posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 10:27 AM
That would be great if this can effectively treat MS long-term! From someone who has a degenerative muscle disease (not MS) I know how debilitating
and frustrating it can be to slowly watch your body and ability wither away.
I'm somewhat leery of animal harvesting for any purpose, (but that's just my own personal code.) If it can provide relief from this terrible disease,
I'm all for giving it a shot. Hopefully, the way this serum is extracted doesn't cause undue suffering to the goats.
It seems the reason it is controversial is not because of the extraction method, but because it is relatively untested. It'll be interesting to see
how it stands up to rigorous trials. I will be crossing my fingers that this could help treat muscular disorders and other degenerative disorders as
Thanks for the news
edit on 1-6-2013 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)