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A look into the mind of an EDL supporter

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posted on May, 30 2013 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

its only a matter of time before we have Muslims being killed by members of these type of far-right groups.

Whereas we have non-Muslims being murdered in the middle of the street in the here and now.
That's a fact that no amount of spin can change.

I however grant the British people a little bit more credit than you appear to.
Yes, there may be confrontation but I very much doubt that it will entail the unprovoked burning and lynching of random Muslims purely due to their religion.

But if that is indeed the case then it will primarily be due to continued acts of terrorism carried out by Muslim extremists and the unwillingness of succesive governments to take the necessary action to prevent these acts from happening.

Perhaps you would be better suited to posting in the Dreams and Predictions Forums as it seems you have the ability to foresee the future.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by Freeborn

look dude

you and i it would seem at this stage of this thread are about two posts away from just going mental at each other and getting posts removed and one of us banned.

I really don't think a debate about the scum that is the EDL is worth that.

so with that said lets just accept that I hate the EDL and everything that they stand for, you dont seem to shear my views and that's fair enough

Please do not misinterpret this as me conceiving any points or backing down. I am not its just that i would rather not get into a petty playground argument so lets agree to disagree.

in the grand scheme of things this doesn't really matter and has no effect on me because (shocker) i don't actually care what you or anyone else on ATS has to say, to me you are just another of millions of internet persona's, I am sure you feel the same about me. As such i would much rather we agree to disagree rather than start some stupid argument with each other.

edit on 30-5-2013 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-5-2013 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

I think you just like the word xenophobic.

A matter of time before the EDL attacks someone huh? Well, a week ago a Muslim hacked to death a British soldier. There is no more time to wait.

Why does it have to be an argument? Your post to Freeborn shows that there can be no common ground with someone such as yourself. You have to see both sides to understand the plight of the world and yourself, and others like Michael Adebowale, do not wish to do. Instead, you call people scum and say you hate them. Not once did I say that about Islam.

You should care more...even if it is one person who you can not change but make see things in a different perspective. If the world cared more there may not be such violence and death.

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

you and i it would seem at this stage of this thread are about two posts away from just going mental at each other and getting posts removed and one of us banned.

Are we?
I don't think either of us have posted anything that even comes close to contravening T&C and I assure you I am perfectly calm and in no way whatsoever even remotely near getting even slightly irate - I do feel anger over Lee Rigby's death but that has nothing to do with you.
And I certainly haven't intended to show you any disrespect at all - I just completely disagree with your comparison of EDL with KKK, and the FACTS seem to support me.

I really don't think a debate about the scum that is the EDL is worth that.

But debating is one of the very core basics of this site and this thread is specifically about EDL - perhaps we should talk about the weather?

so with that said lets just accept that I hate the EDL and everything that they stand for, you dont seem to shear my views and that's fair enough

I think EDL are a joke, but for different reasons you seem to, but I certainly understand why people are feeling drawn to them and even have some shared opinions.

But I also feel that they are being deliberately demonised by MSM, people are incredibly hypocritical in their justification of their dislike for them and people are drawing ludicrous and downright inaccurate and misleading comparisons with them and proven extremist scum like KKK etc.

Wrong is wrong no matter which way we look at things and the minute we start flip-flopping our standards just to somehow justify or vindicate our opinions we lose credibility and are complicit in helping maintain the corrupt system that holds us all in thrall.

so rather than turning this into a playground argument lets agree to disagree.

If we must - but why be a member here if all we do is call a truce the minute someone posts some uncomfortable thoughts and opinions?

in the grand scheme of things this doesn't really matter and has no effect on me, i would much rather we agree to disagree rather than start some stupid argument with each other.

Ok then, but I honestly thought we were debating and discussing rather than arguing and bitching.

Just like to say, I try to question everything, even myself, on a constant basis and strive to see other opinions.
But I also believe that a little bit of passion is good, regardless of viewpoint, provided that passion and view are reasoned and considered.
edit on 30/5/13 by Freeborn because: Add ETA and clarity

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by esdad71

My post to Freeborn also applies to you.

dude i don't care what you think, really couldn't give dam

I have my views you have yours, I happen to think the EDL are scum and i hate them just as much as i hate the likes of Michael Adebowale.

I really dont see the point in getting personal about things like this, why do you care if i think the EDL are a bunch of scum or if i think the sun sines out their leaders arse.

If i say I think the EDL are a bunch of scum and you happen to disagree fair enough, just don't start responding to me like i actually care what you think and annoy snide comments like "you really like the word xenophobic " and imply that I must be somehow ignorant because i disagree with you.

