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Rejoice in the light of the Illuminati... Cheers to... DUALITY

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posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 02:36 AM
I myself have had a run in with the Illuminati and I myself after an extensive crash course in "Their" beliefs, have come to realize the reason in their mysterious ways.

Manipulation of man by any means...

Negative influence encourages positive empowerment...

Love is pain, love is war, love is hurt, love is death, love is heartbreak, radiating with love are "crooked politicians". Love is light.

You see with the intelligent consciousness comes a certain duality. A world cannot understand peace if war does not exist. Therefore one cannot appreciate the gift that peace truly is. Therefore without war does peace truly exist. If war did not exist does that mean intelligent consciousness does not exist. Without yin... yang cannot exist without yang... yin cannot exist.

Duality is the key to understanding life. One cannot understand if one does not grasp just a fraction of good or evil and cannot go on to the next stage of life which is love v.s. light.

Light is discipline, light is freedom, light is caring, light is being careless, light is leading and misleading light is truth and light is lies. Light is help and light is being helpless. light is seeing the good in people, light is seeing the bad. Light is change light is unchanging. Light is law and light is lawless. Light is oppression and light is electricity. Light is limitations and life is light is living without limits. All these roller coaster of emotions you go through in life brings you a little closer to experiencing, knowing, understanding, and appreciating love.

The last level of knowledge is taking all that you know and all the things you have learned from balancing good vs. evil and love vs. light and allows you to appreciate things as a whole. Even the bad apple in the bunch plays its part.

The stages of good v.s. evil, love vs. light and knowledge vs. wisdom

So if the Illuminati's negative influences wakes people up and empowers them to push one for a better life and a better tomorrow....

I am no longer the one trying to get in the way. If all this negative influence has a positive impact on the planet as a whole.

Better that than being as dirt, void of intelligent consciousness.

edit on 9-6-2013 by lucifer6 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-6-2013 by lucifer6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 02:41 AM
i am half way in the air about this im all over the place, I panned on it being cohesive but... drunkerd out. Thank god for green dragon talk assist thingy

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 02:47 AM
Ok then I'll bite

You can't understand right if you don't know wrong.

The trouble is what I consider right and decent is a direct result of MY life experience.

A fanatical Christian, a fanatical Muslim and a fanatical Jew may all worship the same God

But they all think that they are right

All think the others are wrong

And the Agnostic laughs at them

The Satanist believes evil is good

So good v. evil is a very relative thing depending on your personal beliefs and life experience.

Just my 2 cents


posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 02:52 AM
Sorry, but that is a corruption of reality. Duality is a word that has many meanings. And they all depend on the heart/mind of the beholder. It can mean hate/love, power/freedom, or it can mean, your spirit and physical/astral combining to light body. It can mean that the right and left hemispheres are separated and need to unite!

Don't even see the negative, for example.

Now people don't grow in negativity. The actual work of negativity is taking the long way home. Many have never fallen and they aren't dirt.

We ARE already, we are infinite souls, infinite parts of infinity ALREADY.

This is perfecting the flawed parts.

Some who are attracted to tough love and harm.

Basically everyone needs to be rescued from here and the ones doing this, the controllers of this world need massive counseling. They're very ill!
edit on 9-6-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 03:00 AM
No one's in control, only in the way.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by rom12345

You think no ones in control? Wow! This universe has those who are loving and empowering others, and those who love power. We have as a complete web of power, a massive group that is amongst the universes worst, most dangerous beings. They skin babies alive, their own children, and bomb them in many countries, induce horrendous torturous cancer and diseases in them, and starve them to death.

They make Bram Stokers Dracula look like a mosquito.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 07:16 PM
I think the illuminati are just one group among many who about 300 or so years ago re-discovered the lost Egyptian art of "god-making". Not that it was totally lost, some groups have been aware of this for a long time and have kept it hidden. The manifest/occult pair of opposites. The Church certainly knew/knows about it, which is why the beatification and sainthood process is so revered.

Augustine references in his City of God that a lost text from Thrice Great Hermes referencing this "art" and the fact that he (Hermes to Tat) laments its misuse by the Egyptian priestly class. It seems this might be why there was so much emphasis on the prohibition of idolatry within the book of Exodus after the Hebrews split from Kemmet. Because not only does our belief give power to manufactured "gods", there is also a craft to deifying ideas and individuals in the spiritual/non-sensible realm. There is also a distinction between those gods that interact with use in the non-sensible realm and the non-created ineffable concept of "God" which underlies and is the foundation and source of all things whether man, the gods of divine creation, or the gods of man's creation.

Adam Weishaupt was a jesuit who I think took this knowledge which had been kept secret by the Church and started the illuminati with it. It has become less about god making and more about the creation of an entire metaphysical belief system, which gains power through our belief. If enough people believe, it will over throw the "old order".

But in reference to the OP, the idea of the union of the opposites is certainly not something the illuminati developed. Heraclitus and many other greeks were on these ideas 2500+ years ago. Hegel owes his dialectic to Heraclitus and the Hegelian Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis is what you seem to be describing.

