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Is the pope the real deal or is he a sheep in wolves clothing

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posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 07:04 AM

I would hate to think that this man is trying to recruit children to his way of thinking. He seems to be sincere but aren't all popes that way. I hope he isn't trying to get the children on his side so when he turns into the black pope he has his army of devout followers who hang on his every word.

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 08:49 AM
If you mean 'real deal' as in .... a good guy who is trying to do what is right and isn't a hypocrite .... then yes, I think he's the 'real deal'. Thats my opinion at this point. He's a blast of fresh air for the Vatican.

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by sd211212

Is the pope the real deal or is he a sheep in wolves clothing,
He is a wolf in sheep clothing with a mixed DNA of sheep and wolf.

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by sd211212

I would hate to think that this man is trying to recruit children to his way of thinking. He seems to be sincere but aren't all popes that way. I hope he isn't trying to get the children on his side so when he turns into the black pope he has his army of devout followers who hang on his every word.

Iron mixed with clay. The black pope dresses in the symbolism and the white pope dresses in his symbol. Iron mixed with clay is the Roman Empire mixed with the clay of human rule (men acting as God). This is a mix of government and religion. It will crumble quickly because a house divided (Black and White) cannot stand. Here, black is Esau and White is Jacob. God said, Jacob have I loved (The farmer / Giving) and Esau have I hated (Hunter / Taking). In the end, it boils down to Peter giving over taking. In John 21, Peter was fishing with some of the disciples. Jesus yelled from the shore (other side of the Jordan) to Peter that he should fish on the RIGHT side of the boat. Here, we have the allusion to active and passive. There are protons and electrons, but the neutron is the one that brings the two sides together. All chemical bonds must have a catalyst. A zipper is required to bring the two sides together. By telling Peter to fish on the RIGHT side, he was giving him the secret in nature to unity over multiplicity (Division within).

Next, Peter catches 153 fish. Pythagoras called this the 'Measure of the Fish' and it represents the perportions of the Vesica Pisces (Ancient symbol of interlocking circles). Between the fish symbol of Christianity, we find two ratios of the square root of 2 and 3. Where they meet is unity (The Cross). Jesus was telling Peter to serve rather than be served, which he asked three times (Three thousand years to raise the Temple of Christ and the sign of Jonah).

Here is what Jesus said to Peter:

15 When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”

“Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”

Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”

16 Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”

He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.”

Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”

17 The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”

Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.”

Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.

Feed the sheep is the command. The last Pope prophecy said that Peter will feed the sheep in times of many tribulations. Both Peter and Antipeter are on the throne. One repents (One Thief on the cross repents). Christ is in the middle of the two (Jesuit Black and White). It becomes a house divided that then falls.

Here is the last thing Jesus says to the two Peters on either side of the neutral. Active and Passive must have a Neutral.

18 Very truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” 19 Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, “Follow me!”

When he was younger, he served others and went where he wanted to go (Dressed Himself). When he is older, he is dressed by others (Served by Slaves). This is the state of the church today. They have rejected the Chief Cornerstone (Giving). They are the builders (Masons) of old. Because of this, Rome will fall once again for the last time. 1000 years from now, Satan is released again and tries to deceive the nations. He fails before he starts. Rome cannot rise again because the true Temple will be raised by that point. Our next government will be founded on Altruism, along with our commerce system. Today, our government founded on Objectivism will crumble around us, allowing us to rise to new life.

Debt is the mark of the thief.

Global Financial Meltdown - Christ enters the Temple at Passover...

The event horizon is the tipping point of the Day of the Lord (Final 1000 years). That is the day of rest and is gearing up to happen in our day and age. Approximately 7 years left (2017-2018 and the Gates are opened). Mark the second year of tribulation when Israel meets Christ, their Messiah. Joseph told the brothers who he was on the second day of tribulation, just after the East Wind blows and takes away the harvest. Our present day East wind is Iran and China.

Hosea 6 (Sign of Jonah / 3 Days in the Belly of the Fish)

“Come, let us return to the Lord.
He has torn us to pieces
but he will heal us;
he has injured us
but he will bind up our wounds.
2 After two days he will revive us;
on the third day he will restore us,
that we may live in his presence.

edit on 8-6-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by sd211212

I would hate to think that this man is trying to recruit children to his way of thinking. He seems to be sincere but aren't all popes that way. I hope he isn't trying to get the children on his side so when he turns into the black pope he has his army of devout followers who hang on his every word.

