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Trayvon Martin: Cellphone pics of guns and drugs

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posted on May, 30 2013 @ 07:45 PM
Zimmerman was right in defending himself. Martin was depicted as the perfect kid in a football uniform, when in reality he was a gang banger and a participant in one punch knockouts. He deserved what he got, because he was trespassing on property which he had no business being on.

This case is a waste of taxpayer money, all information about Martin should be admitted into evidence for a jury to consider. This was clearly an act of self defense by Zimmerman.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 07:50 PM
I haven't read all the comments in this op but I have to say this:

Just because someone has partaken in some type of behavior in the past does not a criminal make.

This was a kid. I am sure he participated in all of the extra-legal activities most young people participate in.

I have sons that have been in scraps, drank underage, and maybe even 421'd. Does that make them violent criminals? No. Did this kid have a record? Ever arrested? Designated as a gang member? The defense is grasping at straws trying to vilify the kid. This is a case that has been prosecuted in the media since day one.

Did the racist pig of a wanna be a LE officer go off the reservation and kill an innocent? It looks that way. However we will have to wait for the trial.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 07:55 PM
I don't care what was on his phone. The only relevant question is: what was he carrying when Zimmerman attacked and murdered him?

We know he was not carrying drugs. We know he was not carrying a firearm. That makes him the defenceless victim of a violent crime.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 08:19 PM
This whole thing is a farce. A circus designed to please the black masses. There are pictures of Zimmerman with injuries that occurred during the fracas. They werent going to charge Zimmerman until blacks started getting all wound up about it, then suddenly a change in heart.
It seems like if you shoot a troubled youth (= hood in training) in defense you had better incur some serious injuries to be able to safely claim self-defense.

Since the beginning there has been a blatant attempt to paint Trevon as an innocent youth. Presenting him as pictured years earlier when he did indeed look rather innocent and intentionally withholding more recent pictures which show him as the punk he really is. Ok...was.

I am, personally, one of those who believes in capital punishment and I also believe it should be administered quickly without remorse. No 15-20 year wait for appeal after appeal at ridiculous costs born by the taxpayer to protect scum of society.

If someone were to hurt one of my daughters or grand kids I would hope they would get out quickly so I could deal justice with a baseball bat....slowly.

I honestly do not understand this society that seems to want to deflect responsibilities for decisions made from the individual who made them. If I decide to do something like murder, then I fully expect to suffer the consequences. I would not try to place blame on my parents, violent games or movies or any other such BS.

Are we animals that we cannot understand the difference between right and wrong? Are we animals that we cannot sympathize with another human being? Are we animals that we cannot control our baser urges? Sure...I get upset at people occasionally but I have never seriously entertained the thought of ending their life.

Well...maybe in the case of my ex-wife, but otherwise never!

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by Sankari

It's hardly that clear. If only it were, it wouldn't have gotten this far, either way. The contention as I understood it by police reports and such at the time is a fairly basic one. Zimmerman and Martin got into a physical conflict (The precise start of is a primary question here), Zimmerman's gun became exposed at some point and fight was on for life and death as soon as that item came into clear view. At least that is how I distinctly recall reading the reports before the trucks of spin came to dump all over what actually happened.

I'm hoping a great deal more becomes clear at trial. We'll see. In a way, it's good that it's going to trial and by the sound of it, Zimmerman may take the stand in his own defense? Well, if this was all bad, he'll get torn apart by good attorneys. This trial will tell, I'd say.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by Sankari
I don't care what was on his phone. The only relevant question is: what was he carrying when Zimmerman attacked and murdered him?

We know he was not carrying drugs. We know he was not carrying a firearm. That makes him the defenceless victim of a violent crime.

You are making the assumption that the Trevon family (who werent there) story of the event is correct, are you not? Why would you automatically discount the Zimmerman tale? There are pictures of him with injuries which would indicate a physical confrontation of some kind occurred. A person with a gun held on someone else is not likely to get the crap beat out of him before pulling the trigger...

Unless there is some solid evidence indicating Zimmerman was the aggressor I will tend to accept the pictures of Z as damning ones with regards to Trevon's innocence. Throw in the obvious attempts to paint Trev as innocent by splashing 5 year old pics of him around instead of the more recent pics of a tougher badder looking Trevon and I smell a rat somewhere on that side of the fence.