The "poisoning of the well" and antinomianism of the last few centuries has been the Antithesis in order to bring about the Synthesis, which is a new man and by extrapolation a new world. But will it really be new if it relies on ideas that are eternal and have always existed? Can we even use the temporal notions of newness and oldness when speaking of the timeless? In the vein of the union of opposites, is there any difference between new and old? Is the future just the past and the past the future?

edit on 9-6-2013 by aeroplaneunderthesea because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by lucifer6


When I was reading your post, it sounded almost a verbatim copy of the teachings of the Buddha.
Are you sure your Illuminati group was not a Buddhist sect in disguise?

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Saurus

I would really like to know what you are referring too. All of this came to me after deep meditation while listening to my guru.

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Saurus

double post
edit on 11-6-2013 by lucifer6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by aeroplaneunderthesea
I think the illuminati are just one group among many who about 300 or so years ago re-discovered the lost Egyptian art of "god-making". Not that it was totally lost, some groups have been aware of this for a long time and have kept it hidden. The manifest/occult pair of opposites. The Church certainly knew/knows about it, which is why the beatification and sainthood process is so revered.

I have been put under the impression that The TAT Brotherhood protected it.

Augustine references in his City of God that a lost text from Thrice Great Hermes referencing this "art" and the fact that he (Hermes to Tat) laments its misuse by the Egyptian priestly class. It seems this might be why there was so much emphasis on the prohibition of idolatry within the book of Exodus after the Hebrews split from Kemmet. Because not only does our belief give power to manufactured "gods", there is also a craft to deifying ideas and individuals in the spiritual/non-sensible realm. There is also a distinction between those gods that interact with use in the non-sensible realm and the non-created ineffable concept of "God" which underlies and is the foundation and source of all things whether man, the gods of divine creation, or the gods of man's creation.

your wisdom is much greater than mine. But there you go mentioning TAT lmao. So is that why Tat and his ra, created the Tat Brotherhood.

Adam Weishaupt was a jesuit who I think took this knowledge which had been kept secret by the Church and started the illuminati with it. It has become less about god making and more about the creation of an entire metaphysical belief system, which gains power through our belief. If enough people believe, it will over throw the "old order".

But in reference to the OP, the idea of the union of the opposites is certainly not something the illuminati developed. Heraclitus and many other greeks were on these ideas 2500+ years ago. Hegel owes his dialectic to Heraclitus and the Hegelian Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis is what you seem to be describing.

The "poisoning of the well" and antinomianism of the last few centuries has been the Antithesis in order to bring about the Synthesis, which is a new man and by extrapolation a new world. But will it really be new if it relies on ideas that are eternal and have always existed? Can we even use the temporal notions of newness and oldness when speaking of the timeless? In the vein of the union of opposites, is there any difference between new and old? Is the future just the past and the past the future?

edit on 9-6-2013 by aeroplaneunderthesea because: (no reason given)

My mind is racing with new possibilities of consciousness. Thank you. I will subscribe to your threads. Hope to learn from you and maybe one day contribute to the collective, not that I have not already but I want to do it my way on my own terms.

edit on 11-6-2013 by lucifer6 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-6-2013 by lucifer6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by lucifer6

Cheers in deed my friend - Duality is a fundamental understanding of physics - leading to entropy and enthalpy.

- We are only a life-form, living upon the cascade of energy as it flows from 'sink' to 'sink'.

- not clear yet, ask nasa.

Your Post grabbed me as it continues an ancient - 4000yr - old belief in Duality - Egyptian.

Chaos vs Order - whereby - the balance of two 'interestes' personified by deities are in continual exchange.

Our role is to feed the "Order" - read Truth - god / goddess

Thank You for identifying the nature of our turmoil

And ultimately what we will dispel once we become guides ourselves.


posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by baaronhaile
reply to post by lucifer6

Cheers in deed my friend - Duality is a fundamental understanding of physics - leading to entropy and enthalpy.

- We are only a life-form, living upon the cascade of energy as it flows from 'sink' to 'sink'.

- not clear yet, ask nasa.

Your Post grabbed me as it continues an ancient - 4000yr - old belief in Duality - Egyptian.

Chaos vs Order - whereby - the balance of two 'interestes' personified by deities are in continual exchange.

are these deities yahwah and the luciferian consciousness. If so which is which?

Our role is to feed the "Order" - read Truth - god / goddess


Thank You for identifying the nature of our turmoil

And ultimately what we will dispel once we become guides ourselves.

You know you will have to pay for any negative influences you shovel out when you do indeed become a guide when you unite back to reconstitute the yahwahian consciousness.


posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by lucifer6
reply to post by Saurus

I would really like to know what you are referring too. All of this came to me after deep meditation while listening to my guru.

Buddha was "enlightened" was he not? I think that should answer your question. (8 fold path aka the 8 years for Venus (Lucifer) to make a pentacle via alignments with the earth . . . you seem to have an extremely unworthy guru if they did not teach you the basics of gazing the heavens)

As to the guy who thinks the illuminati mastered "god-making" . . . I think you misinterpret what a god was to these people. They were forces psychological and physically manifested.

They were doing nothing more than learning the design of the physical realm and how to manipulate it.

In the process they have confused manipulation with creation and themselves with creators.


