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"Those who control the United States Government are up to something BIG"

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posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by GrantedBail
reply to post by Rocker2013

Bull. To some it hasn't been debunked. Watch the whole thing and then comment. I am a huge news junkie. I don't subscribe to that theory but there are many that do. Including the family of the Tsarnev brothers.

I double dare you to debunk any of the other stuff. Double dog dare you.

He's talking about the photo of the guys from Boston which has been certainly debunked. The conspiracy theorists cropped the photos of the two men holding their bags AFTER the bombs went off. It's a well known forgery.

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by GrantedBail

We the people need to start demanding that the shadow government to comes forward and show their corrupted faces, because reality shows that is not such thing as the US for the people and by the people represented government in this nation anymore

So we call for the crocks to shows their corrupted face, after all with all the power they have, why are they afraid of hiding still

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Would you agree that we live in different times? Fighting the Kind of England and fighting the full force of the American government today is hardly a fair analogy.

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by GrantedBail
reply to post by solomons path

Sorry that is as far as you got. That was the first 15 seconds of the video. That's cool. Watch it if you want or don't. I didn't post it for people like you anyway. I don't understand why you posted a drive by if you didn't watch the video. Lots of other interesting posts today.

Good luck

edit on 7-6-2013 by GrantedBail because: (no reason given)

I said I would watch it and respond . . . which I now have.

"People like me"? What exactly is that supposed to mean? People who think credibility extends to the use of spurious quotes, or (now that I have watched it) the use of the Craft Int. guys that have been debunked (as others have pointed out). Credibility would seem to be needed if we are to rely on this film maker to "connect the dots for us".

The events listed in the video are real . . . the "implications" or conclusions can be debated. So, when shoddy research is detected in shock video, the credibility of their conclusions should be thrown into question as well. For "people like me" who have been listening to CT authors/filmmakers since the late 70's, the events may change, but the "implications" do not. And, they are always around the corner . . . yet, they never arrive.

So, thanks for the video . . . I'll add it my collection of "doom porn" that has fascinated me, but never come to fruition for over 3 decades.

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by solomons path

Video aside: What do you think the implications of the police state that has developed over the last 11 years? Do you find the warnings ominous. One could only conclude this encroachment upon the Constitution and Civil Liberties is alarming and tend to lead the individual that is paying attention to think something real dark approaches. Couple this with the economic state that this country finds itself in and it could give you a chill or two.

If you take each event or incident individually, I guess it would be easy to disregard. Collectively they are cause for alarm. If you find that doom porn, that is fine. I disagree.

I know you prefaced your statement by the caveat that you were going to watch it later but you didn't have many nice words regarding the video or the website. I felt it was a drive-by. Whatever. It is a big community and you are entitled to your opinion.

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by GrantedBail
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Would you agree that we live in different times? Fighting the Kind of England and fighting the full force of the American government today is hardly a fair analogy.

For one thing it wouldn't be the full force of the US. A huge number of military folks are patriots. Secondly, if you were paying attention during the Iraq war. A few hundred, poorly armed insurgents nearly brought the US military to it's knees. And the military is certainly not nearly as strong today as it was 10 years ago. Last but not least, we as citizens don't have ball and powder single-shot rifles or muskets today either.
Why do you think they are hell-bent on banning assault rifles??

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by solomons path

I don't need to do a search to set me "free" and I read The Truth About Tytler many years ago. I am curious however, are you getting your posts mixed up because I never made any reference to the book The Rise and Fall of the Athenian Republic, and am curious why you keep bringing that up.

Is it an attempt to continue with your condescending attempt to educate me about something because I can assure you I have been aware of the discrepancies regarding the origin of the quote long before you pointed it out. Or are you intentionally trying to crash this thread by derailing it from the original topic and instead turning it into an online lecture on the writings and non writings of Alexander Tytler?

Whether he originally wrote the quoted passage or not is not the imperative issue here, what is important is that what he said rings true throughout all of human history, as anyone who has studied or read history should be aware.

Really, try to stay at least somewhat on track with the subject of the OP. If you want to start a thread to educate the masses on the writings of Tytler or discuss what he did or didn't write then feel free to do so but please stop trying to derail the subject matter of a thread.

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

It is not just that we are outgunned. They could shut off communications, bankcards; choke transportation et al. Where I live, there are checkpoints going north on both routes, and east on both routes, and south on the only route out of the Country. No one would be able to move.

I in my heart of hearts wish there were options. Sadly, I feel there are not. Just my humble opinion.

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by GrantedBail

Wow....checkpoints like that? That would be a big sign that it is time to vacate the premises. I felt the same way when I was in Fl and got out of there because I do agree that we are going to see a time of major unrest in this nation.

As far as taking on the full force of the US military I am quite certain that will never happen. I was active during the Clinton years when there was a lot of talk about Chinese troops and martial law and I talked to plenty of enlisted personnel and officers that said they would not disobey their oaths and turn on the American people.

The same is true now. I am a member of Oath Keepers and we are constantly spreading the word to active members and a very large majority of our current military would refuse any order against the American people. Also as the above poster stated you have to look at our history in Iraq and especially Afghanistan to see that small groups of guerilla forces can really give the US military a run for their money. We've been fighting bands of goat herders in Afghanistan for years now and still can meet our objective.

There are also a lot of former military personnel out there with specialized skill sets that would be on the side of the people that could organize specific tactics and strategies. Our military personnel are well aware of this and many of them would jump sides very quickly.

Just curious, you say there are checkpoints on routes leaving the country. Are you in Latin America?

edit on 7-6-2013 by Nucleardiver because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by Nucleardiver

No. Southern California and we can't go West either.