If Trev were the individual featured in the initial pictures that came out, I would agree with the defenseless statement above, however he was actually quite a bit larger, heavier and more threatening than innocent.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 08:28 PM
Zimmerman will never have a fair trial. The media, especially MSNBC have already convicted him. The local LEOs sure as hell don't want to deal with the rioting in the black communities that would surely erupt in the event of an acquittal.

No, I am not racist.

If Zimmerman is acquitted every single NAACP mouthpiece will be calling on their brothers to "claim" justice for Trayvon.

The local DA does not want to lose this case based on Zimmerman's guilt or innocence, they know if they lose there will be hell to pay.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by peashooter

This is ridiculous. Many teens like pictures of guns because they think it's "cool", how many movies today don't have guns in them?


Yes but it's nearly a prerequisite for thugs like the teens who shot a woman's baby in the face a month or two ago. If you don't to suffer the consequences of having an image, change your image or stay away from the negative stereotypes.

Seriously, it comes down to, "What about a thugs right to pose with guns, drugs and money! That doesn't mean we should stereotype him just cause he likes that stuff!"

This evidence shows the personality and the type of person the kid was, simple as that. The question is whether or not Zimmerman was defending himself. A straight A student who wears button shirts and doesn't know what guns or drugs look like, that would be unbelievable. But... Given the "thug-life" Martin tried to portray everywhere... There's a chance he was the one who began the attack on Zimmerman...

That he was just some "poor helpless 17 yo..."

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by Paschar0

The point is, it shows more of Martin's true character, which is exactly why prosecutors didn't want it getting out. I'm quite sure if it were a pocket bible and pictures of Jesus, it would have been released.

This won't be allowed into evidence, not because prosecutors don't want it getting out, but because it has nothing to do with the night of the murder. Zimmerman had no idea when he was tracking/following Trayvon, that he ever smoked weed or had pictures of guns on his phone (which is not illegal), and Zimmerman was told to stop following him, that the police were on their way and would handle the situation.

Zimmerman followed him for a reason, and had he stopped following him (as instructed), this would not have happened. Zimmerman was standing his ground.. really? I think Trayvon was standing his ground and the few scrapes Zimmerman received was Trayvon fighting for his life. I mean seriously, what about his ground?

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by boncho

What's the "image" you are talking about?

Wearing baggy clothes and being black? Or liking guns/marijuana at the same time? (which Zimmerman did not even know at the time)

This is racial profiling and I have to disagree with your logic. If he had been a nerdy kid with glasses but had the same pictures on his phone Zimmerman probably would not have even followed him.

Don't let previous events influence your emotions on the judgment of this incident, Trayvon had nothing to do with the baby that was shot. Not everyone who likes guns/marijuana will end up becoming a thug.
edit on 30-5-2013 by peashooter because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 09:22 PM
There are only 2 people that will know exactly what happened that day. One is dead, and the other will either rot in jail or walk away a free man depending on how good, or bad, his legal team are.

The big problem is that we have a corrupt legal system and the verdict given may not actually be the correct verdict. And there is only one side of the story that can be given, as the person who knows about the other side of the story is dead, and dead men don't talk !

From all the reports given, it would seem that from the outside looking in that both parties played a role in the final outcome. One made a decision to be where he was, when he was, and another person made the decision to arm himself and pursue that other person, which combined lead to the 2 people facing off and leaving one dead and the other facing a possible jail sentence. Maybe if people would think about their actions BEFORE putting them into practice, then maybe situations like this will be less likely to happen ?

My opinion [and that's all it is], is that if Zimmerman's life was directly in danger from a direct threat, then I fully support him defending himself, whether its with a gun or not. but if Zimmerman armed himself, got in his car and went looking for Trayvon, while being told not to by the police on the phone, then would the shooting of taken place, and is he really innocent ?

But as I said earlier, only 2 people can answer that question and one is dead, and the other is facing life in prison, or freedom from jail but looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life for a possible revenge attack. But both of these men are in the situation they are in today due to their own decisions and actions.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by jheherrin

Bloody knuckles--Bullet through chest

Try and attack me or break into my home and I'll be remembering what Zimmerman did for sure. We have SYG law in my state also.

