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The Government Cover-up Of Bigfoot Documentary

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posted on Jul, 5 2013 @ 04:51 AM

Originally posted by Night Star
This sounded pretty interesting..

Researchers claim they have sequenced three whole Bigfoot nuclear genomes, helping to prove that the legendary creature exists in North America, and is a human relative that arose 13,000 years ago.

This is a curious coincidence. Bigfoot arose 13,000 years ago...which corresponds to the last major global impacts from meteorites, the ending of the major ice age, the destruction of 70% of the worlds flora and fauna and the start of the 1500 year 'Younger Dryas' mini ice age. It's also reckoned to be the origin of the hundreds of worldwide tales and legends of world flooding...strange that Bigfoot would appear around this period.

The team is planning on continuing the research, according to Ketchum, because it takes years to analyze a genome, “so we are continuing to work with the three genomes.” She added that they are planning to expand into “non-invasive field studies.”

It's strange that Ketchum states it takes years to sequence or analyze a doesn't.

It can take only a few days to sequence an entire Human used to take years, but that was over a decade ago...advances have moved faster in the genomic research arena, than the advances in computing.

DNA Genomic sequencing

the two leading manufacturers of DNA sequencing instruments announced almost simultaneously at an investors’ conference that they would introduce new machines this year capable of sequencing an entire human genome in a single day. Life Technologies said its forthcoming Ion Proton machine, which processes DNA on a semiconductor chip, will do it for a cost of $1,000 per genome.

These advances are not just big news for biotech and medicine, but exciting for all Techonomists. They’re proof that the pace of advances in genome sequencing technology has exceeded Moore’s Law. The speed of genome sequencing has far better than doubled every two years since 2003, when the first whole human genome was completed in 13 years’ time at a cost of $3.8 billion.

edit on 5-7-2013 by MysterX because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2013 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by MysterX

I'm not scientific and didn't know that. Thanks for the info. So, maybe we will find out something sooner. I hope so anyway.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 01:19 AM
I hate to point this out, but...

If we're saying that the government is actively covering up the existence of sasquatch (which I think is entirely likely), then that means they know for certain that they exist. And if they know for certain that they exist, then who's to say that they haven't already hunted down several sasquatches and captured them. Doing whatever sort of tests that they like to them with impunity since it's not in the public eye.
What with infra-red spy satellites and stealth helicopters at their disposal... Really hoping this isn't the case. The thought makes me ill.

I think that sasquatches have superior vision, smell and hearing- plus they know their terrain. Thus, I think they've managed to evade capture and even notice from most attempts. They can hear and smell us coming from a mile away. Why haven't we found bodies? Well, do we humans leave our dead laying around? Of course not. Sasquatches are probably as close to human as any other species in this world can get. They're going to be burying their dead, just like us. We did it in neolithic times too.

That article is fascinating, though I'm surprised the sasquatch species is so... young. I'd always thought they were an off-shoot of neanderthals.

LINK: This might help give an idea of what was going on in human prehistory.

13,000 to 10,000 years ago: Late Glacial Maximum, end of the Last glacial period, climate warms, glaciers recede; approximate age of Haplogroup K (mtDNA).

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Prysm
I hate to point this out, but...

If we're saying that the government is actively covering up the existence of sasquatch (which I think is entirely likely), then that means they know for certain that they exist. And if they know for certain that they exist, then who's to say that they haven't already hunted down several sasquatches and captured them. Doing whatever sort of tests that they like to them with impunity since it's not in the public eye.
What with infra-red spy satellites and stealth helicopters at their disposal... Really hoping this isn't the case. The thought makes me ill.

I say that this is VERY likely... Unfortunate though. Maybe the government has the all isolated in certain areas and the ones people claim to have seen, are infact ones that escape/slip past. I'm not saying that this is the case, just speculating.

posted on Jul, 8 2013 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by Prysm

I think it is likely as well. I hate the thought of what they would do to these poor creautures. Then again, I always wonder what our government is up to with things like genetic experiences and what-not. Creeps me out.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by Night Star

This fits in with some discussions I had with a family member some years back. I don't have source material, but he was talking about some reading he'd done. The discussion as about Bigfoot being seen around military bases, with claims that those in charge knew they were there, and told troops not to mess with them. There was also some discussion about Bigfoot having, maybe, some sort of ESP, so they would know if you were seeing them. Maybe not specific mind reading, but something out of the ordinary. I wish I could recall where that material was found, but it's been a long time.