I disagree with pretty much everything you have said so far on this thread, deal with it i think you are wrong and i have explained to you why

The EDL are a bunch of scum bags in my view, if you have a problem with me taking that view then tough

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 05:50 PM
I am dealing with it. Civilly. I am having an open debate with you which is what happens on this site. You push yourself as the other side of the coin, well, I am the other side of that coin.

You also describe yourself as the Super Shill. This is not me, but you. So, you are super shilling about how bad the EDL is and how great Islam is. I disagree. That is called a healthy start to a debate. You have not given me anything other than the EDL are scumbags.

There is also no implying you are ignorant because you use the word xenophobic, it is because of your over use of the word itself. That is it.

Problem is I do care that people think one way or the other. I do care that someone is posting about any group when it is not true. Sorry if you do not like it but do not engage if you are not ready to go back and a normal manner. I am not trying to change your mind but there are a lot of people following this thread and it is about the EDL. They need to be informed and not misinformed as you are trying so hard to do. It just seems to piss you off you cannot.

So, you think the EDL are scumbags. That is an opinion. However, I think it is appaulling that you would call these people below scumbags...

and again, I post this. Abu Izzadeen is a scumbag...."How dare you come to a Muslim area?" It is Great Britain not a mosque in Yemen.

edit on 30-5-2013 by esdad71 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-5-2013 by esdad71 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2013 @ 11:00 PM
I note that no-one has replied to the post I made. Why is it when anyone mentions the Muslim tradition of 9 year old 'Child-Brides', killing infidels and removing the clitoris from young girls that everyone turns a blind eye and a deaf ear?
Here in Oz, the appalling death of the Drummer Lee Rigby was reported on most major networks as being by 'two people who were shot by police and are now in hospital'. No mention whatsoever that they were 'proud Muslims serving Allah' nor their triumphant war cry of "Allah be praised"! We don't want to offend the Muslims in Australia now, do we.
British soldiers, returning from Afghanistan were spit on by Muslims who carried banners stating that they should be beheaded. But, an Englishman painted a poppy (the symbol of Armistice day commemorating all those who fell during the wars) on a Mosque and received (wait for it) 6 months jail.
What the hell is going on here?

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by OzTiger

There are no replies because there is no rebuttal. It is all true. Nice post

The sad part is that it is not in the MSM. Honor killings Forced is all in the US now also. Easiest case to find is Noor Almaleki,

We even have what I consider a Muslim leader in Barack Hussein Obama. Ask any Muslim and once a Muslim, always a Muslim. I just wish he would admit it. He almost did at the White House Press Party when he said

These days, I look in the mirror and I have to admit, I’m not the strapping young Muslim socialist that I used to be. Time passes. You get a little gray

The EDL is being slammed by the left in Britain,,,and I ask again, if so against the EDL, what do those who are trashing them think of the UAF?

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Theflyingweldsman

Yes but is he mad,drunk, stoned, brain damaged or what. He is definately an ignoramus. OK someone claims the clip is 2 years old. Whoop de Doo! has he become better. Help for heroes has rejected the EDL donation so I may now go and buy a wristband now, not that I agree with the assinine war.

Were there skinheads there?

edit on 31-5-2013 by Tiger5 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by Freeborn

Err, actually C4 news claims that there has been an five fold increase in attacks against moslems since the murder of Drummer Rigby. That is not all of the picture I know that in Brixton the following also happened.

The Carribean Hindu centre was attacked.

Karibu centre was attacked by one man pushing in claiming to "Support the EDL" and warning to burn it down.

Then the Moslem centre has also bveen targeted.

Given the levle of ignorance voiced by some of these EDL types I am hardly suprised. The innocent will end of paying for the guilty.

Regarding the UAF I have no problem once they do not start attacking people because of their colour or haircut or lack of hair. The UAF tend not be as into violence as the right's street soldiers because they are generally to middleclass to have been soccer hooligans


edit on 31-5-2013 by Tiger5 because: typos

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Tiger5

Err, actually C4 news claims that there has been an five fold increase in attacks against moslems since the murder of Drummer Rigby. That is not all of the picture I know that in Brixton the following also happened. .

I hope you know me well enough to know that I'd be the last person to condone any sort of racially motivated attack and I condemn all such acts and hope that those who carried out the attacks recieve the severest penalties possible.

The Carribean Hindu centre was attacked.

Karibu centre was attacked by one man pushing in claiming to "Support the EDL" and warning to burn it down.

