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Just Hold On. Labelling Children Just Isn't OK.

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posted on May, 29 2013 @ 12:56 PM
I'd take it one step further and say that labelling people and acting as if that is their very defining factor is not okay in general -- regardless of age.

How is "gay" still even talked about in 2013 as if it's a definition of someone. It's not; it's one single facet among millions. Which, I suppose is what makes me find the idea of any group not accepting gay people for something utterly ridiculous. It's silliness. "He's gay so he's X, while others are Y".

I suppose this is particularly bad to do to children because humans, being highly social animals, need to have some levels of acceptance among their peers to develop properly. If they are constantly put into a separate groupings and forced to be separated from their peers based on aspects of themselves, they will question their worth, which could be very damaging. Enough pushing and you get to the point where you either hate society and think everyone who is part of it is worthless, and do something terrible to them, or you get to the point where you think society is right and you hate yourself, and do something terrible to yourself. Seems like that could be part of the reason homosexual suicide rates are so high. Hypothetically, of course.

But it's really sad to see that us, as adults, label eachother so frequently and we too have so much growing up to do still. Time and time again you will meet someone with an opposing veiw, put them in a box, and start parroting some political rhetoric at them and it just goes back and forth forever. People just need to stop, slow down, and show a little perspective now and then.
edit on 29-5-2013 by LightOrange because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by LightOrange

Although I agree with what you're saying, adults are free to make their own decisions cause they have the ability to recognize what they are doing.

Children and young adults, don't have that. Not enough experience, not enough trust in who they are. If we focus on not allowing kids to label themselves, then as adults they won't fall into that trap either.


posted on May, 29 2013 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

This issue has made me think of something else though. Why in the hell are we allowing today's children to define themselves based on sexuality? It seems hardly productive to allow such a narrow view of themselves or the world at such a young age.

This is the foundation of my argument against this whole horrid BSA scene. These are CHILDREN, not playtoys for the gay rights agenda or the anti-gay rights agenda!

Boys, in fact, mature later than girls do in the physical sense anyway. To declare someone gay or straight or inbetween at that age is beyond reason... which is exactly why this show is so disgusting.

Kids have been snatched from their only chance at childhood and turned into political weapons. You may believe in God or not... but those behind this from both ends should answer to someone.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by redoubt
reply to post by tothetenthpower

This issue has made me think of something else though. Why in the hell are we allowing today's children to define themselves based on sexuality? It seems hardly productive to allow such a narrow view of themselves or the world at such a young age.

This is the foundation of my argument against this whole horrid BSA scene. These are CHILDREN, not playtoys for the gay rights agenda or the anti-gay rights agenda!

Boys, in fact, mature later than girls do in the physical sense anyway. To declare someone gay or straight or inbetween at that age is beyond reason... which is exactly why this show is so disgusting.

Kids have been snatched from their only chance at childhood and turned into political weapons. You may believe in God or not... but those behind this from both ends should answer to someone.

I'm not sure why you would say "both ends". The gay children labelled themselves on their own will. They may not know how to interpret their emotions or have a solid grasp on what they are, and if anything that's an argument against the BSA's former exlusions of gay scouts. What does it really matter if the kid says he's gay, especially if he might not be? It doesn't matter at all, unless you're trying to use children as a political weapon.

On the other side, I really don't see how people saying that gay scouts should be accepted is hijacking a kid's childhood; it's protecting it. Only one side of this issue is trying to ruin a kid's childhood to make some political statement -- it's certainly not "the gays". They're just trying to step in between adults bullying children based on their opinions or "values". Which, ironically, seems very adolescent to me.

All in all, I think we should be teaching children not to go and place themselves on any one part of the politcal spectrum; it's no place for a child.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by LightOrange

I'm not sure why you would say "both ends". The gay children labelled themselves on their own will.

You're right. Kids are born with the wisdom of years of life and have experience preprogrammed so that they have all the answers to life's questions before they even reach physical maturity... much less and age where they have touched enough life to gain a grasp on the basic meanings of things like sexuality.

My bad. All parents may now release your kids to raise themselves. They just don't need you.

(Sorry... but I find your logic just a tad hollow...)

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by boncho
Unfortunately new syndromes are affecting kids daily and if we don't address them the total collapse of modern society will surely be the result. I just heard about a new syndrome called BAKS, that is affecting children worldwide. Worldwide. We are eating all new kinds of food, being exposed to all new kinds of radiation, changing the behaviour patterns 99% compared to kids who grew up a hundred or two hundred years ago.

Is it okay to label kids? Well, if they are coming down with various diseases or mental illnesses I guess most of the population is just looking to protect their own or fix them if they are having major problems. But, it doesn't matter anymore because now that BAKS has been identified, it strikes all children regardless of race, creed, location or eating habits.

BAKS is a serious disorder that can affect kids up until the time they hit puberty.

Are you honestly going to sit around when you have kids or are you going to get them tested for BAKS?

Would you not want to know if they are suffering or would you rather just ignore the signs altogether?

Being A Kid Syndrome, or as it is also known as: BAKS, will affect every child born no matter the country or race.

Symptoms include:

-Acting like a little bugger.

-Pissing off people older than you.

-Being a jerk, weasel, little #e, prick, pain in the ass, etc.

-Eating as much sugar as possible

-Farting on people and laughing about it

etc, etc, etc

BAKS has many other symptoms but I don't want to get into them because frankly it is just too terrifying for most people to acknowledge.

In any case, I agree with the OP. Labelling kids is a selfish, idiotic practice done by people with way too much time on their hands.

Well said!

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by CranialSponge

Yah you missed "Soccer Mom" but I guess that could go under the heading of "working mother".

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