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Why people has so much hate in their hearts

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posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 01:53 PM
i love the french language, it sounds so beautiful, powerful, and it just flows.

took 2 semesters of it in 9th grade, i think, hardly remember any of it (sadly)

but i plan to either take an italian course or french next year

lol, dont get me wrong english does serve its purpose, most times

on the topic hate: well i try to live with love, atleast understanding, for all of the people in my life. it seems, at least were im from, that everyone makes everything into a compitition and each person has to end up on top of the argument. Its anoying, draining, and endless; Luckily ive learned to get over it and just let things go; and even though i get hurt i try not hold it against that person or take it out on others. But im still growing and learning, hopefully always will be!

but neways i think thats there is just too much unecessary competition and one track minds bent on personal gain. imho

[edit on 10-11-2004 by Franki]

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 02:31 PM
To Amelia--- actuellement nous sommes dans un etat semi- primitif!!


posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by Amelia
There is those guys EDSIGNER and LOSTSAILOR they are so stuborn and they always put up some thread PRO-WAR and they make me think of NAZIS in the time of germans in 1930!

Do you think its worth to put energies in arguing with them...I tried but now I give up!!!!!!!!!!! Seems like they have rage in them!

I'm not against edsinger or lostsailor as people, but I agree with you Amelia about those who seem to 'love' war.
Yes, pro-war people do have rage inside, its what makes them pro-war in the first place. Your ideas of love are just what we all need, including those who are full of rage - especially those people. I feel sad for those who see war as a game or as something acceptable. I can't accept it and never have done.
Maybe, Amelia, you may one day get through to them. I certainly hope so. Please don't even consider leaving, because ATS would be less without someone as caring as yourself.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 03:44 PM
We do not "all" hate. Some of us "Cons" have nothing but love. I love Canada. I do not think we American could have asked for better neighbors. If an Americans disagree with that statement, give me one country that is a better choice. I dare ya!

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 03:45 PM
We do not "all" hate. Some of us "Cons" have nothing but love. I love Canada. I do not think we American could have asked for better neighbors. If an Americans disagree with that statement, give me one country that is a better choice. I dare ya!

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 05:51 PM
Hey loving people!!!!!!!

You give me a lot of energies!! Everytime I get on this thread, it makes me happy to see that I'm not alone thinking peacefully!!!

I'm glad I putted this thread on!!! I was really discouraged (is that a real english word??) when I created it!

By the way, sorry if I make mistakes when I write!
makes me pratice my english writting hehe

Can someone tell me what IMO means....haven't figured it out yet

Love and big hug

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Amelia
Can someone tell me what IMO means....haven't figured it out yet

Love and big hug

In My Opinion.

BTW, thanks for the hug.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 06:04 PM
Amelia stay strong life is one big test, what cant kill u will make u stronger.

So chin up girl.

As for hate, there will always be hate like their will always be love so, dont think too much about it alright!

Nice words from most of the guys on this thread; now if only.....

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 07:20 AM
notice the date, 11-11, didn't you have a mild whirl-wind about 1111s?

about this view that lots of others are wallowing in 'hate' being 'hateful' ...

you might do a look-see @
then fill in the outline......@

? the contrary people, whose outlooks on life 'rasp' at your sensibilities,
don't do so, to injure you, as much as to give themselves an advantage
in the dog-eat-dog world...?...
**the page thats not (?suitable?) available [raw1.htm] puts forth that 4 'modes' of intellect are at work, those 'modes' are not of a higher, nobler, causation...--->find it if you can/will-->rather on the infantile and baser instinctual level...(OOPS, ITs BACK UP, now)

The ONEs i would worry most about are the INDIFFERENT ONEs,
like past examples; jeffery dahmer, adolph hitler, ghengis khan, pol pot,
Stalin, strangler, jack the ripper, hannibal lecter, edward gein, john wayne gacy...& others

SEE, the outward, obnoxious, hateful people...give you ample warning
because of their bigotry or prejudices...whereas the clever, deceitful, sinister, unemotional ONEs, harboring the dispassionate for anyone or everything else is a more Dangerous , time-bomb?

be glad you see & observe them that are 'haters' 'war mongers'...that should aid you in your lifes journey(s)

[edit on 11-11-2004 by St Udio]

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 08:53 AM
i personally dont believe that the whole human psyche (is that the right word?) can be lumped into 4 catagories. perhaps on a simple level of analysis you could come to thins conclusion, but ones perspective can always be altered, directly or inadvertantly, based on a change in environment, a major event, or even self awareness of need to change

great site

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 11:24 AM
Well, maybe my title of thread is a bit "mauvais" I mean bad
And it has a mistake in it

I bet you guys who read some of my posts in other treads know exactly what I mean by hate in their hearts....

