why is the truth disturbing ?

A picture of the situation seems spot on , I seriously wonder if this same comments about OMG the picture! would be taken seriously if this was Israel or any other western nation.

I am amazed at this response, frankly.


To HELL with PROTECTING the LIE of Religion of Peace, Peace my ass

They do this # to their Very own, why Coddle and HIDE IT?

Let the whole WORLD SEE what the FILTH DOES from the Pits of HADES, REGARDLESS of what bull# god or religion they lay claim too

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by ThreeBears

Originally posted by ParasuvO

Originally posted by daaskapital
While it is horrifying that the West is backing the rebel extremists, i must ask if you could please remove the second picture of the children. I don't think that stuff should be shown on ATS, and i also believe that it may be treading on the t&c's a bit...


Why is the truth disturbing ?

A picture of the situation seems spot on , I seriously wonder if this same comments about OMG the picture! would be taken seriously if this was Israel or any other western nation.

I am amazed at this response, frankly.


To HELL with PROTECTING the LIE of Religion of Peace, Peace my ass

They do this # to their Very own, why Coddle and HIDE IT?

Let the whole WORLD SEE what the FILTH DOES from the Pits of HADES, REGARDLESS of what bull# god or religion they lay claim too





posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by LABTECH767
reply to post by purplemer

Bashir isn't even a beardy extremist wanting to be seen like the western leader's in a suit and tie so why are we trying to destroy him, if the Syrian orthodox church is destroyed then it is my duty and that of every other Christian to find those responsible and bring then to GOD's justice for this is not less than an assault on christ.

edit on 9-6-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

This is not attack on christianity, this is attack on all religions. 99% of people killed by those rebels are muslims who are trying to defend their country against radical wahhabi terrorist trained by CIA and paid by Saudi's and Israel.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 01:50 PM
But....BUT the FSA Rebels are the GOOD GUYS're seriously way off the mark here!

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Sonny2

Originally posted by LABTECH767
reply to post by purplemer

Bashir isn't even a beardy extremist wanting to be seen like the western leader's in a suit and tie so why are we trying to destroy him, if the Syrian orthodox church is destroyed then it is my duty and that of every other Christian to find those responsible and bring then to GOD's justice for this is not less than an assault on christ.

edit on 9-6-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

This is not attack on christianity, this is attack on all religions. 99% of people killed by those rebels are muslims who are trying to defend their country against radical wahhabi terrorist trained by CIA and paid by Saudi's and Israel.

Just imagine the entire middle east becoming AN IRAN how messed up that would be.

In turkey erdogan is turning non-secular after hiding it for about a decade now.

We need left wing politics. I am tired of right wing religious nutjobs whether christians or muslism or jews or budhists or whatever.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

What kind of media do we have that selects what truth should be allowed and what truth should be hidden?

Most MSM (Alphabet TV/Radio Networks especially) are government controlled propaganda machines IMO.

You would think Satan personally cuts their paychecks. Sadly, most viewers believe they are truthful.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 03:10 PM
West will pay for backing these groups.

Like it will pay for backing Saddam.

Even if justice don't come to west in this hierarchy , it will surely come in the next.

West will pay for backing these groups.

Like it paid for backing Saddam.

Meaning that Saddam was crazy dog of US which bite the hands of it's puppet.

I believe that Al-Qaeda members are more crazy and destructive. And these people will be a threat to the west sooner or later.

But west is not afraid of these threats , west likes these threads , just the way it loves wahhabis , just the way it made wahhabism.

The more threat , the more western people to fight against threat , the easier way for invasion and colonialism.

But I think that few will understand what I said.
edit on 9-6-2013 by mideast because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 03:13 PM
Afraid of gore? Watch this video, the reality is painful to watch but this is what's happening there

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

Originally posted by Sonny2
This is not attack on christianity, this is attack on all religions. 99% of people killed by those rebels are muslims who are trying to defend their country against radical wahhabi terrorist trained by CIA and paid by Saudi's and Israel.

Just imagine the entire middle east becoming AN IRAN how messed up that would be.

You clearly have no idea what is happening in the middle east, you have been brainwashed by zionist media in US who demonize leaders of other countries like they did to Gaddafi.

Iran is helping Assad against those terrorist rebels, so Iran is helping christians in Syria too.

I wish you I can help but you look like lost case, no offence.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 03:28 PM
Is this the so called Arab ''SPRING'' ? I pray God to not to send us this kind of Spring to anywhere in this world :-/

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Sonny2

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

Originally posted by Sonny2
This is not attack on christianity, this is attack on all religions. 99% of people killed by those rebels are muslims who are trying to defend their country against radical wahhabi terrorist trained by CIA and paid by Saudi's and Israel.

Just imagine the entire middle east becoming AN IRAN how messed up that would be.

You clearly have no idea what is happening in the middle east, you have been brainwashed by zionist media in US who demonize leaders of other countries like they did to Gaddafi.

Iran is helping Assad against those terrorist rebels, so Iran is helping christians in Syria too.

I wish you I can help but you look like lost case, no offence.

Yes I and many others have been brainwashed. It is difficult to see what is real and what is fake. What is half-truth and what is complete bull#. I am against arab spring because I am against non-secularism. If you had read my previous posts you would have seen that.

