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The Government Cover-up Of Bigfoot Documentary

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posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 11:45 PM
There's a balance in the natural world.What we do know is that these creatures are NOT attacking people.I say leave them alone.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by Night Star

We never thought about things like that. Watching out for snakes, and, sort of, for bears ,and that was it. Snakes are easy; stay on clear trails, and carry a big walking stick if you are on narrower ones. The stick in front warns a snake away, and gives it something besides you to strike. The bears, we just knew not to feed them, and were shown nice claw holes in steel stuff. Never personally saw a wild bear, and the only snake was one dead that some other campers had killed. I imagine we would have freaked had we seen a Bigfoot!

reply to post by RUFFREADY

Oh, wow! Your poor parents! I would have had a fit. We pretty much stayed in known areas of the campground, and never got lost. My little brother did "disappear" one afternoon, but the ranger had him. Guy was a friend, and the last male in his line, and had all girls. He took him riding around in the jeep. Not sure if one parent knew or not, but think one did, and wasn't there when the other saw my brother was "missing". I'd have let the ranger keep him, but...

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 12:05 AM
I am pretty sure I have encountered one in the Kaibab National Forest of Northern Arizona and heard one in the Mogollon Rim area (exact site will not be disclosed).
There have been two to three encounters in the Fort Lewis base while doing training at night.
They are descendants of the Gigantophithecus of Asia and just as humans crossed the land/ice bridge that connected Russia and Alaska, so did they during different occasions in the Pleistocene era until now.
They are more related to Orangutans than to Neanderthals or Homo Sapiens. They are a whole different lineage of hominids.
The government knows this, and this is why Teddy Roosevelt pushed to save huge swaths of land as national parks...because he encountered one in his travels.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by Kratos40

If that's the case, why would the government simply not declare them real, show the proof, and call them a protected species? For a simple animal, that would make the most sense.

You talk about seeing some while on duty. Were there any orders regarding how to deal with this?

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by Kratos40

That's pretty cool.

This is a cool place to check out, "Six Million Years of Human Ancestry", maybe one of these is hiding in the woods...

Information on the Internet about human evolution is immense. Unfortunately, it is scattered among many sources, some of the best of which -- science journals -- require costly subscriptions to read. It is regrettable also that most of the photographic evidence that is web-available is limited to skulls. Other comparative skeletal material such as the progression of pelvises, knees, hands and feet are equally interesting but are not web-available.

Rather than attempt to write a textbook on the subject, I have collected from numerous web sources significant information on a number of aspects of human evolution.


posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by TDawg61
There's a balance in the natural world.What we do know is that these creatures are NOT attacking people.I say leave them alone.

I have heard some say they had rocks thrown at them by a big foot. That is why I was wondering if some were docile and some violent. You know, like some might be curious and open minded about us humans and others would rather we stay the hell away. LOL

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by TDawg61
There's a balance in the natural world.What we do know is that these creatures are NOT attacking people.I say leave them alone.

Thai may not be true at all. Google Mlssing 411

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by randyvs

That's what I keep coming back to as well. Way too many people vanish in those areas. What might be helpful is some understanding of why they take who they do. I don't think I would trust any, though, all things considered!

posted on Jul, 21 2013 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

How does that saying go? About more between heaven and earth than something something something. IDK
But it's true !

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