posted on May, 27 2013 @ 06:39 PM
Its not possible with cable tv yet, but if you have google fiber, it most certainly is. Wait till google owns the planet, then you'll see what THEY
want you to see (video), hear (mp3) and read (internet), and they will know everything you do, everywhere you go, who knows, perhaps even your
Personally, I'm glad my life is better than 3/4 over, the way most people are embracing the new technologies, I don't think I want any part of it,
I'd rather stay human. (and my friends and family all consider me a techie, bought my first computer in 1982 and have been online since 1983). Don't
get me wrong, I love technology, I just don't like the way things are heading. The 'hive mentality' is coming, its already in the 'clouds'.