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God-like powers for a day...what would you do?

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posted on May, 28 2013 @ 01:22 AM
Hi Everyone,

I did a search for something like this but couldn't find one - mods feel free to move to another forum if you think this isn't the right place.

So, it's a thought that i've had many times and I like to ponder this question while i'm doing long drives etc. I've got heaps of different ideas of what I would do but for now, i'd like to narrow it down to 5. I'd be interested to hear what other people have to say as i'm sure there would be some great ideas out there.

Anyway, my top 5...drum roll

1) With my supreme powers I would instantly remove every single evil Elite person, people who have aided the elite, people who have committed crimes against humanity, mass-murderers...etc etc. Basically, anyone who has led or helped to keep the masses in enslavement. These people would all be removed to an enormous "jail" of my own making. In this jail, they would have their crimes thrown back at them - ie Greedy elite banksters would be forced to eat money non-stop. Murderers would have the same thing inflicted on them etc etc. This would all be kind of virtual - although they would not know it. So, it would go on and on again until maybe they learn their lessons.

2) All weapons, tanks, fighter jets, nuclear, bombs etc etc will be instantly removed from every person on the planet. I'm a firm believer in "guns don't kill people...people kill people", but this would effectively give everyone a much-needed time out. There's more to this bit but i'll keep it brief for now.

3) All man-made environmental disasters, raping of the natural world will be reversed to what they used to be like. Pollution removed, oil slicks, forests back to how they used to be, animals that we have made extinct through our actions re-instated etc etc.

4) All oil, coal etc type power plants will be removed and everyone on this planet will have their own free energy device that will work perfectly with nature and all their devices/vehicles etc. Goodbye petrol!

5) Everyone will instantly be implanted with a "common" language so that everyone in this world can once again speak the same language. All languages that exist will still be there, this will just be an extra language that is easy to learn for children after this has taken place.

5a) Extra to the new language is that everyone will have the ability (or perhaps unlock the ability we already have) to communicate with all animals in this world telepathically.

I have HEAPS more ideas that I think would transform this world of ours. Things like removing all currency from the world and making it so no-one never needs to work to live etc.

What would you do??

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by Cruff

I would remove every liar, thief, and abuser off the planet.

There would be no elites left - and none of the other common criminals.

Wouldn't that be wonderful?

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Cruff
Hi Everyone,

I did a search for something like this but couldn't find one - mods feel free to move to another forum if you think this isn't the right place.

So, it's a thought that i've had many times and I like to ponder this question while i'm doing long drives etc. I've got heaps of different ideas of what I would do but for now, i'd like to narrow it down to 5. I'd be interested to hear what other people have to say as i'm sure there would be some great ideas out there.

Anyway, my top 5...drum roll

1) With my supreme powers I would instantly remove every single evil Elite person, people who have aided the elite, people who have committed crimes against humanity, mass-murderers...etc etc. Basically, anyone who has led or helped to keep the masses in enslavement. These people would all be removed to an enormous "jail" of my own making. In this jail, they would have their crimes thrown back at them - ie Greedy elite banksters would be forced to eat money non-stop. Murderers would have the same thing inflicted on them etc etc. This would all be kind of virtual - although they would not know it. So, it would go on and on again until maybe they learn their lessons.

2) All weapons, tanks, fighter jets, nuclear, bombs etc etc will be instantly removed from every person on the planet. I'm a firm believer in "guns don't kill people...people kill people", but this would effectively give everyone a much-needed time out. There's more to this bit but i'll keep it brief for now.

3) All man-made environmental disasters, raping of the natural world will be reversed to what they used to be like. Pollution removed, oil slicks, forests back to how they used to be, animals that we have made extinct through our actions re-instated etc etc.

4) All oil, coal etc type power plants will be removed and everyone on this planet will have their own free energy device that will work perfectly with nature and all their devices/vehicles etc. Goodbye petrol!

5) Everyone will instantly be implanted with a "common" language so that everyone in this world can once again speak the same language. All languages that exist will still be there, this will just be an extra language that is easy to learn for children after this has taken place.

