Is there a way for me to choose which way the board displays the timestamp to me? Right now it's day/month/year and I am so used to month/day/year
that it confuses me sometimes, especially when it's early in the mornings, lol. If there isn't a way to change it, May I ask why you chose to
display it that way?
Click on Tools in the top menu, on that page it has "date format" where you can specify how the date shows.
As I'm used to UK dates my date format box says dd/mm/yy
Make sure you write it mm/dd/yy and not with actual numbers as then all the dates on the board will change to the same day
edit on 4/6/13
by davespanners because: (no reason given)
edit on 4/6/13 by davespanners because: (no reason given)
Yeah if you're used to it probably a good idea to leave it. I was looking at a thread this morning shortly after waking up and posted a reply, looked
at the stamp and was like "how am I posting in April?". it's amazing how the brain gets used to seeing things a certain way over a lifetime and then
the slightest changes get overlooked. I am programmed lol.
edit on 6/4/2013 by TheCrimsonGhost because: (no reason given)