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Bashar about Chemtrails and how whistleblowers are the greatest help for the power hungry elite!

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posted on May, 27 2013 @ 07:46 AM
My gut often told me that 9.11 was an act to imprint a certain archetypical energy in our mind giving us the impression there are powers out there that control us. This would be the conspiracy of the conspiracy. They WANTED us to SEE the conspiracy to show us their power.

Bashar says some interesting points about that and as i know him he will get more into detail about that one day.

Also interesting the part about the chemtrails...

Nice session:

edit on 27-5-2013 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by kauskau

i watched the video. hadn't seen this guy before.. but it's little wonder he's saying what they all somehow manage to reassure us of.. that we're in charge, we've got control (mid to late video content) ..i just see this as part of "the new-age agenda" ('s a whole other topic)

we've even heard about monatomic gold, starfire, mana (etc) in many forms now.. but these supposed higher beings never seem to go into the more technical details of any of that..

even if "they" were to actually start this hypothetical "gold spraying" tomorrow, and "fixing" everything.. it would still all be a process we (joe public) are totally uninformed about. so how are we in any kind of control? how are we in charge? ...none of it makes any 'real' sense.

..this (channeled) info is "supposed" to be relevant to our day to day lives, yet we're essentially told the answer is to create a make-believe fairy land
(we're told that gold spraying would correct the situation, but then told to create our own world) ..some of us have been in the tinfoil scene too long to buy into this stuff

..cheaper than a ticket to disneyland and twice as entertaining /shrug

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 08:29 AM
I've listened to this guy before at length and I'm convinced he's a fraud.

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 08:49 AM
Bashar is a master at word salad and explaining lots of New Age concepts we've all already heard time and time before. He never offers anything new, never explains anything truly advanced about physics or philosophy. He is a master at fooling New Agers and spiritualists into believing he's actually channeling Bashar from another dimension. Hard to believe he has such a huge following, but so does Sylvia Browne and James van Praagh. Sad that so many put their faith and belief in con artists.

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 08:52 AM
ok - explain how gold would work ?

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by kauskau

if your going to post Bashar on this site. be ready for the old overcoat skeptical shill storm you've triggered.

People on this site have this godless, hyper atheist, anything that fits a paranormal rubric, target list for flaming and defaming.

Despite everything said in the video being perfectly verifiable information a cuddle-fish with a keyboard could go and fetch about the climate engineering going on and openly being talked about on the web. unless its an extreme idea they can rally for or against like the governments spraying us to death from high altitudes or the other ridiculous extreme (its nothing) its ridicule, spit, and baby screams out of this lot.

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 09:06 AM
These stories are getting worse and worse.
Why are they posted?

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 09:12 AM
I watched two interesting videos yesterday. One was about levels of psychiatric disorder in the general population. It stated that the average person has a bad/good thought ratio of 4:1. Or, for every positive thought they have, they have 4 negative thoughts. 1:1 is balanced, 2:1 is irritable, 3:1 is unstable, 4:1 is traumatized 5:1 is manic-depressive, 6:1 is bi-polar, 7:1 is schizophrenic and 8:1 is psychotic.

The second video I watched was regarding an isolated group of random number generators. These number generators have been producing, in isolation, random numbers for some time now. The data has been recorded and a correlation has been identified between global events such as 9/11 and anomalies in the generation of random numbers. In other words, it appeared as though the random number generators attempted to synchronize with each other rather than generate the expected random number. The theory being, collective consciousness can affect or perhaps even predict random events.

I couldn't help but think that these two were related. A great deal of research has gone into finding out how suggestible people are when in a state of trauma. If as a population we are in a collective state of trauma then we are suggestible. The events of 9/11 and some since have been shown to have a possible collective effect. Was 9/11 a sort of synchronizing of the clocks in our head? If you get my drift. Like tuning everyone in to the same station at the same time before you broadcast your message?

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by Huggiesunrise

People on this site have this godless, hyper atheist, anything that fits a paranormal rubric, target list for flaming and defaming.

Either that or they don't buy total BS which is what Darryl Anka and his imaginary friend spoon feed the gullible .

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by Huggiesunrise
reply to post by kauskau

if your going to post Bashar on this site. be ready for the old overcoat skeptical shill storm you've triggered.

People on this site have this godless, hyper atheist, anything that fits a paranormal rubric, target list for flaming and defaming.

I have a lot of experience in studying and being around channelers. I am not a complete skeptic about channelling. But there is no question in my mind Anka is either deluded or a willing fraud. Thankfully, we live in the information age, and I think it's good that people should deny ignorance and should hear both sides of an argument (I know, it really burns you up, huh?). I couldn't care less whether climate control is true or not, what I care about is when conartists use these subjects to promote metaphysical BS in order to make money of the gullible and delusional.

Despite everything said in the video being perfectly verifiable information a cuddle-fish with a keyboard could go and fetch about the climate engineering going on and openly being talked about on the web.