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by GrantedBail

Wow....I was stationed at Coronado in San Diego for quite a few years and knew there were checkpoints at the border crossing but checkpoints going north? That's friggin crazy. I'm glad I came to where I am after hearing stories like yours and many others from the more liberal states. Only checkpoint near me other than the one at the border crossing due north of me that's hardly ever manned is an agricultural inspection station just before you get into St Louis, and that's 600-700 miles away.

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by GrantedBail

With the obozo's administration getting caught up in all of these scandals - and then moving susan rice to NSA - so she won't be able to testify - putting the communist samantha powers in the UN position - and letting Tom Donilon escape to Russia - where he was probably sitting right next to putin during the Boston bombing farce -

Our enenimies are already here - how many russian troops are in the USA right now? They were playing war games with our military in the "new capital" of Denver last summer.

Our gov't is up to something BIG.

I live in the madison, wi area - everyone knows the interstate system is built for the military also - They took down an overpass over the interstate that I used to use all of the time north of madison - we have Truax military field north of madison - I'm getting pretty worried we're going to see a huge military presence - And what nationality are they going to be?

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by Nucleardiver

North 5 at San Onofre. North 15 before Temecula. East 8 and South 5 at the Mexican border. They could lock this whole county down. I have thought about that many times since 9-11.
edit on 7-6-2013 by GrantedBail because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 04:17 PM
Both political parties are working together. But I think Obama is a different animal entirely.

In any case, if as an individual you want any hope of being okay or seeing what is going on, you are going to have to let go of the two party system and think in terms of government vs. people.

The two party system has been specifically used in order to prevent people from seeing the whole picture because their ego's get in the way.

You have the power to stop the corruption in your own party. Start using it. That is the key.
edit on 7-6-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by GrantedBail
reply to post by solomons path

Video aside: What do you think the implications of the police state that has developed over the last 11 years? Do you find the warnings ominous. One could only conclude this encroachment upon the Constitution and Civil Liberties is alarming and tend to lead the individual that is paying attention to think something real dark approaches. Couple this with the economic state that this country finds itself in and it could give you a chill or two.

If you take each event or incident individually, I guess it would be easy to disregard. Collectively they are cause for alarm. If you find that doom porn, that is fine. I disagree.

I know you prefaced your statement by the caveat that you were going to watch it later but you didn't have many nice words regarding the video or the website. I felt it was a drive-by. Whatever. It is a big community and you are entitled to your opinion.

My personal views on the state we currently find ourselves living in are in line with yours. Although I would extend the timeline out further than 11 years, things have certainly accelerated quickly since the inception of the Patriot Act. The question, as always with videos like this, is the final outcome. I will give the film makers credit for acknowledging that the current direction can be reversed with the effort of a populace that is aware and demanding of change. However, I'm a cynic . . . so I don't see us headed in a good direction. The problem I have with the production is not with their message, but with the content. If you don't want to be tossed aside as a "crazy" CT, make sure you aren't using false quotes and bad info, as it opens you up to credibility issues.

I've always felt the battle to be between Individualism and Collectivism. I think the acceleration stems more from the citizens falling for the fallacy of protection that Collectivism preaches and a belief that the gov has their best interests at heart. I'll also agree with the above poster that both sides of the aisle are working in concert. Dem/Repub . . . left/right . . . both Collectivist philosophies that seek to destroy our individual freedoms.

Funny you bring up the checkpoints . . . I'm in Arizona and travel to California quite often. My next trip (to Imperial Beach then Escondido and Temecula and then up to Dana Point before coming back to AZ) is in a month and I'll pass through a total of 8 on my round trip, if I drive the normal route (I-10 to I-8 to I-5 and back). Now, it's been a while since I have travelled this exact route, so it could be more. For instance, I don't remember there being a check at San Onofre before, as you mentioned. I generally suffer more harassment at these checks than I ever do by way of the TSA, when travelling by air.
edit on 6/7/13 by solomons path because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by solomons path

Yes, I get what you are saying. For the most part the body of the work is pretty solid. There are a couple of facts that have been distorted. Overall, in a short video such as this is does get the message out and I think the audience that it is intended for are those that aren't up on all of this stuff in the first place. There is a shock factor but nothing less than shock needs to be used to wake those that are still sleeping.

Perhaps those elements were added so that the whole message could be poo-pooed and it is in fact controlled opposition which you find in all conspiracy sites and discussions.

The checkpoint is North 5 coming from San Diego into Orange County at San Onofre.

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by GrantedBail

In this case I don't think it is controlled opposition, as much as confirmation bias. The false information sounds good and backs what they are trying to get across, so the validity of it doesn't matter much. The goal of videos like this is to shock, as you noted, so anything that bolsters the message and can be found on the internet is included. Unfortunately, I think the film makers fall into the trap a lot of those in the CT realm fall into, which is getting their material from less than reputable sources (such as blogs and member driven quote mines). However, it then opens themselves up to scrutiny on the credibility of the rest of their information.

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by GrantedBail

Great video, it really puts all the recent events together nicely and paints a picture of what is happening and what is to come.

On a side, I see YouTube is trying yet again to have me use my real, full name. I've never trusted YT, especially after the recent PRISM scandal, so they can go play in traffic for all I care, I'm not giving them my full name.

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by Swills

It's only a matter of time before everyone will be required to use their full legal name on their e-mail, you tube and internet forum accounts ect. If you post anywhere at all, you will only be able to do so with your real name which will be connected to an internet id or ip address that is reserved for you exclusively. You can look at it like an internet Social Security number.

Yep, gone will be the days of internet nicknames. It's coming soon to a theater near you! LMAO!

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 06:43 PM
Amazing what do we do now?
I don't have any friends that are DHS officers?
edit on 7-6-2013 by coldkidc because: (no reason given)

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