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How many of you are really prepared for the Dog Eat Dog society you relish and preach on this site?

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posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 02:05 PM
It is my observation that the individuals who proclaim the loudest about those who have should share -- are the very same people who are not productive. These bleeding hearts say "give me because you owe me" and are a cancer to society. They have no shame and no morals. Are these the people we want in the up and coming dog eat dog era?

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by hamburgerler

I think that is not fully true. For example; EVERY single band you see works for years playing music without money or the promise of money. The people who innovate, do so because they have passion that transcends money.

Excuse me? So bands, be they playing a small honky tonk, or a coliseum, don't get paid? All those contestants on American Idol don't really want a recording contract?

People who innovate, have no desire to see their innovation pay off?

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by searching411
It is my observation that the individuals who proclaim the loudest about those who have should share -- are the very same people who are not productive. These bleeding hearts say "give me because you owe me" and are a cancer to society. They have no shame and no morals. Are these the people we want in the up and coming dog eat dog era?

You and your kind spend so much time complaining about the "cancer" in our society, yet you've run up a national debt of almost 17 trillion dollars. You and your "give it to me now and I'll pay ya later" addiction is the cancer in our society, not the people on welfare. You are the ones with your hand out.

I have proudly turned my nose to the corporate brainwashing indoctrination the rest of you let pull you around by the short and curlies. I have no debt, and for the record, I just entered the 6 digit tax bracket again this year. I have no credit cards and never have.

I can also proudly say that the my level of income has never, and will never, change the level of compassion I have for my fellow human beings... including you.

edit on 1-6-2013 by Bone75 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by Bone75

First you talk about how you're going to eliminate money, now you're bragging about how much money you make.

Alrighty then...

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Originally posted by Bone75
reply to post by NavyDoc

You'll have to forgive my ignorance. He's not exactly required reading in the world of self education. A good thing by the sounds of it.

Ah, "self education." There we have it folks.

The greatest minds in recorded history were self educated. Take these for example...

6 Uneducated Amateurs Whose Genius Changed The World

I could name a thousand more, but I don't think that's necessary.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by 2ndthought
reply to post by Bone75

First you talk about how you're going to eliminate money, now you're bragging about how much money you make.

Alrighty then...

I wasn't bragging, I was pointing out his ignorance. And yes I would trade a million dollar a year job to know that no one in the world is starving, sleeping under a bridge, dying for my oil, or being forced to work for slave wages so that I can have shoes, phones, and televisions.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Originally posted by crazyewok

Originally posted by NavyDoc
Really? The guy who cracks your chest open and keep s you alive is the equivalent of the janitor? LOL.

With out the janitor to clean up then the person who chest has been cracked open will most likely die of infection.

Without the support team that surgeon has less time to save more lifes.
edit on 1-6-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

ANd the surgeon is the one who knows how to do the work and is trained in it and experienced in it and to compare him to a janitor is rather idiotic.

And I was a microbiologist . Very skilled bla bla bla but to do my work I had teams of lab assitants and cleaners ect

Without them I my productivity would have been a fraction.

One should always remember and be thankfull for those under you.

No a janitor does not deserve the same wage as a doctor but be does deserve thanks and appreciation .

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Bone75

I did not run up the debt. I work, pay my bills and pay MY TAXES, provide my own health insurance. All of this without Government help. Can you say the same?

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by Martin75

And you don't mind carrying the guys at the top of the food chain who steal from you every chance they get. The lobbyists who pay off members of Congress to do their bidding and in opposition to what's good for you and yours. That's all about money. You don't mind if members of Congress get the best possible health care available to man while you settle for the best you can eke out. Don't forget, too, that as you must pay more taxes per dollar earned than your wealthy who get tax breaks all over the place. Who do you think is picking up that slack? You are. And while the large corporations are making zillions, they don't pay anywhere near their fair share of taxes. Also, when the banks bleed you dry, you're also picking up the slack--with some even losing their homes. Kindly remember that the welfare state exists at the top of the pyramid, not at the bottom--not now or ever.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by searching411
reply to post by Bone75

I did not run up the debt. I work, pay my bills and pay MY TAXES, provide my own health insurance. All of this without Government help. Can you say the same?