Maybe Zimmerman had those scrapes on him because Trayvon was standing HIS ground... or is the SYG law only used for those left standing? Remember, Trayvon isn't here to testify on his part, because Zimmerman dismissed police orders to stand down.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 09:32 PM
Well, a lot of things to get into on this topic. I completely forgot about it until a couple days ago. Anyways, here goes...

*Deep Breath*

To those of you saying that just because he has pictures of guns and marijuana dont mean anything, I beg to differ. There are pictures of Trayvon smoking on his cell phone.

Photos from CNN posted this past Sunday. You can go straight to the 5th picture set if you want.

There are many tweets by Trayvon Martin suggesting he had the usual ganster attitude we see/hear/read about today. All of his tweets calling women deragotory names, racial slurs towards whites, and the rest is filled with nothing but mentions of weed, money, and sex.

Trayvon Tweets

And we can forget that the kid was suspended for theft (taking jewelry out of someones locker), graffiti, and probably one other thing I'm forgetting. You can say he was just walking through the neighborhood. He has no prior arrest, so there's no gaurantee maybe he was looking around for a house to rob. But no one ever robs a house, until they rob a house. There's always a first, before theres a second, third, and so on.

I get it people can change too. Zimmerman doesnt have a clear past himself. But we're talking 7 years difference. Which is a lot more than compared to maybe a month.

Originally posted by madmac5150
Zimmerman will never have a fair trial. The media, especially MSNBC have already convicted him. The local LEOs sure as hell don't want to deal with the rioting in the black communities that would surely erupt in the event of an acquittal.

No, I am not racist.

If Zimmerman is acquitted every single NAACP mouthpiece will be calling on their brothers to "claim" justice for Trayvon.

The local DA does not want to lose this case based on Zimmerman's guilt or innocence, they know if they lose there will be hell to pay.

Ahh yes. The NAACP, and Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton. If Zimmerman is acquitted all of the race pimps will be out to claim their 15 minutes of glory each and every night on the news. Look at Spike Lee who posted Zimmerman's address after the shooting. I'd gaurantee that if Zimmerman is acquitted there would be riots. If not, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the rest of the lot will use the racial tensions to get people so angry and cause riots.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by RobinB022

Whether Zimmerman was leaving the situation and had already attracted Martin's attention or whether he had continued to follow is part of the question the trial is set to answer. There ought to be pretty clear physical evidence to show that, either way. What paths did the two take vs. what was logical to take on the story of what happened....then where did the fight and shooting take place?

Zimmerman was also claimed to be Neighborhood Watch or maybe running his own offshoot with others. Yet another area that seemed clear at the time but now, not so much. I'd have really been bothered, at this point, if it weren't going to trial.

Under Oath and by the individual people giving testimony is the only way to know a lot of this now. Another question at the time was of Zimmerman having a long standing and extensive history of calling and getting assistance from Police. Bad neighborhood, all around, apparently. All these things are provably true or false. I'm just waiting for it to get out of the court of public opinion, to find out.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by boncho

Wow! That is some kind of synopsis.

The kid was not armed, had no dope on him, and no priors.

Here is my impression of this controversy: The media has used it to...once again divide the masses. There are so many people emotionally invested in this case. You have your "hate 'n-word's" crowd; mostly the angry right. And then you have everyone else. People that don't like the reported story of how the incident went down. Folks questioning if Trayvon was armed, was he loaded out of his mind, or was he just a kid being stalked by some psychopath.

It makes me sick to my stomach the level of prejudice that still exists in this country.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by peashooter
reply to post by boncho

What's the "image" you are talking about?

Wearing baggy clothes and being black? Or liking guns/marijuana at the same time? (which Zimmerman did not even know at the time)

This is racial profiling and I have to disagree with your logic. If he had been a nerdy kid with glasses but had the same pictures on his phone Zimmerman probably would not have even followed him.

