reply to post by arpgme
What is this nonsense? It is what it is, stop the rote repetition of Buddhist concepts... instead try understanding them with experience. If you
cannot see the reality of the statements in the op then tis your fantasy. Since you enjoy Buddhism... feel free to look at any realm found in the
cosmological wheel of life that does not have what I describe... if it has life it is in the same 12 link chain of causality, and subject to the same
suffering. Here or anywhere else life may happen to be in the universe.
No living being in this whole vast universe is free from that chain of causality that is the wheel of life. Yes you can see it clearly for a moment
then work to break the chain by understanding you create all the suffering in your life... but until death in final nirvana no one is free; there is
still karmic accumulation just from being alive... so my suggestion is stop trying to teach when you only appear to understand the concepts; and take
to more practice. You are doing way more damage to yourself than you currently realize, with your assumptions of those around you and answering things
as if you're the wikipedia of Buddhism.
Perhaps this is the whack that snaps you out of the delusion that you have achieved something; for all I see is someone putting on a costume of
concepts dancing in front of a mirror. There comes a point on the path when you lay the path aside because eventually it deceives, the person builds a
house of illusion; and it's built on the foundation of self and other, differentiation of paths when all is the path and no one is ever off of it. We
build these concepts in our minds leading to hidden superiority and spout about a better path which is not being in the moment.
I made a logical and rational observation of human nature; did I say I didn't like it? Did I say I did like it? Way to go humanity at the end can be
taken either way; it's logical to think you assumed it to be from a position of irony... from your post. When in fact; I meant it as hey it's human
nature; what else is to be expected? Right on track with what samsara is. Greed has gone nowhere, hate has gone nowhere, nor has ignorance... it's
exactly what life is. No matter what form or shape it happens to take or be in... there is only one escape from the wheel of life and only a tiny
glimpse of it before then.
Humanity has gone no where; because there is nowhere to go to. There is no leaving and no arriving; the chain of existence and wheel of life' will
forever turn no matter if... we were throwing rocks a billion years ago, pressing missile buttons now, or mentally evaporating others a billion years
from now... the forms may have changed but the nature of it and the nature of humanity as a whole never will either. We adapted to caves from trees,
from caves to houses... what has really changed? The trees were home, then the caves were home, then houses were home... still it was home. The root
that is home remains unchanged, only the blossoms of the mind warping function out of form has changed. Tree? no tree is not home... but it was. Cave?
what cave is not home but it was. Home has never changed just our concept of what home is... this is what I was pointing too.
Sure we've become more efficient from manipulating and understanding some things around us... but only more efficient at doing the same thing we have
always done... hunt, gather, reproduce, fight, kill, share concepts based on our experience, warp nature into a tool and die. Nothing more nothing
less, so again the rhetorical... how far? how far? how far?