I've been up, and I've been down. The one time I swallowed my pride and excepted help is when I was raising 3 kids by myself and hurt my knee on the job. My employer wasn't carrying workman's comp on me so I had to file for assistance to get through it.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you personally for feeding me and my kids for about 6 months.

And yes, I pay every penny of my taxes... unless you consider claiming 1 child tax credit a year stealing from you and cheating the system as well.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by 2ndthought
reply to post by hamburgerler

I think that is not fully true. For example; EVERY single band you see works for years playing music without money or the promise of money. The people who innovate, do so because they have passion that transcends money.

Excuse me? So bands, be they playing a small honky tonk, or a coliseum, don't get paid? All those contestants on American Idol don't really want a recording contract?

People who innovate, have no desire to see their innovation pay off?

Your excused for forgetting your previous post and trying to misrepresent mine

No worries about that roof over their heads, no worries about the next meal, will eventually lead to no desire to compete. No competition, even if only against their own abilities, will lead to no innovation. No innovation will lead to no progress.

Not to mention apathy. No desire. Why bother to better yourself, if there's nothing in it?

Innovation does not require money, it requires passion, and sure, people love a pay off. But assuming that humanity will stop innovating because of money is not realistic. True innovation is based upon passion, it is a far better motivator than greed.

posted on Jun, 1 2013 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by Bone75

Originally posted by searching411
reply to post by Bone75

I did not run up the debt. I work, pay my bills and pay MY TAXES, provide my own health insurance. All of this without Government help. Can you say the same?

I've been up, and I've been down. The one time I swallowed my pride and excepted help is when I was raising 3 kids by myself and hurt my knee on the job. My employer wasn't carrying workman's comp on me so I had to file for assistance to get through it.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you personally for feeding me and my kids for about 6 months.

And yes, I pay every penny of my taxes... unless you consider claiming 1 child tax credit a year stealing from you and cheating the system as well.

Well Bone75, I am happy that my money went towards helping you and yours when you needed it. The fraternity
that use to be apart of the American idea is dying, it has been replaced by a penny pinching lot who think life and good should be measured in dollars.

Cheers to you, hope all is better!

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by leftofplumb
reply to post by Martin75

And you don't mind carrying the guys at the top of the food chain who steal from you every chance they get. The lobbyists who pay off members of Congress to do their bidding and in opposition to what's good for you and yours. That's all about money. You don't mind if members of Congress get the best possible health care available to man while you settle for the best you can eke out. Don't forget, too, that as you must pay more taxes per dollar earned than your wealthy who get tax breaks all over the place. Who do you think is picking up that slack? You are. And while the large corporations are making zillions, they don't pay anywhere near their fair share of taxes. Also, when the banks bleed you dry, you're also picking up the slack--with some even losing their homes. Kindly remember that the welfare state exists at the top of the pyramid, not at the bottom--not now or ever.

Very powerful points!

I find it is interesting that the elite portion of society is never charged with any sort of malfeasance, while the poor are the focus of all the scorn and criticism.

I think there is hidden rage towards the poor; OR, maybe their is also a great level of admiration towards the wealthy.

Some of the most lazy, and half-ass people I have ever met are financially well to do, they feel like their business or station makes them better than other people. What some of our friends here want to us to forget is that money begets money. There is a point where the acquisition of money requires a push of a button, or simply the signature on a contract. How Lazy Is That??? Then these same people get the government to foot their share of the bill, by getting the government to cut money from things that better society.

I am sorry to everyone reading, but I will never believe that the point of life is money. I'll be damned if I accept that this country goes backwards and turns it's back when people are down and out. People life, while they are alive, is the most precious thing on this planet, not money or opulence. There is a moral imperative for a safety net in this country because it is right to make life better for everyone who is suffering. I also agree people need to learn to work if they are abusing the system.
edit on 2-6-2013 by hamburgerler because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by hamburgerler

A dream world is all that has been provided by you and bones. I leave you with this...

Necessity is the mother of invention. When all things necessary are provided, where is the need for invention? When all needs are met in an automated world, there's only so many times you can sign Kumbaya around a synthetic campfire.

