posted on May, 30 2013 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by FrankLY
Well you have the links. Everything else is subject to interpretation.
The DRA airspace document hints about hosting UAVs. The rest of the west side of the range is infested with UAV, so yet another UAV base is not
unexpected. But in reality, all we know is they defined the airspace and maximum altitude. The only good news is Desert Rock is easy to see from
public land. Thus I suspect nothing too secret will be hosted there. By not too secret I am implying the usual suspects, Predator, Reaper and Sentinel
have all been seen in the area. (Unknown is if the Sentinels have been moved out of the TTR.)
The FAA/Nellis handoff is another story, mostly because it could be related strictly to Nellis, or maybe it covers Groom Lake with a wink and a nudge.
The Dreamland memo refers to how aircraft enter the DOE airspace. But note that there is a Lockheed UAV base within the DOE boundaries, so again, this
memo is subject to interpretation. The Dreamland entry, using 126.15MHz provides cover for non-military aircraft to enter the range. Bird Dog is the
controller for the DOE. To enter Nellis airspace, you contact Blackjack. To enter Groom Lake, you contact their "Approach/Depature" frequency.