Iran is a shiite country and shiites tend to be more radicalised than sunnis. I always thought the case against iran was an exaggerated one but not a complete fabrication.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 04:07 PM
There is no war so brutal as a civil war - if you think atrocities are somehow "caused" by foreign intervention or support - they would be happening regardless - but perhaps with knives instead of guns.

The only people to blame for atrocities are the people who commit them.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by LABTECH767

we are supposed to let this happen christ said so himself

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 04:22 PM
These are the pictures that should be broadcast on every major news outlet.

Here in America, the public isn't used to seeing the tragic realities of what is being done in their name.

Showing these pictures to the populace of these children would send shockwaves. If the end result of our government's actions were aired on NBC, ABC, FOX, CBS, CNN. etc on a daily basis, I'd wager the empathetic attitudes would change in this country, especially amongst those with children.

Don't look away. Look at the pictures of those poor innocents, and fully understand the actions that we the American people support by allowing our rogue government to run unabated.

The day where we find ourselves in the shoes of these people will soon come.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Signals
But....BUT the FSA Rebels are the GOOD GUYS're seriously way off the mark here!


This man, and the rest of his ilk, are sick sociopaths.

It disgusts me to share the same country with filth like this.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 05:22 PM
after reading this i think i will go and kick the cat

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 05:58 PM
What kind of savage monsters kills little ones who can't defend themselves? What kind of demons kill without warning, taking those little lives? I know these children are in the loving and protective arms of God.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by ThreeBears

Every site has standards and some of us have seen enough gore in other ways and places to last a lifetime. Some here have seen it in war zones. I don't come to ATS at dinner time (and it's always dinner time somewhere on an international site) to see gore. I'm glad it was removed and the OP's comments indicate he realized the boo boo himself.

The net is FULL of places to go see dead bodies and the various ways they come to be that way. I'm glad this isn't one of them in full measure.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 06:50 PM
The truly disturbing part of the US backing the rebels in Syria is the known interconnections between the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Jamaat al-Islamiyya, and the Taliban. While many officials in the US admit that the Muslim Brotherhood is a less radical group than the others, many of them are well aware that the reason for this is because the MB is the financer of the more extreme Islamic groups. It is also a documented fact that many members of the Muslim Brotherhood are high ranking members of the other more radical Islamic terror groups.

The whole idea that the US is supplying weapons and finances to the MB while we are at the same time engaged in a war on terror against these more radical groups is ludicrous to say the least and in all reality aiding the enemy since many of these weapons and finances are being funneled directly to groups such as Hamas, Al-Qaeda, and the Taliban.

Here is a 2005 CFR report concerning the MB:

The original Egyptian organization has spawned branches in 70 countries. These organizations bear the Brotherhood name, but their connections to the founding group vary and some of them may provide financial, logistical, or other support to terrorist organizations. Some terrorist groups—including Hamas, Jamaat al-Islamiyya, and al-Qaeda—have historic and ideological affiliations with the Egyptian Brotherhood. In addition, some of the world’s most dangerous terrorists were once Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood members, including Osama bin Laden’s top deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri. The organization is like “stepping stone,” says Evan Kohlmann, an international terrorism consultant. “[For] someone who is interested in dedicating their lives to a radical Islamist cause, it can be a pathway up…to a more serious dealing with Islam.”


Jamaat al-Islamiyya, a branch or affiliate of the MB has been responsible for terror attacks in Egypt several times in the past and has advocated the overthrowing of the secular Egyptian government and the installing of a Sharia backed government in Egypt since the early 1970's and now thanks to the idiodic tyrannts in DC they have achieved their goal in Egypt. Looks like Syria is going to be next and who knows which country is next on their list.

Jamaat al-Islamiyya, which means "the Islamic Group," is Egypt's largest Islamist militant organization and has a presence both in Egypt and abroad. As a radical offshoot of the much older and more grassroots-oriented Muslim Brotherhood, the group has been active since the 1970s. According to the State Department, Jamaat attracts young unemployed graduates and students from urban areas but operates primarily in the southern governorates of Egypt.

Historically, members have campaigned to overthrow the secular Egyptian government and replace it with an Islamic regime. Jamaat used violence within the country to influence a popular movement supporting an Islamic regime and refused to consider a political compromise. The group is best known for the Luxor attack in 1997 that killed fifty-eight foreign tourists and four Egyptians. Attacks on tourists, however, put the group on the fringe of society as the country began to suffer economically from a decrease in tourism. Tourism officials said that the Luxor attack cost Egypt an estimated 50 percent of its average $3.7 billion tourism revenue in 1998, reported the BBC. It is estimated that it took two years for tourism to rebound to the pre-Luxor attack numbers. Following a violent campaign of attacks against the Egyptian government, Coptic Christians, tourists, and other targets, Jamaat al-Islamiyya has largely honored a March 1999 cease-fire with the Egyptian government.


This information has been well known by the US State Dept and intelligence agencies for many years now. When I was active in the military we were briefed on the Muslim Brotherhood and some of their member associations with more radical terror groups in the region on several occasions.

Now however we are supporting their rise to power and even more worrisome we are actually assisting in their rise to power. This is the same scenario we witnessed with Saddam and even as far back as pre-WWII Germany as the US was readily supply support to Hitler's Nazi Germany before the war.

The fact is that the US has no business over there or anywhere else in the world. Bring our troops and resources home, stop playing "world police", protect our borders and concentrate on the US economy and citizen. If this were to happen our nation would be a much happier, safer, and economically viable place to be.

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