5a) Extra to the new language is that everyone will have the ability (or perhaps unlock the ability we already have) to communicate with all animals in this world telepathically.

I have HEAPS more ideas that I think would transform this world of ours. Things like removing all currency from the world and making it so no-one never needs to work to live etc.

What would you do??

Number 3 wont work because you will make alot of people homeless and kill alot of people in the process as the forest destroys all the buildings as they shoot out of the ground.

number 2 wont work because now we all have no arms or legs

number 1 wont work because.......well every family has an evil person and it will cause allot of innocent people to not exist

And removing all liars will strip us of our humanity and cause us to die out

best fix is.... if u do something bad to someone or something u will feel pain and the more bad you do the pain gets worse and it wont go away. This too will cause humanity to go extinct because no one will ever survive past their childhood and would die due to the pain

edit on 7/30/2012 by dreamfox1 because:

edit on 7/30/2012 by dreamfox1 because: :O

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by Cruff

Strip the planet. Firebomb it to the ground, to ashes.

Then replant, re-animal, and only have enough people to begin with you could teach them not to stuff the planet up this time round. Removing elites, evil people, etc simply wouldn't be enough, as more of the same ilk kept down by those up the top would just rise up in their place. It wouldn't be long, even if you did remove all weapons and wars, would new ones just spring up and we'd just be back in the same boat and the same cycle over again.

Then I'd go on a self-guided tour of the universe, just to say I've seen it.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by Happy1

It would be great if we didn't have scumbags on this planet indeed. A big part of the problem though is that a lot of people might steal to survive or other reasons I guess. There would have to be a screening process to see what their intentions are and given a chance to pay for their misdeeds once we live in a world without the need for money.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by Cruff

I would give everyone ESP so they could hear anyone's thoughts when they wanted to hear them. Can't you just imagine the solutions and problems that would create ':-0

Let the carnage begin eh!

Cheers - Dave

edit on 5/28.2013 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by dreamfox1

Hahaha, well, I did say that I would be brief in my descriptions but to answer your points...

1) It would have to be case by case sort of thing...has someone done something evil because they are just an a-hole and there is no hope for them - then they would be removed. If there is hope, then they would have to pay for their actions and go from there.

2) Well, I guess there could always be an army of ninjas sweeping over countries haha..

3) People would be relocated to somewhere nice that they enjoy or they would have an abode that fits in with the surroundings without destroying the forest etc.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by Cruff

But, you're God - you would know the difference between people.

There's people who steal that don't need anything - they're just theives.

Same could be said of murderers.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 01:44 AM
I'd crucify all right wing christians at dawn.

Churches would become social centers for everyone.

And I would make sure you all realise that you have it all wrong, he's not the kind you have to wind up on Sundays.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 01:44 AM
the only things I would do is, take: Nukes and Bio as well as Chem weapons out of the hands of man , take away the Nuke power until he, mankind, has a better understanding of it, what mankind does with all the waste..... other than that leave well enough alone,

oh and one more thing: make all mankind one color for a day for three days, one day red, an other day black, the last day blue or maybe green. It is a good thing mankind can not nor will have that ability. There would be no one left.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by 74Templar

Yep, you do have some good points and I think it was in 1984 where George O said that when the elite aren't around, the middle class rise up to become the elite and the lower class will always be at the bottom. I guess the main thing would be that if there was no currency around the world - people wouldn't need for money and could do what they want (to a degree).

Further to my 5 points, there would be food for everyone that is sustainable and resources managed properly so water was available to everyone too etc.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by Cruff
reply to post by dreamfox1

Hahaha, well, I did say that I would be brief in my descriptions but to answer your points...

1) It would have to be case by case sort of thing...has someone done something evil because they are just an a-hole and there is no hope for them - then they would be removed. If there is hope, then they would have to pay for their actions and go from there.

2) Well, I guess there could always be an army of ninjas sweeping over countries haha..