Still, the idea isn't without merit. Considering the ties between Bigfoot sightings and UFO sightings, and the government cover ups of the later, it makes sense. Then, we simply have to ask WHY.

Based on the possible DNA results that have been, sort of, discussed online in the last year (ish), I have a working theory. It's a bit "out there" by some standards, but it seems to fit in so many ways. The best information I could find on the DNA results is that there is a mitochondrial result that shows as human, but a nuclear result of something totally unknown. If I recall correctly, it wasn't primate, either. Now, I know there is a lot of controversy over those results, but, if the government really is covering things up, that would make sense. So, if we accept that this result is real, we have to ask, "What are the possibilities?" What could these creatures be, that would fit what we know? Some human/ape hybrids? They have been around far too long for that. Human/alien? Well, this would fit the UFO connection, but no one has proved any life from other planets is here. What, then, from our own knowledge? Is there anything in history that talks of half-human/half-other beings? Anyone that reads folklore knows there are a LOT of such beings in the old stories. Half fairies, half Greek "god" people, abductions by selkies, mermaids, sirens, and on and on and on. This seems to be a universal constant in the mythology of our world. Even Bigfoot/Yeti is said, on occasion, to have taken people. The Missing 411 books are filled with strange disappearances, that could, at least in part, lean that direction. So, is there some real thing connecting all of these? I believe there is.

We have, in the Bible, a little mentioned bit of information, way back in the days of Noah, before the Flood. There is a small mention of half-human, half demon beings called Nephilim. These were, please note, GIANT beings, very tall. It's also stated that these were around after the Flood, as well. Maybe not in such large numbers as they might have been, and maybe more secret. It's the secret factor that gets my attention. Many speculate about some huge conspiracy among the rulers of the world. Most theories can't explain a connection, though. This one can. Demons, being spiritual beings not bound to what we consider reality, could easily account for virtually ALL of the old mythological creatures. Old gods, fairies, aliens, all of it. Maybe there is a valid reason people seeing these, while armed, frequently state they anted to shoot, but didn't because the things looked too human. Maybe there is a reason people are so often scared, utterly terrified, by these encounters. If this is a correct theory, and these entities are indeed working with people at high levels of governments, would that not explain a lot of things? That would certainly explain a denial of the existence of their hybrid offspring.

As I said, "out there" to some. But something to consider. Such beings would be SMART, and easily able to hide from people, if they so choose. They could bury their dead. They could even have some way to know when people were looking for them.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by TheCheapster

I have seen most of those clips, but it's an interesting collection.

The first really looks like a man with a backpack.

The second, the one hiding in the trees, is MUCH larger than the men in the video.

The third, very scary if real! The movement didn't look human. Anyone know if this fellow got away? I can't remember, though I think I read more about it before.

The fourth was, I think, done with some sort of night vision camera, and the shape seems like a Bigfoot.

Interesting stuff, for most of the clips!

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by MysterX
This is a curious coincidence. Bigfoot arose 13,000 years ago...which corresponds to the last major global impacts from meteorites, the ending of the major ice age, the destruction of 70% of the worlds flora and fauna and the start of the 1500 year 'Younger Dryas' mini ice age. It's also reckoned to be the origin of the hundreds of worldwide tales and legends of world flooding...strange that Bigfoot would appear around this period

I didn't realize this coincided with Flood legends. MOST intriguing! Maybe before that, people called them something else! That fits the theory I shared, too. Fascinating!

As for burials, which has been speculated, I recall a mention in the first Missing 411 book about someone being placed under the roots of a tree. Can't recall if live or not, but that would certainly make a body hard to locate!

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Well you have certainly given us more to ponder here. Don't you just love a good mystery? I saw a video on the 411 missing people. Fascinating stuff!!!!

