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Cops swoop on vile hate preacher Choudary’s house...

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posted on May, 30 2013 @ 09:20 AM
Police yesterday rushed to the home of hate preacher Anjem Choudary to protect him and his family
Officers helped them flee their home and go into hiding after a video was released by a group calling themselves Britain First stating that if Police did not arrest Choudary, by 6pm on Wednesday evening then they would

The Sun

Choudary’s wife and children were driven away under police escort to a secret address, while officers were left to guard the house.
Choudary Known in the UK for leading the Islamist group Al Muhajiroun - the banned forerunner to Islam4UK where Adebolajo often appeared with other radical protesters, last week Choudary said he recognised Adebolajo from TV footage at demo in 2007

The Mail

Last week we were told by David Cameron 'I will gag the hate clerics' and launch a new terror task force to stop the spread of this poison, Im just wondering how this incident fits into his plan
Anjem Choudary has been given a lot of air time here in the UK and the US and now is under police protection at a cost to the tax payer he is also said to claim £25,000 a year in benefits

I will gag hate preachers

£25,0 00

My thoughts on this are simple Anjem must go he alone is one of the biggest problems we have with militant Islam in this Country, Lock him up

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 09:26 AM
I can see their point and need for this, just as American police are sometimes in the position of protecting people they'd happily shoot, themselves, under different circumstances.

Tell me something though, if this guy were dragged from his home by a mob and torn limb from limb, in the heat and passion of the vigilante action? What would the reaction be? Would there be peace the next morning...or would the Muslims just outright take to the war path? How many innocent Brits would die as a direct result of failing to protect THIS one from mob justice?

Something tells me they may well end up protecting him just to know where they can arrest him when the time comes ....but it can't be left to the public to dispense justice. Not when an event isn't ongoing and the offender, red handed, as it were. There is no natural stopping place, once that starts, IMO.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 09:29 AM
That face inside the circled area has to be one of the most hate filled I have ever seen and believe me when I say I have seen a few in my time.

If that expression is indicative of the level of hate he felt back then just imagine how that would have built between then and now. Truly chilling.
edit on 30-5-2013 by hotel1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 09:40 AM
And so Britain (or England rather) begins it's predictable lurch to the right

So "Britain First" will take the law into their own hands? What a respectable bunch they are, bully for them

Folks really have lost their minds, wtf happened to "Keep calm and carry on"?

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by skalla

Stil not as bad as what Choudary has done or the danger he imposes
not even close

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
I can see their point and need for this, just as American police are sometimes in the position of protecting people they'd happily shoot, themselves, under different circumstances.

Tell me something though, if this guy were dragged from his home by a mob and torn limb from limb, in the heat and passion of the vigilante action? What would the reaction be? Would there be peace the next morning...or would the Muslims just outright take to the war path? How many innocent Brits would die as a direct result of failing to protect THIS one from mob justice?

Something tells me they may well end up protecting him just to know where they can arrest him when the time comes ....but it can't be left to the public to dispense justice. Not when an event isn't ongoing and the offender, red handed, as it were. There is no natural stopping place, once that starts, IMO.

If this man was dragged from his house and torn limb from limb then we truly would have lost the battle
the plan was to detain him and hand him over to the police, Im really no expert and cant begin to imagine how that process would have worked

as for protecting him so they can arrest him later it says in one of the news paper reports I have linked to in the OP states that Choudary himself was nowhere to be seen a neighbour claims he was seen sneaking of in the early morning the day before, he could be anywhere by now even out of the country
this man has a lot of influance over many radicals in this country and could still conduct action over the internet

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by skalla

I think that solider was trying to 'keep calm and carry on' when someone cut his head off for him. I think there is a real real fine line right now, in some places, between being part of the solution and being part of the problem. Hopefully Britain does settle some in the vigilante direction of things. Nothing good ever comes....and frankly? The Muslim Community has been riddled with trained Jihadi fighters in the UK, clear back into the 90's and those coming out of the Afghan training pipeline.

What I fear here most? Brits will take their rage out, rightly so, on someone who embodies the beliefs of the head find their idea of 'violent revenge' were play slaps and gentle admonishment, compared to what many in the community around them do in response, without hesitation or moment of pause.

How many Brits can or will personally, with blood flowing like water over their hands, cut the head off another fighting, struggling human being? It's sickening to even think about....yet a % in the Muslim radical side not only will, they'll take pleasure in it as a ticket to Heaven, assured.
It's well meaning people biting off FAR more than they can chew, IMO.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by skalla

Folks really have lost their minds, wtf happened to "Keep calm and carry on"?

Maybee some folks have just about had enough of that attitude

I think that frase was coined back in the days when the law of this land was respected
the days when a copper wasnt afraid to give you a clip round the ear

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by skalla

Folks really have lost their minds, wtf happened to "Keep calm and carry on"?