3) People would be relocated to somewhere nice that they enjoy or they would have an abode that fits in with the surroundings without destroying the forest etc.

Sounds good

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by Happy1

True, so with my super powers, I would screen them and know if they were a thief (for example) because of some reason that wouldn't exist if money didn't exist. If they had a harsh upbringing, were hooked on drugs etc etc, then maybe I would also need to create some instant detox center too haha.

But....if they were just evil pure and simple...then off to the torture chamber with you!

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 01:51 AM
The first thing I would do is make my powers permanent.

I'd figure out the rest as I go.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by ANOK

You bring up a point which I've thought a lot about...Religion.

I would remove all the power in these organised religions everyone in the world would have full access to a kind of book of history that shows the TRUTH about what religion has done to divide us all. This book would show the real truth about all the mysteries that have been hidden from us by the powers that be. I wouldn't show all the mysteries of the world...otherwise we'd all get bored!

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by Cruff

I'd love to see that kind of utopia, where everyone has enough and no-one is basically a slave, which we are still today, just under different circumstances.

Trouble is that thee will always be manipulation and theft, because some people are just wired that way, and nothing short of turning them into a dark shadow on a wall will change that. I've known people who see nothing wrong with cheating on their partners, people who steal from supermarkets believing they are taking down an evil corporation by cutting their profits and people who would rather run down a human being than hit an animal.

Are each of those people evil? That's the problem. It's all just subjective because we are such complex emotional beings, there really is no actual right or wrong. The only way to stop the cancer is either to let it kill the host, or cut it out completely. What we need to change is this 2000 year old set of rules that state we muct be this way in order to get to this or that, and just try our hand at being. Just like animals.

Mind you, I can totally see myself doing this too....

edit on 28/5/2013 by 74Templar because: added video

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

Hahahah yes, I can see how that could get messy quite quickly

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by 74Templar

Yep, some valid points there. I mean, in all of this, I haven't touched on the fact that maybe in this life someone is meant to be an evil murderer to perhaps learn something from it in the grand scheme of things.

I believe in reincarnation so I don't presume to know why people are a certain way - maybe that is their path for this life and if I (as this god) remove all evil intentions etc from everyone then I could also be destroying part of that's soul's progress. Was it emperor Palpatine that said something like to learn the good ways of the force you need to know the dark side as well? Something like that anyway

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by Cruff

That's not what George was talking about. "1984" and "Animal Farm" were about government state systems that posed as socialist, but were really twisting Marxist terms for their own authoritarian ends. They were based mostly on the USSR and the Bolsheviks, who were not communists but simply appropriated left wing terms in order to gain the support of the workers, who were the voting majority, in order to take state power for themselves.

The main premise being centralised state systems turn into dictatorships.

They were supposed to be a warning against believing what state authoritarians were telling us about what they really stood for.

It was not anti-communist as many claim, Orwell was a socialist, and wrote many books on poverty and the awful conditions of the poor. He was a private in the left wing militia during the Spanish Revolution, and later made an officer.

“A Socialist United States of Europe seems to me the only worth-while political objective today.” George Orwell, From "Towards European Unity"

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by Happy1

Have you never told a lie, or stolen anything? You would be getting rid of the entire civilization in your scenario.

I'd like to think that if I had that kind of power I'd do something meaningful like heal all the sick and dying children and maybe I would.

I'd also like to see the dinosaurs roaming around again and travel around the universe in a spaceship. Meet dead people like Einstein and Shakespeare or see my mom again. I'd wipe the television out of existence along with the media. I would reverse and then stop myself from aging.

But ultimately I'd give in to the power of power and lose myself in the process. That s what power does it consumes you until you are nothing but a shell.

Most people in power didn't start out evil. Isn't it strange that the first thought on so many people's minds when they get an illusion of themselves in ultimate power is to murder those already in power. I wonder why no one would rather teach them the error of their ways.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
edit on 28-5-2013 by brandiwine14 because: (no reason given)

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