posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by SloAnPainful
Dear SloAnPainful,
Yes, I'd like to try to explain what I meant by a "Strange Thread."
Stripped of it's non-essentials, it seems that the story is basically this:
"At a large demonstration a truck designed to knock down barricades did just that, scaring the *&^%$ out of a protester hiding behind it. Also a
protester who was taunting the Police was hit with a water cannon knocking him off his feet."
All of the other stuff, calling it horrendous, or barbaric, or reckless or whatever, were opinions added by the OP and other posters. When their
positions were questioned, they responded with vicious personal attacks.
You could take that same, abbreviated story I just wrote and apply it to dozens of protests in America and the rest of the world, indeed, it's fairly
standard, I thought. In some countries, the government sends in armored military vehicles with many deaths resulting. I don't see why this one is
particularly newsworthy.
So when this story arouses such passion, and hatred, and gets over 70 flags, I have to shake my head. It's almost as though people were lined up to
flag what appears to be a rather mundane story.
If my explanation isn't satisfactory, I'd be happy to discuss it further.
With respect,