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I am writing a letter to a congressmen.

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posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 03:36 PM
I'm writing a letter to a congressmen trying to convince the Congress of the U.S. to lower the voting age to 16. One of the main goals that I'm trying to point out is that if they tried to target the voters; then they would probably make better decisions than our older counterparts. What issues should I put in this letter to convince them and a few representatives to propose the bill?

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 03:39 PM
Oh yeah... some examples of the things I'm going to include.
1. Americans are supporting the economy yet they can't have the right to choose the future of their country which could be detremenal to them and their education.
2. 16 year olds are mature enough and intelligent enough to create a decision which would probably influence the outcome of the election.
3. Young adults opinion on the Economy, War, drafts, and propeganda etc.
4. We are the future of America.
5. Include an exit survey with the polls for younger adults in a seperate section as a test for future elections much like the ones during this election.
6. The pros of allowing a younger mature audience to vote.
7. The cons of allowing it.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 03:40 PM
btw, could anyone give me a link to some surveys which could help my goal?

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 03:51 PM
Well honestly I do not agree with you. I do not think most not all but most 16 year olds are mature enough to vote.

Yes you may have an opinion on things such as war, but unless you have been there you really cannot be objective. Not many 16 year old Americans have been in combat.

As for the economy I belive that MOST 16 year old kids are still supported by parents or a parent/guardian. Yes you probably have a job but how much do you contribute monetarily to the household you live in. Probably nothing. Most likely if you are 16 you are using that new found cash for first dates, proms, maybe a first car.

One thing I do think would be very interesting to see, is your mention of a 'test' vote for teens 16 and over. Of course once that happens some politician will jump all over it because it would have got him or her elected then they would introduce a bill to make the legal voting age 16.

Just my opinion.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 03:57 PM
Well, in response to the above poster, in order to decide that; Congress would give a test to 16 year olds and up who are interested to vote, and create a survey to see which interests represent them best around the world. Congress alone would decide who would be a qualified 16 year old based on their school history.

It would work out like this; congress would write a letter to those who show interest asking why they choose to vote; then the younger adults would respond in an essay (5 page minimum) about their views on politics, then being persuaded, congress would decide whether they are eligible to vote or not.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:03 PM
Just what we need an elected Tickle me Elmo doll as President.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:06 PM
I think allowing a 16 year old the right to vote is a VERY bad idea. 16 year olds have no inkling what the 'real world' is all about. The legal voting age should remain at 18 and I would write a letter to my congressman if I caught wind that my congressman was attempting to change the voting age to 16!


posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:14 PM
I would only support 16yr olds voting for local issues. Such as state representatives or mayor. Because I dont want the leader of the free world being decided by people who have just gotten their drivers licence.

posted on Nov, 6 2004 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by NWObringer
Well, in response to the above poster, in order to decide that; Congress would give a test to 16 year olds and up who are interested to vote, and create a survey to see which interests represent them best around the world. Congress alone would decide who would be a qualified 16 year old based on their school history.

It would work out like this; congress would write a letter to those who show interest asking why they choose to vote; then the younger adults would respond in an essay (5 page minimum) about their views on politics, then being persuaded, congress would decide whether they are eligible to vote or not.

See right there you blew it. Do you think Congress has the time or the inkling to sit down and write a letter to EVERY 16 year old who would wan't to vote. Of course it could be a form letter. But then to read every letter that came back expressing interest. Good grief, they would be in session for years just to go through the first batch of letters and vote on each one.

Not gonna happen. Plus, I really hope you do not think you are an adult, younger or not, mature as you may be. You are still a child. I am not saying that to be rude or anything as such. I cannot believe I am going to say this but............................If I only knew at 16 what I know today.....

Sheesh, I sound like my dad. OUCH.

[edit on 11/6/2004 by just_a_pilot]

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 08:45 PM
Although I remember when I was 16 I thought I knew everything & had the big picture the older I got the more I realized I didn't know.

No, I don't think we'll be allowing 16 year olds to vote, though it's a good idea to write your congressman.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 09:08 PM
Allowing 16 year olds the right to vote may not be the best idea.

But, on the question are 16 year olds mature enough to make such a decision. Isn't really something you should be thinking about.

Who is mature enough? I know of those in there 20's and 30's who act like children and have no real concept of such things. And I know hard-working 16 year olds, who do have opinions and idea's, people who are really "our" future.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 09:23 PM
I dotn agree with that man sorry. I dont think it would eb a smart thing for 16yr. olds to vote. Hey im only 18 and remember myself 2 years ago. I was one of teh most politically informed and i had no clue.

I would be in favor of them raising the voting age back up to 21. I dont agree with some of my classmates in HS gettin the right to vote. YOu have a better grasp on the big pic when your older. youve lived out on ur own (well most have) and the issues have a direct impact in your life

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by just_a_pilot
As for the economy I belive that MOST 16 year old kids are still supported by parents or a parent/guardian. Yes you probably have a job but how much do you contribute monetarily to the household you live in. Probably nothing.

Then I guess that means those on welfare should not vote as well.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 09:28 PM
If you think about it, by the time the next election comes around, you'll be old enough to vote.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by skychief

Then I guess that means those on welfare should not vote as well.

That is not the point and I think you know that.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 09:58 PM
Writing a Representative or Senator in Congress is commendable and should be encouraged.

Lowering the voting age to the age 16 is not an idea that will win overwhelmingly with Congress or the American people.

16 year olds are just starting to learn about how the real world functions. A vast majority of them are still in school and have a couple of years to go until they graduate.

It would be my recommendation that they stay in school, concentrate on their studies, get a part time job, start saving money, learn how to become independent from their parents, and start establishing some credit.

My single advice to you and all other teenagers that are anxious to participate in the political process is: be patient. You're only young once. Enjoy it while you can. Growing up gets here quicker than you would want it to.

[edit on 7/11/04 by Intelearthling]

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by just_a_pilot

Originally posted by skychief

Then I guess that means those on welfare should not vote as well.

That is not the point and I think you know that.

I know, I'm sorry, I just couldn't help thinking of that when reading the post though.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 10:45 PM
At 16 the kids still in High School...cant drink...cant join the still a minor in many states...can barely drive...cant smoke...BUT SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO VOTE?....Wasnt the figures something to the effect of 10% of the 18-24yrs population voted this what...lowering it to 16 might make it 11%?...How many 16 yr olds do you know would actually vote?...Im thinking about 2%...NO WAY IN A COLD HELL should a 16yr old have a say in who should be elected...too inexperienced...

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