I would love to think this man is able to open the hearts and minds of children. The people of this planet are way too narcissistic IMHO. If you listen to him you will think twice about how you are living your life. If you look at his life you find a great example of compassion and true love for others.

You buy into this black pope evilness and I am sad that you have made your mind up to believe the worst.

edit on 6/8/2013 by sad_eyed_lady because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by sd211212

The article that you linked exposed NOTHING nefarious. Although, I do understand where your skepticism is coming from.

This statement stood out for me.

One of the most touching moments came when Teresa, a bright-eyed redhead no more than six, asked Francis flat out if he had wanted to be pope. Francis joked that only someone who hated himself would ever want to be pope. But then he became serious: "I didn't want to be pope."

My answer to this would be.

And Jesus didn't want to die either.

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 03:12 PM
That remains to be seen, but so far so good.

I think that if he really is going against what the Vatican wants, he wouldn't have been elected in the first place. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not going all in yet either. My gut feeling is a wolf in sheep's clothing, because that's what the Vatican has been throughout history.

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by sd211212

I would hate to think that this man is trying to recruit children to his way of thinking. He seems to be sincere but aren't all popes that way. I hope he isn't trying to get the children on his side so when he turns into the black pope he has his army of devout followers who hang on his every word.

The Pappa Pope as microphone to/as GODs expression is crazy thinking. Where and when did he come into power and who engendered it? I can tell you he does not represent or speak to God in any way whatsoever nor have the multiudes (YOU TELL ME WHOM THE LIARS ARE) before Francis yet another in stream of Pappa (YOUR FATHERS) consciousness. God does not recognise Organized Religion as anything other than freakshow clownish tentborn evangelicalism.
edit on 8-6-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by 3NL1GHT3N3D1
That remains to be seen, but so far so good.

I think that if he really is going against what the Vatican wants, he wouldn't have been elected in the first place. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not going all in yet either. My gut feeling is a wolf in sheep's clothing, because that's what the Vatican has been throughout history.

There is absolutely no reason for the Vatican to exist AT ALL. Its always been a monied Fairy Story, using the eccleciastical as a diving board to control the minions. ITS FAKE, its empowered by the dark. Its a thing that must go away as it is not about God but about dominion and CONTROL (touting itself as revealists and compassionate). It is evil incarnate and no one sees this? Blackmailers, Murderers, Who Is The Church Of Sin?
The Roman Catholic thrives upon your failings.
edit on 8-6-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2013 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

I think your comment here is kind of interesting. But did you consider perhaps that while the Vatican may not necessarily want a Pope like him. But maybe figured they needed one like him? John Paul II was a very popular Pope, known and respected the world over even if a bit more establishment than most would have liked. Benedict not very popular or respected outside the Vatican and for good reason. The Church is aware of it's public image, and it also knows that the US is a big problem as they have a very difficult time keeping US Catholics in that conservative line of thinking. Enter Francis a Pope that is from the western hemisphere, a place heavily influenced by the US but not under it's direct control.

I believe he was chosen not because the Vatican wanted him but he can help guide them to a place where they can be relevant across the Atlantic. He understands the exploited working class best. At the end of the day church is big business, and they are losing customers a change in direction was needed not particularly wanted.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 11:02 PM
Hmmm, i don't much care if he's a different man or not if he sits on a golden throne between 2 cherubim, he's still portraying himself to be God. I trust the Vatican about as far as i can piss, and that ain't but a few feet.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Look at those who have believed they are God. When you make your God yourself you make God mortal. Once God becomes Mortal the only punishment for sin becomes death. Therefore the one who believes in a mortal God will in fact go mad enough to believe he has to personally, because he is God, cleanse the world of sin. Now that he is God he will think he has the authority.

This explains, the inquisition, Hitter, and everyone else who has tried to rule the world.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by sacgamer25

God is immortal. My body may die, but my essence, my spirit will live on forever. There is no such thing as mortal in this world, only our limited time in THIS body makes us believe so. Death is an illusion only seen by those left behind.

I believe I am God, at least a piece of God, so my belief does not make me believe God is mortal.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by 3NL1GHT3N3D1
reply to post by sacgamer25

God is immortal. My body may die, but my essence, my spirit will live on forever. There is no such thing as mortal in this world, only our limited time in THIS body makes us believe so. Death is an illusion only seen by those left behind.

I believe I am God, at least a piece of God, so my belief does not make me believe God is mortal.

Yes because you believe in the one exception to the rule, reincarnation. Because the bible does not rule out reincarnation, even though we disagree on what "born again" means. So yes the one who believes in reincarnation still believes in a force greater than themselves, even if they believe themselves to be a limited part of the force along with everyone else.