I think that some people have a big EGO, they think about their own priorities, self-centered and I must say....ignorant maybe?

Like those who always say war is good, money is good, economy go go go go...but in their own everyday life, what does it really change?

People don't realise again, that life is fragile and you can die any second, so they should enjoy love, peace and harmony instead of chaos, power, destroy and cause pain....maybe that is not hate, then it's bad moral! But I tried so much to explain that to that kinda of ATS membder but they say I'm just a young, naive, ignorant, and almost stoopid!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm stoopid because I love harmony!


posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 11:30 AM
If you wan't peace and harmony in this world, do you believe you can win it through pacifism?

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Amelia

You must be right!!!!!!!! That must be the way of life....I'm with the good guys

But people, when they are born...they are good and innocent, what maks them evil???

Again, good and evil is purely a human concept. Someone you consider evil could just as easily consider himself good.

Take a terrorist for example. To some countries we are considered the terrorist, but we consider ourselves the good guys.

A gunman that goes on a shooting spree killing what we consider innocents, would it make a difference if these people die from disease, or from a hurrcane or tornado? Is the hurricane or tornado considered evil?

In actuality, it really makes no difference other than violating onces concept of what's good and what's evil...

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by Volkgeister
If you wan't peace and harmony in this world, do you believe you can win it through pacifism?

Yes, actually

If everybody in this would think like that, if all people in power would think like that

I start with beign loving in my own everyday life, if I can make the joy of someone because I have a smile on my face, that is a start! People in my surronding are nice to me, I attract people because I always smile and look happy and in harmony with myself..........that is the religion of love yourself and others

But I understand what you mean, most of the world is NOT like that, but the answer is not war


posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Amelia
U really think I'm appreciate on ATS!

Oh thanks alot. Less than a week ago I told you, I belive verbatum even, that your posts are appreciated.

I see how you are. Uh-huh - read 'em and leave 'em.

See if I send you a Xmas card this year !!!

It seems obvious, if you leave, a few of us are going to drag you right back here ............... so why bother?? lol


posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by Amelia

Originally posted by Volkgeister
If you wan't peace and harmony in this world, do you believe you can win it through pacifism?

Yes, actually

If everybody in this would think like that, if all people in power would think like that

I start with beign loving in my own everyday life, if I can make the joy of someone because I have a smile on my face, that is a start! People in my surronding are nice to me, I attract people because I always smile and look happy and in harmony with myself..........that is the religion of love yourself and others

But I understand what you mean, most of the world is NOT like that, but the answer is not war


Sorry if i sound aggresive...but if my land is being raped, and my people are being dishonoured by an occupying power, am i to respond with love and respect? What am i to do?

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Volkgeister
Sorry if i sound aggresive...but if my land is being raped, and my people are being dishonoured by an occupying power, am i to respond with love and respect? What am i to do?

I know....that is really not easy, in the world we live in...If you get attacked by a bunch of soliders from another country who wants to take over your territory and kill everyone they see, you get out of control and you attack them back, that is self-defense and i understand, your life is important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But what I mean is attacking another country and kill innocents that have nothing do with it, that is bad
Catch the vilains, yes, kill everybody, no!

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Amelia

But what I mean is attacking another country and kill innocents that have nothing do with it

That, the powers that be, call "colateral damage", I call it killing innocent people. Don't want to hear that politically correct crap - that makes life, in any form, unimportant.

But I too agree with that posters concept - if people try to gain access to my house - I am defending it. I don't understand the people that DON'T understand this concept. Those "rebels", "hostiles", "insurgents" (lets call them for what they are - citizens) ARE right in what they do in their house, their country.


posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 01:21 PM
Hey Amelia! Content de voir que t'es encore ici. Canadians are such good loving and loveable people :grin: Hehehe.

I think the problem is that most people chose to be the smaller person in their-self, instead of being the greater person. For them, it appears easier to hate then to love. I don't consider my-self a christian anymore, but days after days I'm starting to see more clear, and if Jesus ever existed, and said what he said... Now I think he was right. Only unconditionnal love can save us. So basicly... we're doomed.

posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by m0rbid
Hey Amelia! Content de voir que t'es encore ici. Canadians are such good loving and loveable people :grin: Hehehe.

HI!!!!!!! Bonjour

You guys, check out the lyrics of this song!!!!!!!I've heard it on the radio yesterday and it's kinda revolutionnary


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