Also, as I see it, you're thinking in the short term. I see this scenario in the long term. Eventually, I see this dream world nirvana stagnating into obscurity.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by Bone75

Originally posted by 2ndthought
reply to post by Bone75

First you talk about how you're going to eliminate money, now you're bragging about how much money you make.

Alrighty then...

I wasn't bragging, I was pointing out his ignorance. And yes I would trade a million dollar a year job to know that no one in the world is starving, sleeping under a bridge, dying for my oil, or being forced to work for slave wages so that I can have shoes, phones, and televisions.

I have no debt, and for the record, I just entered the 6 digit tax bracket again this year. I have no credit cards and never have. I can also proudly say that the my level of income

Not bragging? If you say so.

As for that 17 trillion debt. A good portion of that was borrowed/incurred to pay the 'social welfare' bill. To keep happy the generations of people that have come to rely on those programs to keep them from having to take responsibility for themselves. I believe that if an honest evaluation were done, we'd find that a relatively small percentage of the total are in true need of these programs. The rest just leech from the system.

And don't start with how corporate America has kept them down. Democrat politicians have kept them down by promising the moon, but delivering a handful of dirt.

My income hasn't exceeded about 32K in my 40 some years of work. Up one year, down the next. I'm not complaining. I'm single, no kids. No financial responsibilities in that direction. I've had a blast thru life. Worked hard and played hard. And most of my jobs have come from those that you love to denigrate. The corporate world. Do I owe them? No. I gave them my time and efforts, they paid me for it. But I'm not going to condemn them either. I've earned my sustenance from them. I'd bet everyone on here has. So sure. Let's destroy them. Let's see where the world goes after that.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 08:48 AM
Thanks to the OP for the question....I would ask the same to those long Gold and Silver who want the STHTF so they can "profit" from same. Do you really want that? Really? Consider that a) the goverment will probably confiscate gold (and maybe silver and plat group metals as well) and the penalty for failure to comply could be quite severe. b) if the dollar totally collapses do you really want to take profits in monopoly money? c) what do you think will happen when people learn that you are hoarding precious metals for barter? Not that investing in gold and silver (at the right price levels) is a bad idea.....just be careful what you wish for.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

Ironically, after most of the "preppers" 6~ months supply of stored food runs out the homeless will probably be better off than they are. Why? Despite not having the skills to make it in society they have the base skills to survive on the streets and are already psychologically conditioned for that lifestyle. Most of civilized society will literally loose it when TSHTF and their supplies run out.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by 2ndthought
[ But I'm not going to condemn them either. I've earned my sustenance from them. I'd bet everyone on here has. So sure. Let's destroy them. Let's see where the world goes after that.

O hang on a minute you preach we should all take responsibility one minute.

But when those at the top commit basicaly dam right criminal/ negligance mistakes its ok for them to get away scot free with a multi million pound pension or keep there job?

Responsibility works both ways. There are those at the top who are just as gulity of bringing the world down than those at the bottom. Both need to be clamped down on.

I have no problem with cracking down on those at the bottom abusing welfare as long as we clamp down on those at the top expoiting there power and connections to commit dishonnest and illegal acts!


edit on 2-6-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-6-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by crazyewok

Yeah, I never understood this mentality either, crazyewok.

I guess even a kicked and beaten dog will still eat the food its abuser sets out for it.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by 2ndthought

When all needs are met in an automated world, there's only so many times you can sign Kumbaya around a synthetic campfire.

Correct. What comes out of boredom? Do you think campfire songs and video games are how everyone would choose to spend their time? We would have the time and resources to actually complete the projects we start, and we would start those projects without the motivation of money. They would come out of passion and pride as a way of expressing ourselves and seeking acceptance, just like we do now.

Do you think we're ever going to see the full benefits of 3D printing in our current system? How about devices that would disconnect us all from the power grid? Water-powered cars?

Technology will eventually put us all out of work and that will be a very bad thing in this game of "dog eat dog". We have to get rid of money, its the natural order of our progression and technology has reached a point where its more than just possible, its logical.

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