Don't let previous events influence your emotions on the judgment of this incident, Trayvon had nothing to do with the baby that was shot. Not everyone who likes guns/marijuana will end up becoming a thug.
edit on 30-5-2013 by peashooter because: (no reason given)

A thug attitude is a thug attitude. You mentioned black, nowhere in my post did I mention being black. I mentioned acting like a thug.

And frankly, yes, black pop culture has a bad image in North America because of people raping it with abuse. Stop listening to Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

They have loads to say but rarely speak out about black on black crime. About kids following a stupid thug/gangster stereotype designed to land them in jail.

If you want to make it racial, I refer you to my friend here:

Someone who is black and isn't blinded with ignorance if he looks in the mirror.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by GrantedBail
reply to post by boncho

Wow! That is some kind of synopsis.

The kid was not armed, had no dope on him, and no priors.

Here is my impression of this controversy: The media has used it to...once again divide the masses. There are so many people emotionally invested in this case. You have your "hate 'n-word's" crowd; mostly the angry right. And then you have everyone else. People that don't like the reported story of how the incident went down. Folks questioning if Trayvon was armed, was he loaded out of his mind, or was he just a kid being stalked by some psychopath.

It makes me sick to my stomach the level of prejudice that still exists in this country.

15 Year old thugs kill an 85 year old pentioner.

Ohh yea, tell me again about prejudice....

When Treyvon Martin was killed, thousands dressed in hoodies, saying "STOP Treating people like thugs!"

Where are all the people dressing in nice casual wear for the old lady...


So bloody hypocritical.

If you don't want to be perceived as a thug, DONT DRESS AND ACT LIKE ONE.

Treyvon Martin showed he did!

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by boncho

Just my opinion but you want to couch your racism with some black dude's video

"It's a thug life"....right?? Ah...that is a rap song that talks a lot about "niggas"

Everything from the evils to price, from the guns to mic
I'm livin' my life runnin' through hell with no wife
It's a sin, but I tell my lost soul to win
Go to bed and die, then wake up breathin' again
Cuz I'm all in even though # ain't right
I wake up, sweating my life every night
Tell me, is you the devil that gon' get me?
Or is God don't feel like bein' bothered with?
So hard to hit me, but this life I sacrifice
# chrome lines in the dark, my daughter gon' see the light
If I die young it's cuz a nigga too high strung
Got a scary love for guns but too much weed in my lungs
Still niggaz screamin' Ja's the one
Chosen like God's only begotten son
It's my life

The Rest

This young man had no priors. Kind of hard to do if you are a "Thug" at 17 or 19 years of age. Wasn't packin' and had no gang affiliations.

You people are grasping at straws trying to "thugify" this kid. You want him to be guilty of something so bad.

If it was a cop that took out a white guy under the same circumstances we wouldn't be having this conversation. It would be all about police brutality. But no, this is a white crazy person who shot an unarmed kid after stalking him.

edit on 30-5-2013 by GrantedBail because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by boncho

Where are all the people dressing in nice casual wear for the old lady...

Nobody stopped anyone protesting her murder. Perhaps others who dress in nice casual wear might have marched on her behalf, but they obviously didn't, not Trayvons' fault, blame those who did nothing in that circumstance. Each case is different. People should not be judged by how they dress.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by Paschar0

I'll admit it I also have pictures of weed and guns on my phone, without knowing me personally you would have never even guessed.

I don't know many people who have pictures of guns that don't own or want one already. I also don't know anyone who has pictures of weed that wouldn't be a smoker, maybe you're just special.

It's plain to see he gets high, likely has or has had a gun and shows an interest in the "thug life". I have no proof you think Zimmerman is guilty, but it's not hard to put 2 and 2 together for both these points.

The point is, it shows more of Martin's true character, which is exactly why prosecutors didn't want it getting out. I'm quite sure if it were a pocket bible and pictures of Jesus, it would have been released.
edit on 30-5-2013 by Paschar0 because: (no reason given)

It's not admissible because his character from as recent as the day before has nothing to do with him being shot that night.

The trial will be about what happened that night.

Though if I were prosecutors...I'd allow Trayvon's to be admitted simply to allow George's to be. His own cousin saying she was molested by him and him not liking black people wouldn't favor him. Neither would his violent history. And i'm talking about an actual, police documented, violent history.

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