This is the only acceptable religious view that I can imagine that allows one to be truly a part of God, without going mad and becoming Charlie Manson.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by sacgamer25
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Look at those who have believed they are God. When you make your God yourself you make God mortal. Once God becomes Mortal the only punishment for sin becomes death. Therefore the one who believes in a mortal God will in fact go mad enough to believe he has to personally, because he is God, cleanse the world of sin. Now that he is God he will think he has the authority.

This explains, the inquisition, Hitter, and everyone else who has tried to rule the world.

Are you trying to rule the world? If so PROCAIM IT. I am going to sublimate you to my RULE. I am the Roman I am that which will GRIND YOU INTO DUST. Not me, I am the profainer, I RESIST ALL SubJUGation. GOOD LUCK with any idea of smoking/killing my WILL (I have that choice). God is Mortal and do you think IT wants to DIE? I am a moral God and am not Mad YET. Lets look at those whom believed they were God Aspect--
???? You go ahead and name them; as if I do I would forget one or two and NEVER HEAR THE END OF IT (as they have EGOS). What is this SIN thing all about? I am perplexed. What the 'F' did you do that created World War II the Inquisition and a Sock Monkey look alike is the leader of the free world.
edit on 12-6-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by vethumanbeing

Originally posted by sacgamer25
reply to post by vethumanbeing

Look at those who have believed they are God. When you make your God yourself you make God mortal. Once God becomes Mortal the only punishment for sin becomes death. Therefore the one who believes in a mortal God will in fact go mad enough to believe he has to personally, because he is God, cleanse the world of sin. Now that he is God he will think he has the authority.

This explains, the inquisition, Hitter, and everyone else who has tried to rule the world.

Are you trying to rule the world? If so PROCAIM IT. I am going to sublimate you to my RULE. I am the Roman I am that which will GRIND YOU INTO DUST. Not me, I am the profainer, I RESIST ALL SubJUGation. GOOD LUCK with any idea of smoking/killing my WILL (I have that choice). God is Mortal and do you think IT wants to DIE? I am a moral God and am not Mad YET. Lets look at those whom believed they were God Aspect--
???? You go ahead and name them; as if I do I would forget one or two and NEVER HEAR THE END OF IT (as they have EGOS).

I will become the leader of the world but not I but he who lives in me. That is if the world is ready to find the one that is within me. I am just a humble servant who lets good works flow through me.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by sacgamer25

What rule is reincarnation an exception to? And how is it an exception?

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed, meaning the spirit cannot die, only transformed. The spirit is transformed through reincarnation, you can either move up the ladder or down, and your actions in one life carry over into the next.

"Judgement", as you call it, is not controlled by anything, it is a part of the natural order just like gravity or tor inertia.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by 3NL1GHT3N3D1
reply to post by sacgamer25

What rule is reincarnation an exception to? And how is it an exception?

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed, meaning the spirit cannot die, only transformed. The spirit is transformed through reincarnation, you can either move up the ladder or down, and your actions in one life carry over into the next.

"Judgement", as you call it, is not controlled by anything, it is a part of the natural order just like gravity or tor inertia.

Universalism is as compatible with the bible as is reincarnation, and I suggest that universalism is what the bible teaches. And you can even believe in both. This is why I keep suggesting that love is the only true religion.

Universalism vs. Reincarnation, both will lead to the same enlightenment for the one who is seeking to be enlightened.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by 3NL1GHT3N3D1
reply to post by sacgamer25

What rule is reincarnation an exception to? And how is it an exception?

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed, meaning the spirit cannot die, only transformed. The spirit is transformed through reincarnation, you can either move up the ladder or down, and your actions in one life carry over into the next.

"Judgement", as you call it, is not controlled by anything, it is a part of the natural order just like gravity or tor inertia.

No one man may claim to be God. I call it a rule because history has suggested that you can't believe this without going mad. Therefore through scientific observation, using scientific method, history continues to repeat itself with men who think they are God. People always die, it never works out.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 11:44 PM
Originally posted by sacgamer25

Originally posted by vethumanbeing

Originally posted by sacgamer25
reply to post by vethumanbeing

I will become the leader of the world but not I but he who lives in me. That is if the world is ready to find the one that is within me. I am just a humble servant who lets good works flow through me.

I will help, I am ready I can (not to just lead but) to take it to a significant level. The world will be ready at some point, dont give it all away, they wont believe it anyway and thats most of the fun.
edit on 12-6-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

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