Now this really boils my piss and I sincerely hope he was treat 'accordingly' by those present.

But in some ways that just re-inforces one of the points I raised earlier.

We are told that these incidents and those who carry them out are representative of all EDL supporters, but at the same time the self-same people tell us that all the Muslim attackers and terrorists are NOT representative of all Muslims.

Michael Adebolajo and many other Muslim terrorists clearly state that they are 'doing it for Allah and Islam' when carrying out their attacks.

Then the Moslem centre has also bveen targeted.

Brainless morons.

Given the levle of ignorance voiced by some of these EDL types I am hardly suprised.

Given the level of ignorance voiced by some of these Islamic extremists I am hardly suprised - it cuts both ways.

The innocent will end of paying for the guilty.

Unfortunately mate I have to agree with you 100% on that.

And that is why if we are to prevent this from happening we need to enter into honest, open and frank discourse with all involved parties determined to reach a peaceful solution.
And the biggest thing stopping this from happening is the complete and total inertia displayed by our politicians.
The same politicians whose social engineering and failed domestic and foreign policies have led us to this horrendous position we find this country in.

Regarding the UAF I have no problem once they do not start attacking people because of their colour or haircut or lack of hair.

Now I'm not saying EDL have been completely innocent in the violence that has occurred between themselves and UAF, but I think it's fair to say that UAF deliberately provoke, antagonise and art times instigate the violence.
UAF have repeatedly ignored legal bans on their counter marches and the police have taken little if any action against them.
This simply adds fuel to the fire as far as EDL are concerned - mind you granted, some of them take little provoking etc and leap at the chance.

The UAF tend not be as into violence as the right's street soldiers because they are generally to middleclass to have been soccer hooligans

Not sure I agree with you on this one.
Many of the militants in UAF are just as much up for a fight as their counter-points in EDL.
There's always an element from Class War and SWP mixed in with UAF and they have always been prepared to dish a bit out.

Some of the most committed, fiercest and involved football hooligans I have met have come from affluent backgrounds and if I'm being honest, once the Casual Scene took over you had to have money one way or another to be accepted as a part of it.

I have no time for EDL at all, for various reasons some of which I won't go into at present, to be honest they really, really annoy me.
But I understand why people are going to both them and UKIP - our politicians have failed us completely and they are the nearest thing a growing number of people see as expressing opinions close to their's.
And more and more people are realising that they aren't playing on a level playing field.

I have even less time, in fact it's nothing but contempt and disgust, for anyone who carries out any sort of reprisal attack.

Regards and respect my friend.
edit on 31/5/13 by Freeborn because: spelling

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by Mads1987

The question is 'would she have been arrested for just waving the flag but not shouting anything racist?'

If s, I believe that is the wrong road to take if people can't wave flags about....

Next year we have World Cup Brazil, I'm pretty sure there will be plenty of flag waving going on.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist

But, it is very obviously the case, that she would not have been. You can see flags waving anywhere in the UK on any day, especially Saturdays during the footy season. A guy who lives half a mile from me has a flagpole in his garden and alternates between an Union Flag and a St George flag. I have never spoken to him so I have no clue whether his motives are patriotism or racism, but the flags are there and nobody has arrested him or made him take them down.

Claims such as this are in the same nonsense league as councils banning christmas etc.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 06:42 AM
I guess stupid is as stupid does, on any side of an argument

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by Mads1987

This video is old.

To be fair to the imbred we do have muslim rape gangs. Only recently 8 muslim men were sentenced for the rale and trafficking of white British girls. Some as young as 12.


posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

This is true, but we have white paedophile gangs as well, sometimes human nature is simply barbaric regardless of ethnicity.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by waynos
reply to post by DaRAGE

Please provide evidence to support this claim;

They have these zones now in Britain where laws to ban drinking alcohol because of the local numbers of religious Muslims living in that area not liking it due to it being against their beliefs.

Because I live in Britain and I am sure that is bollocks. There are no areas of Britain legally bound by Sharia Law at all.

I live near a Quaker area of Birmingham called bournville where no alcohol is sold (no shops or licensed premises in the area apart from one exception).

Do people want the Quakers out?

Certain areas can become home to religious minorities, why can't they live by 'their' laws in those places?

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by bates

Because this is a secular nation.

To created 'areas' bound by religious laws would be too create ghettos. And we all know how that turns out.


posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

We already have them though, areas bound by religious laws already exist

They've existed for centuries.

England is not secular either.
edit on 1-6-2013 by bates because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by bates

You are confusing the Law with local tradition. They are not the same thing

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