Ah yes, the phrase so patronising that even the people that invented it didn't dare use it for fear of causing division.

Anyhoo, I bet no-one is happier about this than Choudary himself. He'll be loving the publicity and chance to spout about it.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 10:15 AM
This Islamic preacher does deserve to be behind bars and left to rot in his own Feces

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 10:16 AM
But Muslims are not bad.
I just had it drilled into my head in another thread.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 10:52 AM
The rule of law must take its course. Either we live by it or we let the law of the jungle rule.

Vigalante or mob action happens only when the trust in the rule of law is broken, or manipulated to seem that it is broken so that personal agendas of the minority gets its way imposed upon the majority.

Had Choudary been guilty of breaking the law? He is a citizen and no matter how unconscionable and odious his perceptions are, he does have the right to be investigated, trial and justice to be served.

Are the terrorist group 'Britain First' - as they had THREATENED to take the laws into their own hands with the usual tactics used by terrorist groups - guilty of breaking the law?

Most certainly, as they have no training in law enforcement, nor the appointed law enforcement agents by society to conduct such an arrest which may lead to unforseen and tragic circumstance, with deep repercussions to the well being of society itself such as if Choudary or his family is hurt and harm in the process, as they already are frightened by those unnecessary threats.

There is NO NEED to hide minority racial hatred behind the great theme of nationalism. It only defames and STAIN the GREAT NAME OF BRITAIN, held by the majority, that had offered and gave the world so much that is good and valuable. Just stop being cowards and have the guts and call themselves the Ku Klux Khans to stain themselves and be brought to justice, and fool or manipulate no one else.

The rule of law must reign, through the power of our votes to decide the course of our society, or we all may as well go back to swinging from trees to trees.

edit on 30-5-2013 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

I am very couriouse as to what would have happend if Britain First had of detained him I have just been reading about making a citizens arrest and as much as i hoped it would be a clear cut its not,

You say that Britain First is a terrorist organisation could you please explain why you think this
I have never heard of them until now and from what I have read today I cant work out if they want to be contendors for the next election or something else
thanks for your input

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 11:18 AM
I couldnt care less what happens to Choudary. Leave his family alone like but he should be locked up, guy is a nut case.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 11:20 AM
I don’t agree with anything Mr Choudray has to say or his supporters.

But I don’t think this type of vigilantly justice is right either.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by dam00
You say that Britain First is a terrorist organisation could you please explain why you think this
I have never heard of them until now and from what I have read today I cant work out if they want to be contendors for the next election or something else
thanks for your input

I had already explained why in my post but if it is not clear enough, here is why, simply put.

1. They are not the appointed law enforcement officers of society, and ABSOLUTELY have no right to make any arrest.

2. They are not trained to handle the seemingly easy but in reality a judical complex situation of arrest, as when it is challenged in a court of law, procedures not done may hinder the course of justice, not to mention the blowback it will happen upon them and society, more so in this highly charged ethnic atmosphere.

3. They had THREATEN to use FORCE upon a citizen through the media. No arrest is without force, more so when they are not the authorised agents, and the accused DO have the right to defend himself and his family, as well as the right NOT to co-operated and full use of ANY defensive measure - including even violence to protect himself and family, which will only be RETURNED in kind by the vigalantes.

4.Such threats of force are the usual tactics used by terrorists - to terrorise those they do not like, outside the rule of law. They are not patriots, but only criminally violent minded simpletons, whom are only fools to think that their stupid and violent ways are the only ways to get things done, the way terrorists across our world believed and behaved.

THey will be rooted out and straigtened up, whatever their radical beliefs, before they can cause more harm to society that is ruled by law and the vote.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 11:35 AM
I hope the brits throw this guy out of england and send him back to some muslim country, where he is free to practice his hate and religious intolerance. as an American, if I choose to move to England, and they are kind enough to accept me, I would follow their laws and customs, and work to make them my own, as any civilized person would do moving to a foreign country

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 11:38 AM

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

I was asking out of ignorance and was polite about it as well
your second post was in much more detail thanks, but it seems to me it is only your opinion that they are terrorist not an actual fact
thanks for clearing that up

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx
I hope the brits throw this guy out of england and send him back to some muslim country, where he is free to practice his hate and religious intolerance. as an American, if I choose to move to England, and they are kind enough to accept me, I would follow their laws and customs, and work to make them my own, as any civilized person would do moving to a foreign country

He is British born and although as a radical Islamist does not consider himself British
if anything does happen to Choudary ie legal detention we will have to keep him here at more expense to the taxpayer

by the way with the attitude you have you would be most welcome here

edit on 30-5-2013 by dam00 because: (no reason given)

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