I seems the ideology of world peace is; that it must come through global unification, with no separate countries, just state hoods. It seems that the
plan for this has been underway for quite some time, with proponents and opponents. World peace doesn't seem to be just something cute a child wishes
for or the typical pander response of beauty contestants.
It seems the idea of world peace has a political ideology, and the political answer for this to happen is globalization. This first seems to happen
with trade agreements, and setting up central banks, that then turns into trade unions of neighboring countries and a single currency good across all
borders; such as the EU and Euro.
Logic would say this would occur locally with border countries first as it has been, and the countries that refuse get squeezed out from pressure from
neighbors and global trade partners in the form of sanctions... tow the line join globalization for a one world government or good luck making it on
only the resources you have... with the UN playing referee for how much squeezing or fast the process moves against those dragging their feet.
Eventually they will submit and join the chorus and a complete union is formed. So the European union; the not yet formed Americas union, Arabian
union that has been in a constant state of upheaval for quite some time, the Asiatic union basic unification by regions in other words, then all of
these join into one global union comprising state hoods with a one world currency, eventually dissolving even the state hoods at some point, just one
large melting pot of people.
That's the stage or game board of what is being played in global politics... I can see it clearly and I am sure you can too; though not exactly in the
possible unions stated but that's the general idea.
Ok so since that is the direction the world on the political and trade level have been moving to for quite some time and will continue towards unless
they decide this one world one government for world peace ideology is unobtainable and drop out. Like the UK recently wanting to leave the European
union. We can expect to see this agenda pushed all the way to fruition.
The pros I can see for a global unification, is no more borders where humans are free to travel with no imaginary lines in the dirt to stop anyone
from traveling or living where ever in the world they may want too, the custom of currency the same with the same value no matter where one may happen
to go without conversion. That is the biggest positive I see from this, aside from no major wars between separate countries... there may arise civil
war of such a global world against a government but not between individual countries because they wouldn't exist.
The con of course, is the possibility of an Orwellian nightmare; where we humans are just a cog in a machine, that we have no control over and are
just dictated to... where every aspect of our lives are controlled, from cradle to grave. (yes I know it seems many places are like that already or
getting worse)
I see this global agenda heading for a unified Earth; and a lot of feet dragging along the way. I am not sure who set this all in motion but it is in
motion, once accomplished... I am not sure of any agenda afterwards either; is it for global freedom or global repression... I have no idea. So
curiosity has led me to ask, the general ATS public; Are you for a united Earth or against this ideology, wanting to retain separate countries of
sovereignty, and why you choose the for or against position.
edit on 28-5-2013 by BigBrotherDarkness because: edits and title fix