I noticed you skipped the gold part. Where is this verifiable? From Bashar? Can you please have Bashar explain the science behind how Gold being sprayed into our atmosphere would magically clean up the environment as he claimed?? PLEASE... no metaphysical/philosophical explanations... let's just hear the science behind it. I won't be waiting, because I already know from studying Bashar myself that you will never hear anything which satisfactorily explains his claim with facts and real science behind it. Are you a cuddle-fish too then??

Are the Bashar skeptics really the shills? The guy offers you a one word explanation for cleaning the environment, "Gold", no followup whatsoever, no explanation, he even spit it out with a straight face. And we're the shills? Everytime I come to this site I lose a little more faith in humanity and I understand why for thousands of years we were slaves to our masters and never questioned anything that was told to us and took it all as fact. Sickening.

its ridicule, spit, and baby screams out of this lot.

Sounds a lot like what you're doing actually, huh? Where is your argument exactly?

edit on 27-5-2013 by jheherrin because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-5-2013 by jheherrin because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 09:56 AM
Are there whistle blowers to the chem trail conspiracy are there?

I mean a thread was started recently with "whistle blower" and "chem trails" together yet the one whistle blowing stated they are not exposing chem trails.

I am just wondering what whistle blowers have come forward.

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by Huggiesunrise
a cuddle-fish with a keyboard could go and fetch

Any cuddle-fish with a keyboard can go and read about every single metaphysical philosophical topic Bashar has ever talked about and see it was already known and discussed before Bashar was even a twinkle in his host's father's eye. Bashar is supposed to be from an advanced race. He's supposed to be a higher life form, an ambassador of his race, sent here to further our species, help us, and advance our knowledge. (None of which he does for free I might add, besides his free Youtube videos which are obviously promotional vehicles for his vast merchandising and touring empire - go look for yourself... this guy loves money). Why can he tell us no more than we can read from any other New Age book on spiritual philosophy??

Please post one subject Bashar, the Extradimensional being who somehow only has an IQ about the same as an above-average intelligent human being has, please show one metaphysical/philosophical topic that Bashar has given us that has advanced our knowledge of philosophy and metaphysics. JUST ONE!

Deny Ignorance! Or embrace it because it sounds wonderful and 'resonates'.
edit on 27-5-2013 by jheherrin because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-5-2013 by jheherrin because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by jheherrin
Bashar is a master at word salad and explaining lots of New Age concepts we've all already heard time and time before. He never offers anything new, never explains anything truly advanced about physics or philosophy. He is a master at fooling New Agers and spiritualists into believing he's actually channeling Bashar from another dimension. Hard to believe he has such a huge following, but so does Sylvia Browne and James van Praagh. Sad that so many put their faith and belief in con artists.

Ever the way of humanity. Prostitution is called "the world's oldest profession" but people who say that are mistaken; shaman / witchdoctor / priest / psychic / seer et al is the oldest, and least honorable profession. At least most prostitutes DELIVER on what they are selling

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 03:46 PM
bashar is the real deal.

its interesting that on ats only a few can perceive this..

edit on 27-5-2013 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2013 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by kauskau

bashar is the real deal.

Some believe this guy is the real deal but like Bashar its all an act .

Their claims are different but they are two sides of the same coin .

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by gortex

one day you will give it a chance and see that it is impossible for a hoaxer to flow like darryl/bashar does..

its obvious that the intelligence displayed here is beyond the capacity of an hoaxer ....

but i guess one can only see that if you choose to.

but one day we will discuss this topic again when all know that he is real...i hope it is there are so many beneficial information bashar offers...
He helped me change my life completly...i was depressive, really afraid of a lot of stuff and now i am in control of my life.

But ok...ill accept that here people just dont want to believe it.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 04:54 AM

Originally posted by gortex
reply to post by kauskau

bashar is the real deal.

Some believe this guy is the real deal but like Bashar its all an act .

Their claims are different but they are two sides of the same coin .

they have NOTHING to do with each other..the only thing you see is that they are boat hoaxers..thats all.
You could also have shown me david blane...or stuff.

my god this guy obiously is not in flow..

you are blind to compare the energy of both...bashars flow is NOT HUMAN..
i more than 1 hour of material and your barrier of scepticism will break.
(if you are open minded)

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 09:04 AM
Chemtrails are lacing us with alloys and nano fibers.

Why is not perfectly clear to me. It could be Haarp related to intensify atmospheric conductivity. It could be Biometrics to track people, make us susceptible to radio / electromagnetic influence, or to read our brain waves to gauge our thoughts, or to set up a nano fiber network for a mass panic/sleep switch.

Whatever it is, they aren't simply poisoning us. If that was the goal they would just hit the water supplies. There is an advanced technology involved here that contains nano chips and fibers being applied topically to every NATO country.

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by kauskau

its obvious that the intelligence displayed here is beyond the capacity of an hoaxer ....

Why? don't hoaxers have internet access?

posted on May, 28 2013 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by Mykah

There is an advanced technology involved here that contains nano chips and fibers being applied topically to every NATO country.

What about non NATO countries?

Are they safe from these advanced technologies?

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