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by windslayer

Would you try following a 9 foot tall behemoth of a hairy man? If there was one, he might very well be leading you back to a little tribe, if they felt threatened? Start hurling boulders at you? Who knows, maybe people have tried it, and did not live to tell the tale.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by TKDRL

I know I wouldn't have the courage. I'd be snapping a fast pic and running as fast as I can.

I think it would be a good idea if some researchers could go out with those tranquility guns/darts that could put the creature to sleep if it came too close. Then and only then would I venture out to search. I wonder why we never hear of these being used in serious research efforts??

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Night Star

Glad to offer food for thought! Creepy, though, if I am even close to right!

That Missing 411 stuff is very fascinating. I listened (video) to some of the radio stuff the author did, and was hooked. Got the first book, and actually lost sleep over it. Some actually reading, some because many of the stories are so bizarre, reading a lot together is disturbing on a deep level. I do plan to get the next two. Yes, two now. After the Eastern US one, he wrote another, that included Florida and Texas (which the others didn't), and some more from other countries, I think. If you decide to purchase them, go directly to the official site, NOT to Amazon or elsewhere. The prices on those sites are really jacked up. From the site, it's around $25, and the author will add a signature if you ask, for no extra fee. Looking at the other sites, you'd think these were all out of print and rare or something.

Never before hearing about those cases did I think about so many missing persons cases being connected. The way the parks service people refuse to even keep records on such cases is beyond bizarre. If this man hadn't stumbled over the information, we would all still be in the dark. All things considered, there MUST be a compelling reason that they cover up the connections. If this was serial killers, they would connect the dots and have task forces looking for them. It's got to be some other cause.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

I would LOVE to have those books, but am afraid I must wait to find them second hand. That could take a long time.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by Night Star

I hear that! Would love the other two right now, but having to wait. They aren't cheap. Worth it, if you can get them, but not cheap! Maybe set aside a couple of bucks a month or something, till you can get one? Wish they'd lower the price!

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
reply to post by Night Star

I hear that! Would love the other two right now, but having to wait. They aren't cheap. Worth it, if you can get them, but not cheap! Maybe set aside a couple of bucks a month or something, till you can get one? Wish they'd lower the price!

I am currently trying to get disibility. I have back issues and constant pain. I have no income and am living off of my savings right now. Otherwise I would get the books. Don't worry, they will appear somewhere for cheap for me someday.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by Night Star

Ouch! Can understand. Hopefully, you will be able to get hold of them at some point. If we ever strike it rich, maybe I could send you one.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 09:59 PM
While reading those books (I eventually got all three) I'd stop and think back on all the camping trips I made while stationed at NAS Lemoore not far from the Sierra Mountains and Sequoia & Kings canyon & Yosemite also camped in Angeles Nat. forest among other places. We were out to sea 6 months and back to base 6 months so California has a lot to offer for running around and such. You could check out camping gear on base at "special services", for a cheap rental fee.

Anyway, while I read those books I'd stop every so often and say to myself, damn! I was all up in that crap! (woods/mountains) I mean I don't think it was ever more than two (three at the most) going out.

Now, I'd be really looking around for more than bears and mountain lions..

Them books really make you a bit more weary (but, you should be) and such.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by RUFFREADY

I know what you mean! When I was a child, we spent summer vacations camping in the Cherokee National Forest. We traipsed all over the place, just us kids, and never worried. Now, reading some of the accounts, I have to wonder how close to danger we might have been! I know one thing; my kids would NEVER be out of my sight in such an area. Even just the changing times, and more awareness of evil people alone would insure that, but with this added in? No way. Something wants one of mine, it will have to take me out first.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 11:09 PM
Yikes, who knows just how close you two might've been to an actual sighting. Scary! I would imagine I would be between scared as hell and fascinated at the same time if I ever spotted one.

I wonder what their personalities are like? I mean, I wonder if some are docile and curious and others are mean and violent or what?

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Yes, that's what I mean.

I remember when I was around 7 years old living in New river North Carolina, a friend and I went deep into the woods one day just playing and hiking deeper and deeper until we got ready to go home and....woops! We were lost.

We didn't find our way out until it got dark and we finally saw street lights through the woods and went toward them.

My folks were beside themselves
had everybody out looking for us.
edit on 16-7-2013 by RUFFREADY because: (no reason given)

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