I nearly cried when I heard the news about the NSA, PRISM and all the other horrible things my government is doing under the guise of protecting its
The lies break my heart.
Do they think we’re stupid? Not only is what they have done unethical and dishonest but they continue to deny any wrong doing even after being
Is it time for a revolution? Why is this happening? Should we stand up and take back this great country or is it too late?
My name is Eric and if they are reading my post then I’m prepared for any justified punishment. There was a time when Americans could question the
government without fear.
Today I’m full of fear. Not for what they may do but because of what they have taken.
Unfortunately until WE THE PEOPLE grow a pair, which I don't Ever see happening, the whole Revolution idea can be filed in the "AIN'T GONNA
HAPPEN" pile and Flushed.
Nearly Half of the country is receiving benefits or aid of some kind. Do you really think they are going to bite the hand that feeds them? You can
stick it on that pile and flush it too.
Some people like yourself are really mad, sure, but with everyone else just dealing with it and taking it in stride as it comes basically throws
everyone else under the bus to suck it up.
If you have lurked here prior to joining, then you should not be surprised by this news, as it actually has been in the news for quite a few years.
Thanks to its members, ATS often has breaking news two-three days before the MSM breaks it. It’s a great site with many great members.
When you have the time, read the T&C’s if you haven’t already (They can be dry). The Admin and Mods try to keep things civil here. But those rules
do help keep the discussion going, rather than many sites that devolve into cussing matches.
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