How does one measure and idea or recognize its source?

Answer this and you have crossed the abyss and the 9-11/ sapphire of the 11th sephirot.
edit on 11-6-2013 by FriedBabelBroccoli because: 101

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by lucifer6

Chaos vs Order - whereby - the balance of two 'interestes' personified by deities are in continual exchange.

- "are these deities yahwah and the luciferian consciousness. If so which is which?"

my interest is in the dual nature of two constant forces - your OP about duality got me thinking

Our role is to feed the "Order" - read Truth - god / goddess


Maat is an Ancient God of order - revered to ancient Egyptians as deity -
and 'fed' with behaviors and thoughts - 'we think' and mindfulness feeds ?


posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by lucifer6

You sound like you were going to clean your room, but then

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by XXX777

And for the twenty thousand dollars and the trip to the bahamas... survey says Ding ding ding wooo wooo wooo
edit on 12-6-2013 by lucifer6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by lucifer6

Hello lucifer6. As your inquiries seem sincere, please allow me to expound on your statement:

"Duality is the key to understanding life."

Duality is naught but an illusion.

The micro and the macro,... the inner and the outer,... the physical and the etheric/subtle,... the cause and the effect,... ego/separation,... and the dual poles are illusionary mechanisms that accomplish the miracle of the All-One. The unity and wholeness of All-One is obvious, however, these illusionary mechanisms must exist to perpetuate difference, separation, relativity, and subjectivity within the unity.

Duality may be the key to understanding life,... but wisdom is found by unifying the dual poles into One and reconciling the contradictory paradoxes into One. Everything is but varying degree, density, vibration, and manifestation of The All which is One.

"Treat others as yourself, because others are the Self." Therefore I am not in agreement with the adepts who operate with the mentality, "the ends justify the means." Like things beget like things, therefore, cultivated suffering will only fruit further suffering.


posted on Jun, 13 2013 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by Kgnow

Totally agree, only the dark hats here lowered earth's frequency, she is where she should never be, and this never had to happen, if people but loved fully. Equality and Freedom! Then they twist and distort the rising dough by saying that evil is required to grow, when its the error that shouldn't be, the fallen state of not choosing to Love in the tests only.

When duality never meant that, but this: inner/outer, conscious/subconscious, pineal/pituatary, mother/father, and in this one:

The Hebrew name Jachin means strengthened, upright, firm and stable. The Hebrew name Boaz means strength, power, and source. When you put these names together, you would get something like:
“My house will be established in source and strength.” Remember, this house is you!

Also notice that the scripture states Solomon put the pillar Jachin on the right and Boaz on the left. This is correct when one is facing the building during construction. However, as the temple represents you (body and mind) as it faces east, Boaz would be on the right side and Jachin on the left. Why is this important?

The two pillars signify the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Boaz is symbolic of the right hemisphere. This hemisphere is associated with the intuitive, abstract, and creative principle. In other words, it represents our higher, spiritual natures. The left hemisphere is associated with logic and the intellect. I also tend to associate this hemisphere with physicality and concreteness. Now let’s see how this ties in to the two pillars.

The pillar of Boaz symbolizes the animating (source) energy in creation. The Pillar of Jachin not only represents our intellect, but also our concrete, physical, earthly natures. And please understand that the lower nature is not a negative aspect of creation. Quite the contrary! Just as darkness is not a negative aspect of creation, neither is the physical. It is only when the physical aspects of our dual nature do not have a redeemer and guide (spiritual aspect) that the balance becomes compromised. As Jesus said, a man does not live on bread alone!

posted on Jun, 14 2013 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by lucifer6

I am not part of any collective, illuminati or otherwise, those are just my observations and attempt at making sense of things on Earth. These type of sites are really my only outlet, because whenever I try to talk about this stuff with anyone in physical reality, they just tell me to talk to a psychiatrist.

I probably shouldn't have use the term "god making" or implied the illuminati mastered it, that wasn't my intent. But I do think that rituals have an ability to create agents/entites in the non-sensible realm, and that is what I was getting at with Augustine and the Hermes reference. The "gods" being personified forces I understand, so maybe the "god making" was just human agents being able to manipulate the forces already present in reality. And this might translate into existence in the energetic realm after leaving the material realm or something like that. There is something very formulaic about the process of becoming a saint in the Church, but I don't have any proof, just suspicions that it is something similar to what the Egyptians were doing.

Like I said, I am not part of any group, I just think a lot about these things, because I keep noticing the strange behaviors of people and acausal phenomena in reality.

There is something going in the United States at least, I believe, and I think there are a significant portion of people here in the USA who are being used as the experimental group of those who wish to be "creators", and I suspect that I fall into that category. Not the self-styled "creators", I think I am part of the experiment along with millions of other unsuspecting citizens.

And I truly believe that "ends never justify means". I don't think I was very clear on that in the earlier post. Some of the earlier posters had some good points on that issue, especially about how the means, if they are flawed, will yield flawed ends. Which makes sense, but its not a very comforting thought to those of us who are being used to achieve certain ends.

edit on 14-6-2013 by aeroplaneunderthesea because: (no reason given)

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